Clan Ara'novor

Clan Ara’novor
“Shi te kyrayc haa’taylir te kyr be akaan”

Created in 4017 BBY after the conquest of the planet Basilisk, Clan Ara’novor was formed to maintain and repair the newly acquired Basilisk war droids. Drawn from members of the other clans, they saw a large diversity in backgrounds and as a result came to be a fairly well rounded Clan. Due to the heavy use of the Bes’uliik by the Mandalorian Crusaders, Clan Ara’novor often found itself fragmented and spread along the many battlefields during the Great Shadow Crusade.

After the fall of Mandalore the Indomitable on Dxun, the Clan Ara’novor followed Mandalore the Ultimate under the Neo-Crusader movement. They fought it or supported nearly every battle in the Mandalorian Wars. After the battles of Althiri and Iridonia, large numbers of the populations of these planets were taken into the Clan, bringing along with them even greater understanding of starships and their technologies. It was through these new members that Clan Ara’novor continued to reinvent and revolutionize the Bes’uliik to keep them adapting alongside the rest of the Mando’ade.

With the defeat of Mandalore the Ultimate and the disarming of the Mandalorian people, Clan Ara’novor took it more personal than most. They were required to destroy and dismantle the Bes’uliik that they had created, trained, and in many ways raised as members of their own aliit. Each of the war droids had their own personalities and each loss was felt by the Clan that had spent decades in tending them. With the core cause of their Clan taken from them, they all set off to wander the galaxy as so many of the other Clans.


Current members that have been seen on and around Veles:
Jate’kara Ara’novor - Aliit’alor
Rhirk Ara’novor - Al’ram, Strill Grin
Galaar Ara’novor -Al’ram, Qion Stripes
Riiye Ara’novor - Verd
Smiles Ara’novor - Verd
Tracinya Ara’novor - Verd
Gansola Ara’novor - Verd
Jalseya Ara’novor
Jallek’ Tor Ara’novor
Jain Ara’novor
Ceoh Ara’novor
Viator, of Ara’novor
Aelix Ara’novor