Masterwork Weapons and Armor

I’ve been thinking about item degradation, lately. I think it’s a good mechanic. I like that you have to repair your gear to keep it in top condition. Very star warsy, that.

But I also think it would be cool if you had top-level gear that didn’t get permanently destroyed. That you could repair, over and over again. I had the idea for Masterwork weapons and armor that could be crafted only by those in the highest tiers of their skill, with the highest level perks. It would used special components that would give it the “Masterwork” quality. This would allow the item to degrade to zero durability and stop functioning over time, but you would always be able to repair the item back to its original pristine state via repair kits.

This would allow legacy items (a treasured blaster, lightsaber, ancient mando armor, etc.) that would be with the character forever. Such items would be rare and difficult to construct, but that would be part of what would make them so special.

Just a suggestion. I otherwise love how weapon/armor crafting functions on the server. Great work!

I could see this being a perk of the last level crafting perk, since that level is usually skipped (since it just offers more enhancement options, not more blueprints).