Handheld Objects

I’d like to suggest the development of a handheld datapad (and / or equivalents), so that everyone can immediately understand what a character may or may not be doing. It takes longer to type out pulls out his datapad than it does just to do it (and everyone immediately knows what is happening). Plus, when others join in a conversation mid-way, they can immediately see what a character’s holding (and the emote is long gone).

I know it can be done as there are handheld cups on the server already, and have seen other servers with handheld books, too. So I’m not making an impossible request either. It would be nice to have more handheld objects that help to demonstrate a character’s purpose / job (?) as well. Perhaps tools for the different skillsets?

I know it’s asking a lot. But, I want to have my cake and eat it too!

Have fun, and “May the Force grant me datapads to throw at people!”