Age: 26
Description: A tall and imposing woman with a notable military bearing. Her light-gold blonde hair and sapphire eyes are striking, but the first thing one is likely to stare at is her cybernetic arm. Her entire right arm has been amputated and replaced with cybernetics. She generally appears confident and collected. A disciplined soldier at heart, nevertheless she is quite gregarious with a warm air about her.
She joined the Republic Army as an officer soon after she hit adulthood. An infantry lieutenant with a good mind for tactics and a heart that cared deeply for her soldiers. She had the respect of her platoon not just as a leader, but as a friend. She led by example, being the brave, honorable, and compassionate warrior she wanted her troops to be.
She fought admirably, charging into battle beside her troops. Despite being a lieutenant she insisted on leading from the front. She was an aspiring and admired leader, but despite her personal courage the brutal war wore heavily on her. She fought in the battle of Dxun and it was to be her last battle as a Republic officer.
When her platoon was overpowered on Dxun, she made a risky gambit to create an opening for them to escape. Charging forward herself into melee range, along with a couple brave troops, to buy time for the others to pull back and regroup with another element. Her sword arm was heavily injured as she valiantly hacked her way into the enemy ranks and she should have died along with the other two with her. Miraculously, without even realizing it, she clung to her life desperately with the force. She was never aware of sensitivity to the force, but the force kept her just barely alive as the battle continued on around her.
Lt. Rosenstar was recovered at the end of the battle. She survived with irreparable damage to her right arm which was amputated. Eager to get her back into battle the Republic army issued her a cybernetic replacement but she was unable to use it effectively. The trauma of the battle was too great, the ghosts of her fallen troops and the vicious Mandos haunting her. When she tried to pick up a weapon her mind’s connection to the arm broke and it shook uncontrollably. Post traumatic stress rendered her unsuited for combat. She was discharged with high honors.
She lived a peaceful yet troubled life for some time and her psychosomatic condition gradually improved. Her mechanical hand still shakes when she holds a weapon but it’s far steadier than it once was. With more confidence and control over herself, she struck out to find work as a private security officer or an odd-jobs mercenary, something small time where her experience would be valuable. Though she is not looking to join the latest war, fate might decide that the war will find her.