So Multiple factors played into my thinking of this. The Idea of force focuses are something I’m sure people here would love to play around with and even create. Though I understand these more or less can count as lightsaber-esque items. I’m going by legacy standards for this however I feel they can translate to the revamp rather easily.
So first up, inspiration for this: I’ve always wanted to have something like this and it gives consulars,sentinals and even more force inclined guardians a neat little thing to work towards. Also FFXIV has redmages that have a similar sort of way of working, they have a focus and a blade.
How I’d say it’d work is that they essentially act like Ioun stones where they are activated and for say the stronger ones, they equip an invisible shield item that somehow gives no shield AC and restricts the user to a one handed weapon whilst getting these boosts.
Just something I thought would be cool,