Alasdaer Quinn was born in Taris 46 Galactic standard years ago. Born to the union between a doctor and a mechanic, Quinn had no shortage of influences on his education. His family was only rich enough to live in the middle levels, however it did give him the opportunity to get schooling. While in high school he passed top in the school and was awarded a scholarship to a university in the upper levels. It was here that his life transformed.
While at the University he flourished with great access to tools, learning and semi-intelligent peers. Quinn found a love for cybernetics and finished three majors - biomedical engineering, neurosciences and cybernetics. He started several small businesses which allowed him the funds to crush his competition (often his fellow students) and eventually catch the attention of Czerka. Czerka hired him on and gave him access to even more tools and a laboratory to call his own.
It was at this point that Quinn became obsessed with cybernetics and began to operate on himself to replace unneeded flesh bits. He sought to create the perfect hybrid between man and machine. He first started with his legs; which was also the first time he realized that theory and practice didn’t match.
So he set out to practice.
As the years passed his failed experiments would come back to be his undoing. The locals around his lab began to blame him for the disappearances of family members and pets. After the first bombing on his lab Czerka assigned him a bodyguard named Vullen Kuss. For a long time Vullen prevented any harm to Quinn.
It wasn’t until the Taris Siege that harm actually came to Quinn. When the Mandalorians attacked they raided Doctor Quinn’s laboratory. Vullen slew half the attackers himself while Quinn’s traps and gadgets dispatched most of the rest. Irritated with the resistance, the Mandalorians decided to simply demolish the building. Vullen bodily threw the Doctor into the safe house before the explosives hit, before suffering grave injuries himself. The safe room couldn’t stand up to the orbital bombardment and the room was a wreck an hour later, shrapnel having pierced many limbs of the Doctor - but he was alive.
Seeing the nearly dead Vullen, the Doctor decided the man was too effective to allow to die. Hotwiring what remained of his power sources he performed a full body cybernetic upgrade to the man, replacing almost all of the man’s body. For days he laboured to repair the man before he succeeded Vullen, now named Vulkus, was alive and ready to destroy. Mindful of the need for stealth, Quinn kept the cyborg in stasis for a long time until the siege was over.
Making contact with Czerka he requested a new location where he could work unhindered and they sent the pair to Viscara. His official task is to investigate the falling profits, however what he actually does on the planet outside of the eyes of his supervisors is up to him and his bodyguard.