Kairos: Direction

There is no emotion; there is peace…

Inside the temple of the Viscaran Jedi Order, within the deprivation chamber, Kairos sat meditating on what all had happened so far. His journey to Viscara, the multiple battles with Sith that he’d been in, finding out his mother had been a jedi, joining the order… Then the most recent battle against the Sith Empire. He couldn’t hear anything, and couldn’t see anything, though he even without the chamber his eyes were closed, he wouldn’t have been able to see anything anyways. Perhaps the most startling aspect of this to him, the thing that felt the most awkward was the joining of the order itself. It wasn’t like he’d never thought of it before, long ago he’d considered reaching out to them and seeing if he could learn anything about the jedi. Learn more about his abilities. Learn to perfect self-discipline. Discovering that his mother had once been a jedi was just as surprising; she’d never said anything about it but why had she wanted to hide it so badly?

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge

Perhaps the strangest thing to him, about having joined the jedi themselves, was how the paradigm of his relationships with those that he’d come to know in the order had shifted. Callista, Althea and Puru had, in seconds, had become his superiors; even Qyilisc, Teryn and Iskellia were his superiors really. An entire new vocabulary was to be drilled into his mind and he would have to study like he’d never studied before. Not for the sake of improving his standing or trying to move up quickly within the jedi order, but specifically to know what he’d need to do and how he’d need to address those above him.

Knight Selkin, Knight Puru and Knight Althea; Padawan Sarken, padawan Teryn and padawan Qyilisc. Initiates…well, he barely knew who the initiates were. Then there would come the lessons, classes on meditation, classes on lightsaber forms and meditation after meditation on, not only the jedi code, but also the three pillars. He hoped that Abi would be able to join so that someone that he knew better would be an initiate with him…

There is no passion; there is serenity

But he was careful to temper that desire with an understanding and acceptance that she might not be welcomed. It was always possible. He couldn’t think that she would, Callista seemed to enjoy her company. He was always thankful for Callista, not just for accepting him into the order, but for helping Abi in a way that he just didn’t feel that he could. He still remembered Tara telling him that it would be hardest for him as he’d have to effectively find a way to temper his desires, his passions. The problem was that he’d never really had them. His own mother had done her best to teach him to temper himself. It had been difficult learning to not get angry, to learn that level of control. Her meditation through martial arts had done wonders and had assisted him in finding a way to center himself, something that he was trying to teach Abigael…

There is no chaos; there is harmony

Shaking his head, he shifted his focus from the outside world, from all the distractions of his life, to concentrating entirely on the Force. Its will was mysterious and, as much as he wanted to try to learn about it and delve into said mysteries, he knew that he hadn’t learned enough to be able to do so. As much as he’d learned about meditation and as much as he’d learned about himself, the force was a completely different entity. Oftentimes, his mind was a whirling dervish of thought and activity and it had only been getting worse recently. The instance with Ambrose earlier had shaken him ever so slightly, he should’ve listened. Qyilisc should’ve listened to, between the two of them ONE of them should’ve listened… But what was done was done. They’d both apologized and felt plenty of remorseful for what they’d done. As he’d told Q, there was nothing for it but to take it as a lesson and improve. Improving on judgement would help them.

There is no death; there is the Force

That was the most important aspect that he was trying to get used to, trying to make himself learn. No one that had died, no friend or family member anyone had lost, had truly died; they had simply returned to the force. That part of the code was perhaps the most important to understand, but was one that was perhaps the most necessary to understand. Death wasn’t the end, it was simply the end of the physical shell. A person, an entity, was simply a receptacle of the force. When that receptacle expired, it simply returned… He opened his eyes. He’d been meditating for a long time. Even with the depravation room, he was still able to get to the door without issue. Reciting the code, oddly, had gave him a renewed semblance of peace and, as he left, he had a feeling that he could take on the rest of the day’s tasks. It was a fascinating feeling, but he was happy.


He rose. He was on his ship again, still floating in space. Once, he’d thought himself safe here, at least safer, but the darkness incarnate showed him differently. Whatever that thing was, it had given him a new perspective on entities and existences within the force. They were something altogether different, even more alien then normal. First was Alice and then was…this dark one.

