A New Player's Journey & Thoughts (The First Few Days)

Its really not useful late game though

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I know the force powers are receiving an overhaul that is very fundamental and how beyond the basic stuff like push, life drain, aura and heal there will be some very special Sith and Jedi specific things depending on what subclass/path you role play progression achieve with DM help… but right now it just kind of feels like a special prestige class for an elite select few and the rest of us are gonna be scratching our chins unable to guess what exactly folks are looking for to be able to grant the shiny, kind of?

Maybe somebody should do a guide titled something like: So You Want Your Character To Be a Jedi or Dark Jedi… ?

Well… it’s actually not hard to figure out how to join the order. In case of the Jedi:

  • Having a Jedi background (youngling or padawan) as part of your biography helps big time obviously. The reason is quite simple…generally Jedi training takes several years and the training begins at an early age (most younglings are between 4 and 7 years old). Padawans stay with their masters for years before their knight’s trial as well.
    Exceptions may be made under unusual circumstances but are very rare.

  • Having an emotionally and/or mentally stable character. Emotionally/mentally unstable characters can be fun to play, but they’re not Jedi material.

  • Having a character who isn’t overtly rebellious. Again, it may be a fun concept to play, but a character who constantly questions his master’s orders will likely be kicked out of the order.

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:bulb: I kinda want to make a version of the Blazing Chain space pirates tbh… but I think that’s more Legacy Era and less Old Republic, maybe?

I’d like to heavily second Kendaric’s notion.
Though I would say that it is okay to disagree with your master, but able to have an open mind to their way.

I’d like to heavily enforce the:

From an OOG perspective it should be easy to see how to build a character into jedi material.
From an IC perspective it would be a lot of shifting your entire life.
I think once there is less focus on jedi, they are not supposed to be super common afaik, especially following the Mando wars, then it will fix some of that issue.
But as it is star wars many people want to play Jedi.

Oh, so you think everybody should have to be already pretty much perfect first before they even attempt to start? :roll_eyes: Oof.
Well there goes progression and dynamism.

Well okay, maybe they don’t have to necessarily all be, but yeah I get how that would help a character get in easier.

It isnt a matter of perfection it is a matter of compatibility.
If someone who is mentally unstable, brash, and full of passions, then no they would not be trained as per lore.


Yeah but you shouldn’t have to be an extremely special snowflake just to be considered for application during the Old Republic Era this close following the heels of the golden age. That’s closer towards the Clone Wars which were during the exact tail end of the Old Republic. I’m gonna agree to disagree.

Almost all the books, movies and games have centered around iconoclastic and imperfect Jedi who struggled with the balance between dark and light in order to grow.

The point is: Trying to fit an unsuited character concept into the Jedi order (or Sith) is difficult at best and impossible at worst. It doesn’t mean one can’t try, but if you do you should be prepared for disappointment.

Jedi are very picky about who they train and it should remain that way.

Those characters are sort of “special snowflakes” and don’t reflect the Jedi as a whole. Also, there’s nothing wrong with playing an iconoclastic Jedi, but you have to be aware that a character with such a trait will be less likely to receive training, especially if the behaviour obvious.

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Well, yeah… Granted! :sweat:

The Jedi and the Sith are both religious orders with clear, defined and strong belief systems and codes of behaviour. If you want to pick and choose, they either don’t let you in, or kick you out as soon as they figure that. Neither order welcomes chaotic influences.


Go eat a bag of dianogas, please?.. Do you guys have any idea how irritating being constantly told your best is never good enough is? :heart:

A.) Not doing “whatever I want”.
B.) Matching up as close as I can.
C.) Still being treated like a wildcard.
D.) Reward = be excluded and shunned & told to Enjoy it!
E.) So what do you do then? What alternatives are there for force users who don’t make the “Supposedly supposed to be incredibly selective cut”?

Alternative force traditions
There are plenty of non jedi /sith traditions you could also make your own really the Galaxy is a big place.
Out of the three force users I have played here one was a jedi adherent.
The others were a polytheistic light side user that believed in helping others and using his abilities to help others with a strong physical focus. I forget all the tenets of his faith but I had them written down when I actively played him.
The other is a dualistic religious link where both light and dark are used in balance to maintain harmony among the practitioners. They believe heavily in how you use it an karmic justice.
You do not have to be a jedi or sith to be a force practitioner.

Okay I think I’ll do that and look to the traditions of some ragtag group like the Blazing Chain pirates or Zeison Sha or Wardens of the Sky because honestly… being repeatedly told “anybody who doesn’t already narrowly fit our incredibly stringent but unwilling to be specified ‘standards’ (because it simply makes total sense to us so what the hell is wrong with you for being unable to guess correctly) if they deviate at all instead of having 112% conformity = garbage unworthy of consideration” is really, truly a pisser. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think it’s dumb and not a good way to represent the golden age, tales of the Jedi and old republic period but I’m outnumbered and you really can’t role play all by yourself, so Option 3 “alternative force traditions” is looking better and better!
Does anybody ever read the comics or any SW EU role play source/core lore books? At all? Like seriously? Because it is sounding like they -really- don’t.

Or just stop trying to be a Jedi if the main criteria is not reachable by your character instead of growing upset. Or make a new character who might fit the criteria better.


This sums it up pretty well. What you’re trying is essentially trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, which just isn’t going to work and it’s causing you a lot of frustation.

I don’t feel like I’ll be able to ever make any character that can successfully fit anybody’s criteria to their satisfaction - for anything- ever? Yes that’s upsetting and frustrating.
Hi, I guess I’m the square peg.

Super helpful here. Ty! :grin:

Bear in mind, the posts in this thread are mostly 3 years old. A lot’s changed since then. In particular, this game received a massive revamp/overhaul in how skills/crafting/perks/equipment works sometime around July of 2022 which really reduces the utility of most feedback or guide posts anywhere in this forum that are older than that.

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