Please contribute, correct, or elaborate as needed! If there are any discrepancies, I ask that staff or DMs to clear things up and have the final ruling on the listed settings.
The current year is 3959 BBY, 1 year after the Mandalorian War, and 1 year before The Bombing of Telos IV.
Player Character Affiliations and their Current Standing in the Galaxy:
Lost the war and scattered throughout the galaxy. What remains are remnants of Mandalorian clans attempting to survive by spreading their ideal and recruiting new blood into their clans. -
Took heavy losses from the war and still recovering and rebuilding. The populace on the Outer Rim and Mid Rim Worlds is discontent. Some of Republic military and worlds will defect over to and support Revan’s Sith Empire. -
Jedi Order:
Splintered due to Revan and Malak leading the padawans and knights away from the order to fight in the Mandalorian War. Those who followed Revan into the Mandalorian War have either left the Jedi Order or joined Revan in his new Sith Empire. -
Revan’s Sith Empire:
Since Revan’s Sith Empire is only made known throughout the Galaxy after the Bombing of Telos, it is currently “in the making”. The Star Forge is either being found or already found and building the army and fleet for Revan. Note that the bulk of Revan’s Sith Empire is made up of Republic Defectors and Jedi Order knights/padawans turned “Sith”. -
Original Sith Empire:
The one introduced by SWTOR is currently hidden and out of view, though one of them is believed to be the instigator of the Mandalorian War. -
Hutt Cartel:
The Hutt Cartel did not have a stake in the Mandalorian War, although they will be readily working with Revan’s Sith Empire as soon as they emerge. It’s safe to assume some kind of deal is being made at this stage of the setting. -
Czerka Corporation:
It is confirmed that the Czerka Corporation is currently making a deal with Revan’s Sith Empire to become its main logistics and supplier in the coming Jedi Civil War.
Important Links:
SWLOR Timeline
Mandalorian War Galaxy Map - With Viscara
Jedi Civil War Galaxy Map