He rose, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep now, and walked into the main open area of his ship. He stood on one of the square panels and ignited his foil, the blue illuminating the dark. He gazed at it, admiring Qyilisc’s handiwork, but pondering on if he should try and make a new one. He wasn’t at the level of a Palawan yet but more engineering practice wouldn’t hurt, right? First though…

He’d gone over shii-Cho so many times by now that his swings were getting faster and faster. He’d even gone to the archives and watched several demonstrations shii-cho and even a few of Makashi, though he did prefer watching Sandra’s. She seemed to get into it a bit more, as if she enjoyed it, more than the semi-robotic feeling that the demonstrations in the archives displayed. But, that was a failing of his; it was the artistry of things that most often enthralled and entranced him. He felt that strange enjoyment, watching the holorecordings. He looked up, smiling, hoping that time wouldn’t change things.

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The deprivation chamber was deathly quiet, to the point that if he hadn’t been concentrating on it then he would’ve probably gone insane. Yet his breathing and the force made it incredibly bearable. He was sitting cross-legged on the cushion, he knew that he was levitating through the force but at the same time also that he wasn’t floating. He was within nothing and yet everything at the same time, and could quite easily lose himself within the force, in this moment. For once, he was quite happy with the meditation lessons that he’d gotten from his mother.

His mind opened to a familiar scene, he was chasing Abigael through the forest, trying to head to the temple but he ran into the mirror again. Turning left to go that way he found another mirror and another behind him and another the way he’d come. He was in a box. A box…which began to spin. It showed him his home, the door opened to his study, holobooks on different subjects came flying towards him showing their contents. Politics….science… his poetry. He was about to grab one when it suddenly caught fire and, as he looked up, his entire house was burning, and outside he could hear…it sounded like laughter. He opened the door to several dark shadows…

Then box rotated and suddenly he was staring at the temple; Shax, Vrake and Vandar standing around talking alongside Ashla. They turned and looked to him, several others in the temple as well, walking around. They greeted him warmly and Shax, his master, ushered him forward. He looked to his right and one of the guards turned to him, took a step forward and his head fell off, cooked not just cauterize- That was when he turned and noticed that Shax, Vrake and Vandar were now glaring at him, sabers ignited, he took a step forward, they rushed him and his hand rose-

Suddenly he was looking at the swamp, the vellens walking around. But…where…where was everyone else? Where was…? He looked forward. Maligar and Five. Maligar seemed to smile at him, or rather…laugh… It echoed in his head, his own laughter.

No. He’ll take others, those that are exceptional in the force. He’ll underestimate me and leave me alone, try to break me, but jokes on him I can’t be.

The laughter echoed faster and faster, louder and louder.

The box began to spin, his burning home, stasis on the masters and a strike… Burning… Everything burning… One by one shadows past him. His lips felt like they were on fire and his eyes were burning, he needed to get some water… A shadow stopped in front of him and slowly its silhouette filled out…filled out….it was… Six! Kairos felt quickly for his saber and grabbed it. The being in front of him…was more filled out, though… It wasn’t…no it was Six, but there was something different about her. Her? Kairos held up his saber, hands bent in an unfamiliar way… No, he didn’t have time to think of that… It ignited. The world lit up with red and as he stared at the being before him…it…was him… His reflection smiled.

No. No. No no no no no… Kairos calm down. Focus. He’s not concerned about you. You’re just a toy, something for him to break and you’ve been broken before. You can’t let fear consume you…


NO!! Keep calm, Kairos! You need to focus, you need-


ENOUGH!!! And his hands shot out about him, the world shattering like glass, Maligar’s laugh and the fading thrum of a saber the only thing he could hear in the darkness. He couldn’t see anything either…

But then…there was a small golden light; a single thread of sun in the void and he grabbed at it. There was a moment of nothing, but then he felt something grasp his hand and he was pulled forward and out of the void. He was being dragged by the hand through a field… and as he looked up he saw her: Marh. He couldn’t say or hear anything but she was wearing robes, just like he was and she led him to what felt like the center of the field. Again his mouth opened to protest, but she raised a finger to his lips. Silence…serenity… Bliss, calm. And as he relaxed, as his body sagged forward the tension releasing from them, he felt the tears slowly run down his face.

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