Mollyun, or Molly to his friends, was born to an impoverished family on Nar. His father a common bounty hunter, working for one of the many scum groups. His mother was a loving person, one of the only reasons Molly isn’t a heartless monster. His father would be gone for weeks if not months at a time working on bounties. Molly was nine when his father never returned, leaving his mother a broken wreck, Molly being the spitting image of his father didn’t help the situation, his mother pushed him away, no longer was she the tender loving woman she’d been, the loss had changed her. She turned to drinking, and drugs. Molly tried his best to stay out of trouble and support his broken home through salvage and small engineering repairs, sadly it was not fruitful…
It had maybe been a year and a half before his mother had found a new man. The man was a stinking, thieving low life, but at least he helped pay for upkeep and rent to an extent. God only knew why he hated Molly so much, coulda been the fact his mother showed him some semblence of care, or that he had to pay for this little druks needs. Abit less then a year passed, when word of a hooded man walking the colony, offering creds for any force sensitive children made it’s way to Molly’s stepfather. Seeing it as a chance to get rid of his little “problem”. Molly had been salving for hours that day, when he returned home to find his step father and a man in a long black coat standing by the doorway. Unaware of the situation or cause for his visit, Molly laid down what scrap he’d found and dropped it in the bin by the door. Before Molly could make his way passed both men, the one in black had grabbed ahold of his arm. He looked deep into the boy, Molly felt his cold touch chill him to the bone, the mans eyes pierced through him like blaster bolt. Molly struggled to free himself from the grasp. The hooded man looked to Molly’s stepfather and said, “I’ll take him, here are your credits”. Those words, Molly knew he was being sold. The hooded figure called over two soliders, and instructed them to take him to the ship. Being an engineer Molly knew how to make some basic flash detonators to stun any droids or gangers that would bother him on his salvage runs. Suppose the soliders hadn’t seen this small child as a threat, not bothering to search him for weapons. He armed the charge and dropped it at his feet before looking away and covering his ears. He heard the loud bang even with cupped hands over his ears. When he opened his eyes again the soliders had been stunned, both blinded and shambling around arms extended out feeling for the boy. Molly took his chance and ran. Alone, lost and scared on the smugglers moon, a hatred began to cloud his mind. He assumed his mother had known and was onboard with selling him off… This broke Molly, he’d went from an eleven year old boy trying to care for a family that hadn’t wanted him in some time, to a broken, hate filled one. It took him no time at all to get in with one of the many gangs. No more then a few weeks later, Molly had killed his first man, there was no going back, he’d enjoyed it, lusted for more. Within the coming years Molly worked and slaved for the smuggler bosses of his gang, just being another enforcer who meant nothing, and would probably be always nothing. He was nineteen now, no longer a hate filled boy, but a revenge seeking man. He’d saved up creds, gotten a pass to leave Nar, and learned much in the passed years. He only had one thing left to do, kill the man who ruined his life. He knew his stepfather worked for one of the many cesspools that Nar had to offer as a petty bouncer and enforcer, basically a paid bully. He knew where to find his mark, but how would he do it? He wanted the man to pay for ruining his life, forcing him away from the only person he loved. “How should I do this?”, that question repeated itself again, and again in his head. It didn’t matter, as long as he was dead right? Molly readied himself that evening, knowing he’d have no choice but to do it openly and be gone within moments. He noticed him, a tall bulky human, bald, wearing a suit of thick armor. He watched as the man he hated so much stood twenty feet away from him again, he’d waited years and thought of so many ways to make him pay, but he’d come to realise the simplest way is always the best. One overcharged blaster bolt to his unprotected head and the goliath of a man came down in one motion, face right into the ground. Before anyone could react or notice him, Molly was gone, by the time anyone would even think about it being him, he’d be gone, far from the smugglers moon, far from the last person he’d ever loved. Now, alone, unsure of his future, Molly arrived at the czerka corps station two twenty hoping to find himself… His story begins.
Physical description: Molly is a ruggedly handsome human male, he stands at six foot two. His shoulder length oak hair tied in a small bun. His eyes a deep ocean blue, lately having a strange hue to them, and a cold feeling when looking into them. Most days he’d be unshaven, a five o clock shadow covered his face. His clothes always a dark color, along with his helmet and blaster rilfe on his back. Those who knew him when he’d first arrived on Viscara would now notice the two saber hilts that hanged from his belt whenever his jacket would waft open revealing them.