Ambrose - Soliloquy of a Thunderbird

The crack and cacophony of the storm rolled over his head, battling with itself in light and noise much in the same way a Krayt raged and shifted through the dunes of sand on Tatooine. Brilliant explosions, arcing yellows, blues, violets and scorched crimsons tore across the sky and smashed into the rolling froth as it collided with the shore stretched out before him. Beautiful in its own rights, terrifying in its own prospects.

“Thousands of branches, sprung out slovenly in their jagged splendor. Destructive power beyond comprehension packed into a natural phenomenon that remains heavensbound, except on the grand occasion where supplicants split downward like so many stars spiraling from their place in the nebulous black.”

That age-old crackling in his heart, like a seedling rippling to burst and explode outwards. A feral craving to break that age-old seal and undo the dressing on wounds that would never fade. Never heal. Holes bored into his very spirit with malice and rage, flooding every sense with a sharpness beyond that which was natural, encumbering his mind. Quelled in a moment of clarity as his nostrils flared outwards, wind buffeting his front like the flapping of wings from a bird beyond comprehension.

“You could remain like this forever, you know?” it whispered eloquently in his ear. A phantom kissed the back of his ear, arms wrapping delicately around his shoulders as a weightless presence made itself weighted. A crackle of violent overhead, the petrichor and ozone flooding his nostrils. “You’re a hero, whether you like it or not. No matter your insistency on self-damnation. You would rather trudge through a thousand fields of war with nothing but your bare fists to spare even two people of this fate you’ve resigned to- but you don’t need to. You could rest with me- but you won’t.”

The sensation was like that of a scab shattering from the inside outwards. Rather than being picked away or scraped off, an explosion of inner pressure shattered- but the pieces remained firmly in place, tethered and pulled downwards with steel will. In somethings there was no give, no yield. To bend to it would be a defeat, to accept that supposed omnipresent entity which clamored and raked at the tarping which covered his spirit, wound and wrapped tightly. Forbidden from entering.

“You’ve been seeing things. Hearing things. Hearing me. It’s been a blur, hasn’t it? Shifting so much like this storm around you, between brilliant flashes of what’s real obscured by dark clouds of uncertainty.” It clawed at his nape, feminine fingers wrapping around his neck as he remained without flinch or reaction. Nails raked across his Adam’s apple, settling on his clavicle warmly. Soft, like silk, without a single callous or mar, pale as moonlight. "The very fact that I am here is testament to your desires. Your passions. Your yearnings. You could be like them, so great- so strong. They crush worlds with such a casual callousness. You’ve seen it, I’ve seen it- how their squabbles overshadow and forget that beneath them, as if stepping on ants of no consequence- except each ant is a person. Families, fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters- splattered. Ruined"

“It needn’t be that way, Ambrose”

That soft delicate place of lips against the side of his neck jolted his entire body as he remained paralyzed there. His eyes were enraptured by the violent displays of plasma smashing into froth-laden waves. Waves crashing into the sand and rocks of the outcropping of this particular island, eroding quickly what little shoreline existed with a vehemence. His nostrils flared softly, a chill taking his form as the frigid rain seeped against his skin through the plain cloth of his suit. His mechanical hand slowly rose upwards, fingers reflexively opening and closing asynchronously in an unconscious test, feeling the wind blast against the microsensors in his palm and digits callously. It felt like the idea of cold, the false nerves sending illusory signals to his arm via the cybernetic connection.

“You could be my glorious champion. Free, wings full of wind and talons like lightning.”

A nipping of teeth at the corner of his ear as a dappling of warm breath scattered across his damp skin temptingly in the tempest. A fluttering of glittering, golden locks trimmed the peripherals of his vision.

"You’re a hero. My hero. Find me whenever you need me, and I’ll take you in my arms like this time and time again. You deserve nothing less, for a mere man with the courage and strength to stand against Revan with bare fists and a rifle."

A shock to his system as he startled awake, eyes fluttering rapidly as he sucked in air to his chest with surprise. Looking downwards, he found himself clothed only in a pair of loose sweat pants, the warm weight of a person pressed against his chest, in a mussed mess of hair. Reaching behind his ear with a sigh, he rubbed at a sensation like electricity on his skin.

