Translation to real world English:
Right. May as well start one of these. Force knows I’ll need it with my suuuuper dangerous lifestyle. Anyways, I’m Aedan Terallis. I was originally born on Corellia. After around 7 full standard rotations, my parents left me with a wookiee clan whom they were always close with, in order to go fight in the Mandalorian War. For my entire youth, I was raised by the clan on Kashyyyk, learning all sorts of interesting and fun things to do. After that, I went my own way, taking odd jobs where I could find them, and meeting all sorts of new people.
Eventually, I had a day where I guess latent sensitivity just came out in me. Wound up sending a cup across the room when I was feeling a bit frustrated by a job. Not like I had no idea what the Force was at the time, mind you. Well, I didn’t know exactly what it was, but I knew it was something used by the Jedi, and before that the Sith of old. Not to associate myself with the blasted Sith of all things, though. From there, I just continued on what I was doing, taking time to also ask questions to any Jedi I came across. I suppose maybe things would’ve gone very differently at the time, should I have just come out and mentioned what was going on there.
Skipping forward, though, I found my way here, to this backwater world. Had some interesting… adventures, I guess you could say. Met people, too. A small few of whom I can honestly call friends. The most important, to me, was meeting Sandra, however. She’s taught me much in the ways of the Force, so far, as she’s a Jedi Knight. I truly am thankful to her for all of this. At the same time, though, I didn’t expect to get along as well as we do, either. Still fun to poke fun, though. I just hope it doesn’t blow up in my face one of these days.
Others of note are people like Lucas, who… well, he’s a guy and he’s fun to chat with. That’s all I’ll say there. Saved my ass on a few occasions, though. There’s Jaycen, who’s Sandra’s actual Padawan. Haven’t known him as long, but we get along pretty well, I’d say. Naturals with the Force, too, though a lot of that is due to Sandra’s teachings.
Zain was the first one I really met since I arriving here. Half of him is machine or synthetic. Not sure how he really does it, to be honest. I feel like I’d go insane with so much tech built into me. He’s… eccentric to say the least, though. As bad as it is to say, he’s definitely filled with delusions and talking to him is much like a wall, much of the time. I try to keep my patience as best as I can, however, as he’s not really a bad guy or anything. Just wish he’d actually listen and retain the advice I give him, along with the advice of so many others.
But yeah. There have been others I’ve met, though I wouldn’t say I’m particularly close to them. At least not yet. Very few interactions with them, for instance, or just known them for a short time. But given my bubbling personality, I’m sure things will get there. But I’ll leave it there for now, I suppose. Don’t wanna make this entry too long or anything. Hell, I could make long entries just from some other things I’d like to put down into words, but I don’t think those may ever be recorded like this. Too sensitive.
End log.
Entry 1
So here’s the first proper entry, rather than the one kinda catching up on things and mentioning about my past and the like. You know, everyone needs a backstory, am I right? Anyways, I’ve honestly had more action and adventure going on these past few days than probably my whole life combined. Had to deal with a small group of bounty hunters sent by the Hutts, though they weren’t after me at all. Right after that, a ship crashed nearby carrying a badly wounded Jedi Master named Vrake. We helped him to where he needed to go and it was mentioned he was stable and would recover.
Just last night, we we encountered tremors again, though this time managed to properly find out what was causing them. Tunnels of giant insectoid creatures that were burrowing beneath Veles. Managed to hold them off and even take down a bigger one. At the same time, met some Czerka people with their droid. (Rest in pieces, Timmy.) They had a really loud, angry woman in charge. That was interesting. One or two of the Czerka people were killed by the things, unfortunately. As much as I don’t like Czerka, still doesn’t mean I wish death on those only trying to do their jobs.
After that, I got covered in bug guts when the big one exploded. Managed to get myself cleaned up, at least. THat said, before I could head back to do said cleaning up, a lizard from the mountains came charging up. Was wary at first, but it seemed entirely friendly. Althea seemed to know its name and everything. Turns out it was sent there by Hohenfel, whom I’ve been looking to properly meet for some time. To the forest we went!
Met up with Seela and Jaycen there, too, after meeting Hohenfel. Don’t think I’ve ever actually met a Master of the High Council, and he is one, so that happened. Think we’ll get along fine, though. We wound up heading off to a tropical planet, to a secluded island for some training under him. He taught us to properly use Shien, though only the basics. That said, it gives me something to practice, at least. Messed up a couple of times, but that’s all part of training, really.
Going forward, I imagine things will continue to be rather eventful.
End log.
Entry 2
So, that happened. Definitely a long, interesting day that we had. Falling unconscious, waking up inside crates on Tatooine, having to make a delivery to pay our way. I’m honestly surprised I don’t have more sand in my boots from it all.
So yeah. To explain, we were by the docks when we suddenly got really tired. We being Sandra, Jaycen, and me. We lost consciousness and woke up inside some sort of crates in a shop on Tatooine. Nearly gave the shop keeper a heart attack. (Question to self: Do Rodians get heart attacks like humans do? A question for later, maybe.) Apparently we arrived in place of a shipment of whiskey he was meant to receive, so we had to do a job for him to pay things off. I should also point out we lacked any of our equipment, credits, and even felt cut off from the Force. That was weird.
