Extra Ability Suggestion List for Revamp

So I made a list (with the assistance of Illy) of abilities I’d think would be cool to add the Revamp. Thoughts?:

Reason I made it, I thought there was a lot of imbalance in the current abilities. With the theoretical additions in the list, there is a counter for everything given in each weapon category, giving each a chance and a unique way to build.


I am in support of this because it means that combat is way more dynamic and interactive. Nevermind the amount of abilities means that you are forced to specialize.

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I like these, though consitor sato could probably also be used for entanglement too as someone with enough mastery over it could do that

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I dont mind the idea but serious we need to be carefull not to add stuff left and right, the main idea of the revamp was to try and make non force users more viable.

The list suggests abilities for all weapon types as well.

derp i missed that, my bad …

As long there is consideration between force and non force it good move :slight_smile:

I like the idea, but to be honest that is a bunch of work for these abilities and in my opinion mechanically some of these don’t need to exist for balance purposes. I know in the past we have been hard pressed in force powers not being able to act in the gaps of medic skills in the case of Rezzing players, and teleportation is just incredibly strong and I feel it shouldn’t be a ability at all. But if you want to add abilities you should cover all the bases from the get go meaning all weapons and such. I know just focusing towards certain groups tends to leave other ones forgotten. Much like Two handed in the current version.

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