Mart Webber, A self-dishonored Mandalorian

Age: 24
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 84 Kilograms

Mart Webber does not remember where he was born, only where he was raised, Mandalore. He was only 7 years old when the Battle of Althir took place, and while he didn’t understand why Mandalore began to raid the surrounding systems, he was only told that it was “Mand’alor’s will”. Growing up, Mart didn’t have the same enthusiasm for the Neo-Crusaders as his kin did, but feared punishment for voicing his opinion. In the end, he joined the ranks of the Neo-Crusaders at the age of 18 after completing his trials with the rank of Verd’ika. During most of the full conflict of the Mandalorian Wars Mart and his squad served as scouts for their main force, giving him a lot of time to focus on nature. He was his squad’s designated hunter, foraging for food during the night unseen. His Ruus’alor gave him the nickname “Webber” due to his tendency to immobilize animals with a Net Gun to ensure a clean and painless kill.

Mart became less and less believing in Mand’alor’s cause the longer the conflict continued. The battles began to take the lives of those who were unable to protect themselves, unarmed bystanders to the slaughter. The final straw for him was the Battle of Serroco, where the Mandalorian fleet fired nuclear warheads at the planet’s surface, destroying the Republic fleet on the planet but also killing thousands of civilians at the same time. Mart saw no honor in this method of fighting, but still said nothing, complacent due to the wrath of Mand’alor’s loyal followers. Mart participated at the battle of Malachor V simply for the fact that the ship he was attached to answered Mand’alor’s summons to protect the taboo planet. In the initial phase of the battle, the ship Mart served on took a massive hit, causing the shield to fail and the inertial dampeners to malfunction, forcing a retreat into the rear of the Mandalorian fleet. When the ships began being forced into the gravity well, the captain of the ship ordered a maneuver at high speeds to avoid being sucked in, causing Mart and many others to fall unconscious.

When Mart regained consciousness, the saw first-hand the devastation of both fleets and the irreversibly damaged planet. Ashamed of the actions of his people, Mart decided that he needed to prove Mandalorians still had honor. He discarded his armor and wandered the galaxy, looking for a new home. He did not know what he desired in life, but decided he had plenty of time to find out where he truly belonged. When the time was right, he would reclaim his armor and repair it, to signify he was ready for the future ahead.


Static crackles, then fades out silence “I suppose I should keep logs of my progress, in case I have a need to look back on them.” Mart says, as a metallic clang is heard, signifying the recording device is put on a desk. “I met some of my kin today, two Mandalorians who still hold on to their honor. Something I wasn’t sure still existed. I’ve began my training regime to become strong enough to be worthy of a leader. The first day of many.” There’s an audible sound of him scratching his beard “I do not know how often I will make these, perhaps whenever a significant development arises. Either way, I have a long journey ahead of me. Let us see what the future holds for me.” There is an audible click as he turns the recorder off.

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Static hisses for a moment before the noise fades to silence “It’s been quite some time since I’ve made my first of these recordings. A lot has happened, since then. Clan Webber has been formed, bonds have been forged… and others, strained. My heart aches for someone who does not feel the same way back, but…” He pauses, the process of him shaking his head unseen “That is not why I made this recording. I sit here now, debating on what to do next. My duty as a Mandalorian is what my mind tells me to follow, but my heart calls to a different cause. Something that must be stopped at all cost.” He pauses and looks around “I should not speak of this any further. Everything I need to know will stay with me forever. I just hope the decision I make is the correct one.” As he finishes speaking, there is an audible click as he turns the recorder off again.


There’s a slight commotion as items are moved around unseen, almost blending in with the background noise “We’re still not getting anywhere. Right now I feel like we’re chasing shadows and grasping at things that aren’t there!” He slams his fist on the table, causing the recorder to reverberate with a metallic clang and sighs. “At least the entire day wasn’t a bust. I started helping Damien work through his anger, though he did give me quite the shiner to remember him by.” Though unseen, he rubs his eye for a moment before continuing “I’ll need to rethink my strategy, lest Sandra have to keep buying icepacks.” He gives a hearty laugh at that “Hopefully I’ll have more information soon.” With that, he clicks the recorder off once again


The first few seconds of the recording are just sounds of someone typing into a Datapad “Sandra told me it’s a good idea to create different folders to hide information. I think I’ll put this one down as… briikase, it means happy in Mando’a.” He stops to scratch his beard for a moment, the sound just barely being picked up “Sandra is…I don’t know. Driven? She always says she needs to focus on her mission, but at the same time takes precious time to speak with me. She says she does her best to not keep close bonds with people, but a person who does that wouldn’t have fussed over my black eye for 15 minutes. I hope to get to know her better, in the future.” He chuckles “She is definitely easier to speak with than Nico. Perhaps she…” He sighs “I don’t have the time to worry about matters such of this. Especially when I know what her answer would be.” The recorder makes an audible click as he turns it off once again


He opens up the folder named Briikase and starts a new entry, flipping the recorder on once more “Trained with Sandra last night, after practicing my drunk disguise. Sandra seemed to enjoy it, but I think I can do better.” There is a slight shuffling sound, then a quiet clang as he puts the device down on the table “Sandra has begun to train me to better prepare myself for the coming days. I’ll need to be as physically fit as possible to…keep up. The hour we trained for had me gasping for air.” He chuckles a little “She called the moment…pleasurable. Perhaps eventually she’ll be able to teach me how to use the force, as well.” With that, he turns the recorder back off.


The crackling of the Communal Bonfire can be heard in the background “I’ve decided to join NOVA. I refuse to stand on the sidelines hoping everyone will come back safe, and…” He trails off for a moment, scratching his beard, the sound combining with the fire crackling “With what the Sith did at Roche…it gives me even more reason. I spoke to my clan brother Merik about it. While I know he will not join, he at the very least respects my decision.” He sighs quietly “The road ahead will be full of hardships, but I believe myself and those I will fight with up to the task. We have no choice but to be.” With a click, the recorder turns off once again

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