His hand came away with the faint traces of onyx black lipstick, a whisper tickling his ear drum.

“I love you, my thunderbird…”

“Come back to me, soon…”

He shuddered. Chewing his tongue, a deep breath as he suppressed the coiling sensation in his stomach. Begging to rip loose. He would be better than that.
For now, at least.


Here he was again. That discordant harmony of echoing rumbles that shattered against his ear-drums. A roil that shook him to his very core, nerves searing across his body as he felt his consciousness jerked and battered around in his skull- before finding a centered stillness as a pale hand laid softly on his cheek. His feet dangled off of the ledge of an obsidian cliff face, light shifting and fracturing off of the glossy mineral as his eyes drank in everything. The perpetual tempest which seemed to consume the sky, the swaying of black silks which fluttered around the middle of his vision- the weight of the woman who sat in his lap, weighted like a feather with vibrant amber eyes boring into his face, her delicate and comely features framed with dazzlingly blonde locks of hair on such a pallid countenance.

“Here we are again, my thunderbird. Anxious, aren’t you? Why else would you drag yourself back to this little nook of mine? This little place of comfort you found so long ago, guided by that peculiar Hero? ‘Envision in yourself a storm with an eye’, wasn’t it?” she prodded his chin with an index finger, his entire body locked as it was in place.

A passing breeze of wind as reality warbled in his face, the weight in his lap growing heavy and cold. Warm skin and soft silks turned into frigid metal hissing with pressure as the frigid breeze atop Veles’s corporate monolith slammed into his face. He didn’t have time to be spacing out, the clouds and electrified terrain receding from his vision.

“Aim well, strike true. I need you… Stay to the skies, and strike down those who oppose your iron will.”

Dialing his scope, Ambrose settled into his nest. Waiting.


Patience is a virtue.


Snow caked the windshield of his vessel as it punched down through Low Planetary Orbit, the moisture and wetness of Mon Cala boiling away in the unshielded heat of the star, and whatever remained in the shadows of his ship froze on entry. His heart was racing in his chest. Thumping with rushing blood. Skin prickled, face flushed with heat, senses flooded with an overwhelming amount of information. This was a familiar sensation, like his skull had been split with a hammer and flooded with a cacophonous roar of information.


It made him nauseous. This sickening thread. This connection.

The controls locked beneath his grips at the console suddenly went slack, a rattle and jolt shaking the ship as it began to decelerate, and… plummet. The entire holographic display lit up with errors and simultaneous issues. ‘Fuel line interrupted’, ‘Atmosphere breached’, ‘Artificial gravity interrupted’, ‘Hyperdrive not found’, ‘Engine not found’, ‘Auxilliary Engine not found’- what had-

The rancid stench of sulfur hit before anything else, a sizzling heat touching the back of his neck. The baradium in his hold had blown, unstable flight and depleted storage conditions having activated the primary nature of the compound- to rip apart rock and metal with ease.


Scrambling for the manual flap controls to his wings, Ambrose shifted the entire vessel into manual piloting. Plummeting from the sky, shards of his own ship fell around him in a brilliant orange glow as the temperature of the cockpit began to soar as the atmosphere of Hutlar raked across the durasteel surface of his ship. The dull orange light beneath the microphone for communication purposes flickered on- the black box had come to life. This wasn’t a time for words, however, as his arms latched onto the hydraulic controls for the emergency manual controls and his legs locked around the base of his rooted chair. A roaring scream of effort tore at his lungs as every fiber and tendon in his body heaved desperately to force his way through the atmosphere in what could only be described as a turbulent, spinning crash.

“Left wing, twenty degrees bow. Right wing, forty degrees stern.”

He didn’t have any time to question the delicate voice that slipped into his ear in a whisper. Following the command with the power of his entire body, the hydraulic strength in his right arm rotated the wings with great strain, nerves aflame with the effort of forcing the ship to move to his will. The muscles in his left arm tensed and shifted slowly with stuttering breaths, pulling the opposite wing into position. The downward spiral slowed into just being a downward descend as the cross-stream caught the ship back into a semblance of alignment.

“Vent the fuel.”