It definitely took a lot of ingenuity and resourcefulness on our part to figure things out. Hells, I got another usual cantina experience when a large furry humanoid threw me out of there by the neck. Kinda reminds me of the wookiees, to be honest, but maybe a little more angry. Eventually we set off for Mos Espa from Anchorhead. That was a super long and arduous journey. Met a guy that looked to be dying, and then he was dragged off by a weirdly domesticated bantha, but then we got pulled into a trap in the canyons by that nearly-dead guy. Then, as expected of the fire fight that was happening, the Tuskens made short work of that guy and all the other guys he brought for the ambush, and we managed to sneak away. It was a wild ride that really tested our abilities.
Ultimately we delivered the shipment and got a ride back to Anchorhead. Wound up finding a familiar face there. Very lucky at that, too. Booked a charter back to Viscara, but things started getting fishy there. Won’t say exactly what, just in case, but it was suuuuper fishy. Managed to get a favour from that familiar face and got a ride back with him, after doing a few things at the cantina first. Good thing, too. While I don’t like what may have happened to the passengers on board, we saw the ship we were originally gonna be arriving on get shot down by artillery fire. Looks like it crashed way out in the swamp, likely a few hundred clicks from Veles.
But yeah. Long trip. We got our stuff back and our connection to the Force is restored. There were a few other things involved, but they’re not terribly important.
End log.
Entry 3
I feel like I’ve got a long way to go in certain things. So many things I can’t understand right now, others that I don’t want to understand, and all wrapped up with larger theories on things that may not even be listened to. This entry is probably gonna be a little less sounding like I usually do. There’s just so much going on right now. Though, I won’t really record certain things here, just in case.
I make my decisions based on my experiences. Without experiences, I can’t judge things for how they may really be. I need to just keep training and take everything I learn from my lessons, regardless of what they are, and learn from them. I may seem naive in places. Even I can see that. But there are still just so many things that don’t make proper sense to me. Perhaps in time they will, or in time I’ll be able to make far better judgement on them and be able to better prove that they make less and less sense every time they’re explained.
No one ever said this training would be easy, and I continue to accept that. So many difficult lessons. So many thoughts I can’t help but dwell on. I’m not one to give up so easily, though. But in the end, I’m still only human. I can’t function like some sort of machine to get through all this, and nor should anyone else. I worry as much as anyone else does when it’s warranted. I just hope these suspicions I have in the back of my mind are wrong, though.
Anyways, time to end these odd ramblings for now.
End log.
Entry 4
So it’s been a few days. Definitely realizing I’m not great at keeping up with this thing. So what have I been up to? Not too much, I suppose. After learning Makashi from Sandra, I’ve been putting a lot of practice into it, and still working on my movements with Shien. Improving quite a bit with both, I’d say. Though, I suppose I’ve generally been a pretty fast learner. Still got a ways to go before I’m skilled in either of them, however.
On top of that, I’ve mostly just been sticking with my general routines. Meditation, reflection, training, and so on. Aside from a brief back and forth with jokes over the holonet, from boredom, I haven’t even really spoken to many people as of late. Not that I’ve ever been opposed to being alone. Though, being alone with certain lingering thoughts still doesn’t seem the best idea. Maybe I should speak with Sandra again soon.
But hey. Rather short entry given the time since my last one, but can’t do anything about not much really going on.
End log.
Entry 5
Still not posting in here terribly frequently, it seems. But oh well. Also still not getting into specifics again, in case I lose this damn thing, but I feel things are really looking up. I feel more calm and at ease than I have in a very long time. It’s been a bit of a rough road, though, and it may still be rougher yet. But I’ll just take things as they come and deal with them. I’m not alone in any of this, and that’s what counts.
Been doing a lot of training, though, still. Sandra put together some new equipment, and it’s proving very useful. A fair bit of training with her on Mon Cal has proved fruitful to say the least. Getting better at my control over the more minor aspects of the Force, and improving a fair bit in my use of Form I and II. Still say that’s heavily in part due to having such a good teacher in the matter. Though, I still feel points in combat where I can almost sense how the enemy will move, but as much as I try to focus, I still have difficulty with control over it. I may need to focus on what I can now, and wait until I have more control before attempting that.
Probably the biggest news of all, though, comes from having seen a ghost. But not actually a ghost. Though, right, I forgot to even make a proper entry regarding what happened that led to all this. But whatever. I don’t feel like going through that now. Point is, someone we all thought dead, suddenly came back. That definitely threw everyone for a loop. Then came information overload from them that my brain is still processing. Learning so much in such a short time is definitely difficult at times. But I’ll manage.
But yeah. Super cheery, calm, focused, and otherwise. Good to be feel like me, again. Or even a better me.
End log.
Entry 6
It always comes down to “Why?” in things. In order to fully understand something, you must understand why they are what they are. Then, and only then, can they be properly managed. The only way I can truly gain proper fulfillment from all this is by understanding and managing everything as needed. Continue training and pushing through all that holds me back. I need to move forward even through everything. I’m stubborn as a wookiee and I won’t just give up on something so important. I need balance more than anything, right now.
I’ve been tasked with learning more with the lightsaber and other martial abilities from Althea and Tara, now, along with their insight on matters. It will be good to learn from more than just Sandra, while I am still an initiate. I will be a good Jedi and I can promise that to myself. But this is an important step in getting there. Of becoming more than just a good Jedi, but a better me as well.
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.No matter how often I recite these, though, it’s still so easy to pick out contradictions in itself. But perhaps that’s more due to being a newcomer to the Order, rather than having been raised within it. But I will continue my path, all the same. I made a promise to, and I will never go back on that. But not just because of a promise, but because I know I can do this.
End log.