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Filename: Zenlil Ezol
CONTENTS: Personal history, achievements, occupation, journal entries.
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Zenlil Ezol was born fifteen years ago to Zanius and Filik Ezol of Coruscant. Zanius and Filik had met during a special convention of merchants just one year prior to Zenlil’s birth. Upon discovering Zanius to be pregnant, they wed to satisfy both sets of conservative parents. Zanius and Filik then merged their two businesses and moved to the senate district to further expand their customer list. Senators and Jedi came and went from their storefront, where one could buy exotic and sometimes replica furniture from around the galaxy. All reports of this year and the following five years for the Ezol family have been of a peaceful existence, if not picture-perfect. There were rumors of troubles within the marriage, but they were both greatly devoted to their only son.
When Zenlil was five years old, a consistent Jedi customer paid his usual visit. Reports of this encounter are few and only from fragmented accounts of Zenlil’s father, Filik. The Jedi, finally explaining to the Ezols that he was actually a Consular and having a specialty in Lorekeeping within the Jedi Order, took Zenlil so that he would be trained by the Jedi. Zanius reportedly did not like this idea, saying only, "It is the Force that will kill my family." There are no other records of this encounter, however, the simple fact is that Zenlil was taken by the Jedi to the Temple and has to this date never seen his parents.
Unknown year
Filik : Zenlil. My perfect son. You were the toughest of my boys, the most a father could hope for. You always seemed to get back up whenever something knocked you down.
Notes: The voice seems distant, as if thinking out loud and perhaps unaware he is being recorded.
Filik : I lied to your mother. I never told her about your brother.
Note: Following line is said with a deep, resonating tone perhaps to convey warning.
Filik : She will be the one to kill this family. To kill you.
Filik : They took our babies. I wanted them to replace you. The son the Jedi stole. I hope they make the best of their stolen goods.
At the time of this file’s creation, an investigation was conducted on the whereabouts of Zanius and Filik, connected to a rash of kidnapping incidents on Coruscant. Following is the results of that investigation:
Zanius and Filik Ezol were killed during an attempted robbery of their furniture store. Along with the record of their deaths, there were two other names: Zuloth and Leyay. Further investigation revealed that Zuloth was born two years after Zenlil was taken by the Jedi and Leyay was born three years after. These two male children were kidnapped during the robbery attempt upon the storefront. Filik Ezol’s sister, Sawan spent the rest of her life, and her money in investigating the kidnapping and trying to find her nephews. Before her death two years ago, her investigation revealed a kidnapping ring that sold children to nobles on Alderaan. The Jedi Temple continued the investigation in to the kidnapping ring, however to this day there have been no tangible results.
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