Kalos Bumari -Clansman/Bounty Hunter

Name: Kalos
Clan Surname: Bumari
Species: Human (Mandalorian)
Height 1.9 meters
Weight 190
Affiliation: Clan Bumari, Bounty Hunter’s Guild
Rank: Alor`uus
Armor Color: Deep Blue/Dark Grey

"We are Clan Bumari, we care not for arrogance."

Kalos is your typical Mandalorian: quiet, simple, closed off. He is typically with his Ruus`alor, Dildrissil. He only seeks fame within his clan, other then that he does not care. Even though he is a Bounty Hunter as well, he doesnt care for the credits unless they are absolutely needed. It just an end to the means.

He is collecting Beskar to reforge pure Mandalorian Armor.

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