His right leg jutted outwards, slamming past glass and breaking the plastic of the emergency fuel jettison. The thick aerosol began to spray through the remains of the thrusters at high pressure. The cockpit grew uncomfortably warm as power to every subsystem began to fail, now that the remains of the engine were cut from fuel. All non-vital read outs ceased as the starship began to run on emergency power.

“Good. Kickstart it. The engine won’t ignite, but dial the fuel nozzles tighter. You’ll have forty one seconds of emergency propulsion since you’re on a full tank. Thirty four miles to twelve degrees port. Lose the weight, glide.”

He did as instructed, now was no time to question advice that was working as silken words coaxed the insides of his ear. Hitting the ignition button, a sudden gout and burst of flame consumed the rear of his vessel as pressurized fuel combusted in a gout of flame from the vents. If onl-

A soft thump hit him on the thigh as he shot awake with ragged and quickened breathing, entire body covered in sweat. The taste of blood was in his mouth as finger shot upwards, feeling at his face. A bitten lip. Shuddering as the panic left him, Ambrose looked around at the intact insides of the newly redubbed ‘Loot Krayt’, purring harmoniously with no technical issue or damage. The autopilot on the console beeped as LE-37 whirred quietly to his left, control stick jamming into the docket after having poked Ambrose in the leg. Several short beeps and whirrs as the astromech panned it’s camera towards him, then back towards the settled exterior of Hutlar, on his own landing pads.

Standing slowly, Ambrose braced his hands on the back of the pilot’s seat while swaying belts and clacking buckles found their rest. His boots thumped towards the doorway, each motion strenuous and aching- his entire body was on fire. Had that been real? Or was that merely a nightmare that’d shook him to his core? Reaching for the command pad to open the door into the main mass of the ship, a familiar smell of petrichor and ozone wafted beneath his nose, as a pair of warm fingers dragged over the nape of his neck.

“It was a dream, my thunderbird, but no less real. No less alive.”

The delicate noise of bare feet gracefully setting against durasteel touched his ears, that same hand dragging around the skin of his neck to seize his chin as that electric blonde hair shimmied into view with that simple, silken black dress. Amber eyes bored into his very spirit as an unerringly confident smile met his paralyzed gaze. “Fictitious or not, it’s undeniably a good recreation of your ship, hm? Better than my bleak, obsidian cliff. Better than being… battered, and ravaged by a storm after today, hmn? I thought the change in scenery would be nice, something you’re intimate with for the sake of easing your weary mind.”

Pale fingers danced forward, poking in the combination to open the lock with ease. Sweeping forward, the mysterious woman twirled about with open arms with a countenance that spoke volumes about her excitement. "I suppose introductions proper are withstanding. My name, darling thunderbird o’ mine, is Rea. I am no Darth. I am no Lord. I am no Master. I am no Inquisitor. I am no Knight. To call me a ghost would be an understatement, to call me a spirit an overstatement. I am merely a woman with extraordinary capabilities, fascinated by the man without them who makes waves amongst those of my kind. You label us ‘wizard’, ‘mystic’, ‘sorcerer’ or ‘shaman’. Not wholly inaccurate, but it does miss the point- but far be my purpose here to complain or argue niche selections of diction." His vision shifted and whirled as his body seemed to drag through the walls of his ship. The sensation was like swimming through syrup, metal warping around his body like putty before he found himself sitting casually in his lounge chair, the woman laid out across his opposing futon with a casual air- when did he get a futon?

“Where to start? I suppose it was when you roundhouse kicked Revan in the skull…”


- Legitimacy -

Mood - “And I’m Feelin’ Good”

The plexiglass barrier was all that separated his office from millions of gallons of Mon Calamarin ocean water, free of any markings or sea growth. The polished onyx black of his leather boots clacked against the pristine white marble flooring as he stared outwards at the brilliant display of Dac City’s millions of lights spread out across the shallow continental shelf, faintly warped by the crystalline clear blue water illuminated under the moonlight and the metropolis’s own shine. He reached outwards to place his beskar-forged right hand against the glass, feeling the coolness through the simple thermal sensors embedded in his finger-pads. His hand pulled backwards, digits flexing with the faint whirr of cybernetic motors while his left hand adjusted the crisp cuff of his newly woven three-piece suit. Bullet-proof, plasma-resistant, vibro-blade tested, fitted to accentuate his form in the best of ways while concealing the Mandalorian iron plates shaped to his body beneath it all.

