Auwaroorhaka - WiP

Auwaroorhaka (Auh-Wahr-Roor-R-Haka)
Wookiee Engineer
Age: 277
Height: 7’3"
Weight: 255 lbs
Hair: Mostly Silver-Gray
Eyes: Brown to Green

Auwaroorhaka is an older Wookiee whom has already begun to show the signs of advanced age. His tall, slender body covered in Graying fur which reveals only vestiges of his once brown to red fur cut throughout with lone black strands. His dulling eyes, brown but shocked with green hide a soulful spirit behind them, showing a once adventurous youth full of vigor.

At fourteen years of age he was sent into the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk to complete his coming of age ceremony, where about he would encounter a small party of Jedi Knights searching for lost artifacts of their order’s past. The Jedi came to quickly recognize in young Auwaroo a touch of the force however allowed him to complete his trial so that they themselves could continue their own mission. Several months later, after Auwaroorhaka had returned home and taking up his tasks around his family home the Jedi would return. They murmured to one another, pointing and gesturing to Auwaroo but spoke not to him directly, instead walking past in the direction of the clan’s longhouse where elders and chiefs often congregated. Some great time later, as Auwaroorhaka was tending a pot of heavily spiced stew, the Clan Leaders flanked by Auwaroo’s parents and followed by the Jedi would approach to tell him he would be leaving Kashyyyk with the strangers, given no options elsewise he would leave with them. Honor bound to uphold the wishes of his clan and family.

During his time at the Jedi Temple, Auwaroorhaka trained under a Jedi Knight named Haal Astur, a short human male just only barely taller than the young Wookiee. Auwaroo struggled greatly with his training, he did not understand the Jedi Ways nor the Principals or Laws. His grasp of the force seemed tenuous and distant and his strength of self will proved frequently too great for his teachers’ to curb. However with much effort and a great deal of patience he did manage to progress and earn his Rank and Lightsaber. It was the construction of his first lightsaber that would spark his life-long passion for technology and craftsmanship, a passion that quickly became an obsession which would lead him to leave the Jedi Order to pursue freely without chastisement.

Following his self-expulsion from the Jedi Order he took passage on a number of transport and cargo vessels, working odd jobs as security and engineer. His naturally large size and proclivities for technical things made him well suited to both and though he managed to make only a meager lively-hood it would suffice him. Auwaroorhaka would travel on these ships for a good number of years before returning home to his village, he feared he had dishonored his people by not fulfilling their obligation to the Jedi, and did not wish to bring shame to his family. He enjoyed also the travel and was not keen to give it up so quickly for village life. He would however return home eventually, and much to his glee would be received with much welcome and fanfare. The prodigal son would return to a loving and accepting home.

Auwaroo kept his Lightsaber on a ceremonial stand in his home, along with his family’s ceremonial blades and armor. He had long since wielded it and though his passion for them had dwindled little he found it difficult to work with it in the more primitive environment of the Kashyyykian wilds. He instead would ply his mechanical prowess to fabricating light machinery for the village and doing small repairs to equipment. He also found himself taking up a blade in service as a warrior from time to time though this was hardly his calling. He would forever be drawn to the technical arts all else seeming to not suit him very well. He spent many happy years on Kashyyyk however this passion for his trade would again cause him to leave in search of more challenge and practice.

He had taken up work on another transport vessel moving cargo and passengers for the Czerka Corporation between their colonies on Viscara and neighboring systems. He had been working for the captain of the vessel and not the corporation it’s self and had been on this job for well into ten years, he enjoyed the crew and the work was challenging and so it turned into one of his longer assignments. It was on one of the many routine trips taken every day that the ship came under fire by raiders looking for a quick steal. Disabled the ship drifted through space helpless as the raiders boarded. Auwaroo took his large axe-like weapon into hand to defend the ship as was part of his duties. The battle went on for nearly an hour and took many casualties on both sides.

it was during this battle that Auwaroorhaka sustained grievous injuries from an exploding power cell in one of the ship’s main systems, throwing him with great force into the bulkhead and knocking him unconscious. He would awaken many hours later in the ship’s infirmary looked over by the Mandalorian Brothers Jagryn and Kal Aranar. They had pulled him from the fire just as the last of the raiders had been forced back out the airlock onto their own ship. When the ship came to land on Viscara this time, Auwaroo would say his goodbyes to the crew and simply follow the Aranars on to the planet. Though not strictly indebted to them for saving his life, as he surely would have survived anyway, he felt as though he owed them at least some debt of gratitude. Unable to articulate this to the Shywook deficient Mandalorians, he simply followed them off into their new life on Viscara.


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