Makari - Nothing is Lost

Name: Makari
Race: Cathar
Age: 22
Height: 5’7"
Build: Stocky, Strong, a tad husky. Defensive Lineman or Strongman.
Fur color/Patterns: Reddish-brown, Tiger-like patterns on face, short mane/cheek tufts
Eye Color: Gold
Birthplace: Cathar
Current Residence: Veles Colony or Viscara Jedi Temple, Viscara

He was too young to really remember. Tradition, family. He left them behind with one of his relatives, and then that relative was lost when they made it to the core worlds. He grew up… alone. And then the news of the Mandalorian conquests hit a peak. Cathar had been overrun, and very few escaped with both their lives, and freedom. A place he’d been to young to call home, and yet knew was home… was gone, and those like him scattered, like he was. The busy streets of Coruscant were indifferent to the news, but soldiers and others were mobilizing. War. The cathar child was just one of many, many victims.

Years slip by, and finally, a youthful, if under-sized, cathar teen finally gets a big break, starts to learn to use a blaster, and gets a spot on a planet-hopping trade crew. Not quite a smuggler, not just a traveler. It was exciting. But he didn’t get too attached to it all. He put his natural talents to work as tradesman for the crew, doing heavy lifting, repairs, a lot of other work. It’s around this time also that he started having… dreams. Things felt different in space when he was in his subconscious. He felt… close, to things. It’s like the depths of space spoke to him. It was… weird, and he didn’t really get it. He didn’t talk about it much, either. But he felt… drawn, as they moved further from core space. And after a few years of trade-runs, he scrapped together the funds to put his long-built strength and endurance to the test on his own.

With a tiny escort he was likely to leave behind when he reached his destination, he left behind all the struggle he saw on the worlds he hopped to get where he was. He put behind the war, and his own loss. Or so he thought. He followed that pull, he started feeling a couple years ago, finally, and started looking up information on… the Force. Jedi. Sith. He started to realize what that tug on him was, what he was feeling, and he realized it was guiding him… somewhere. And that somewhere was right into what had been Revanite-Empire space. Contested territory. Back into the spaceways of war, weaving into the Mytaranor system on the Outer Rim, to the CZ-220 station, where he checked in and gained passage to land at Veles Colony on Viscara. The planet had a Jedi Temple, and he felt… whole, here. He’d see what the place was like, talk to locals, and find his way to the Jedi. Having known of them on Coruscant, and realizing he was sensitive himself… and begun to open to the Force’s will and the gifts it offered, on his way… he figured it was time to make a better person of himself, given all he’d lost, all the pain he and his people suffered… that the galaxy suffered. To try and make things right. Maybe the Force brought him to this Nexus for just that, to be a Jedi. He’d have to find out if it was right.

Besides, as he’d learn quickly… Nothing is Lost in the Force.