“Don’t spoil yourself. You’ll be enjoying this view quite a lot.”

He pivoted on while a hand snagged his rolling chair, sliding into it as his legs lifted and heels mounted onto the lacquered surface of band crimson greelwood desk. A beskar hand ran through his shorter hair, missing the bangs he expected to usually adjust before resting on the leather armrests of his seat. His eyes locked on her sitting in her own immaculate replica of his chair in black slacks, pressed white-collared shirt accentuated by simple suspenders. Tumble down blonde hair consumed the chairback as she addressed him with violently amber eyes, amethyst choker sparkling in accompaniment.


A faint shrug was all he could offer the woman, brow lofting while his palms turned upwards in helpless amusement. Chin tilting upwards he’d taste the crisp and cool air, eyes flickering to the woman sat staring at him.

“I’ve earned a bit of spoilage, no? Let me revel in my roost for a bit before you get sanctimonious and start filling my mind with things such as ‘being humble’ or ‘restraint’.”

With a snap of his fingers the woman disappeared with her chair, and only a blink of his eyes later she rematerialized sitting on the edge of his desk, legs kicking empty air.

“To ride alongside a man deaf to the metaphysical reality around him, refreshing in it’s own rights in comparison to the drab that consumed me decades prior. A far cry from babbling on about creeds, the Force, or craving to rot away into the nether realms and abyss that await in the beyond when those Jedi flapped their gums in my vicinity.”

Ambrose’s metallic arm rose, giving Rea a finger gun as he leaned back into his chair and rested his hands behind his head.

“What can I say, dove? I’m a merchant by trade. You don’t live in this life of deals with devils without honoring your pacts- else, you’ll find a six inch sharp piece of durasteel slid through your ribs with a vengeance.”

His words elicited a faint snort from the woman as she kicked backwards, splaying lazily across the desk. Rea’s eyes traced along the golden swirls and décor of the ceiling as Ambrose opened a varnished wooden case open, plucking a fresh cigar from within. He cut the tip and struck a match, nursing it to life. A skyward cloud of smoke sprung from his lips as she spoke, her words echoing in a splice between physical presence and mental occupation.

“Though I’d not foreseen this particular possibility, it is none-the-less welcome as an avenue of entertainment. To march across the cosmos as benevolence or malignance depending on the mood which influences your judgement. One could akin such activities to the deific, if you were not emphatically opposed to the notion you were more than a mere man.”

His eyes shut for a moment as his legs lowered to place his feet on the ground, staring out the doorway into the far more casual cubicle setting. When he’d asked Bernie for ‘a nice office’, he’d expected something like an extra large box adjacent to every other box. What he’d not expected was to be treated to his own personal suite with one wall taken up by a glass holoboard for planning and consistent note-keeping, and a choice cabinet of select liquors. Benefits of being a hired hand who’d survived fisticuffs with Revan and came without training costs, perhaps? He didn’t know. All that he knew is that he couldn’t complain about these conditions one bit.

“I trust you will keep your portion of the accord as I will keep mine. I, your unfaltering and ever-present companion of the mind. You, my valiant steed and stallion of the physical realm.”

“Yes, yes, I’m well aware of what we’ve got going on. You sit in my pocket and keep me company and let me know when there’s magic waltzing about, I make sure you’re safe and get to live vicariously through my life of bloodshed, explosives, copious amounts of sexual indulgence and substance abuse. Just don’t materialize yourself in my vision while I’m in a gunfight, hm?”

Rocking upwards, Ambrose cleared the distance between the holoboard in only a few long strides and swiped at the screen with the textured pads of his cybernetic fingers. The smooth whirr of the metallic joints and servos moving was almost blissful with how buttery it was, plates gliding against one another to the next position. The screen lit up with a soft blue hue, empty and ready to be manipulated and brought to life with images, text, files, and a plethora of cases from the sidebar of basic applications.

“…Well, that’s fancy isn’t it?”

Time to get to work.