Elie Dra'kkon

Name: Eliezra Janice Dra’kkon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7
Weight: Average
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Green
Home Planet: Unknown

Occupation: Wanderer

Background: It’s unknown where she was born but to those that knew Andro, this is very clearly his little sister. Raised as a warrior she was set for the life as a soldier or a mercenary but she had other plans as she took up her training with great joy and determination. Her goal was to use this training to strengthen her body and when she felt strong enough she would simply leave the small abandoned base she and her family called home. That night came soon as she started to get anxious, so she made a run for it only for Andro to stop her and have one last long talk with her. He stood up ruffled his sisters hair and left her to her goals, Elie would look back and little did she know she’d never see his brother again.

A few years passed, taking odd jobs here and there honing the skills she had and gaining new ones where ever possible. Life was good, she had that freedom she craved, the power to explore the galaxy as she saw fit. However she started to miss home, finally calling her parents she apologised for suddenly vanishing and then she heard the news. Her family finally found a home in the republic but she’d never go see that hope when she heard her brother had been killed in action to rescue a jedi.

This very news seemed to break Elie, making her decide there and then she didn’t need to find her place with the Republic. Her goals were to make the Jedi pay for throwing her brothers life away and to let the Republic burn as it clearly dug its own grave. She’d start with the one faction that was actively opposing both, the sith. However very quickly the people of Viscara wouldn’t share her opinions. With much judgement from others and a long think to herself she eventually came to the conclusion that her quest for vengence was simply her lashing out. With this in mind she started going down a road that’d remember her brother over avenging him.

Harvester Training - Basic
Shield Training - T1
Foil Combat - T1
Combat Maneuvers - T1

Saber Forms

Ataru - Basic

Armoursmithing - Tier 3

T1 (10) - Electroplating
T1 (15) - Insulation
T2 (20) - Metal Weaving
T2 (25) - Basic Ship Retrofitting
T3 (30) - Advanced Repairs

Engineering - T2

T1 (10) - Basic Repairs
T1 (15) - Basic Electronic Coding
T2 (20) - Electronic Systems Management

Fabrication - Basic

Languages: Basic, Mandoa, Ryl

Weapons: Light Foil

Equipment: Light Shield