Noel's Cavalcade of Screw-ups

It is well known that for the Echani, the best way to know each other is through combat. However, many forget about the medics and doctors behind the constant and never-ending list of Echani warriors that obviously, had no better way to settle a disagreement than to pull out their sword and challenge someone else for a duel.

Noel Dakkshank is, for a lack of a better word, that idiot that is usually stuck treating other people’s injuries. Is he a coward and afraid of combat? No, or at least he doesn’t think he is, rather the problem lays on him seeing how useless those methods are. What good is it to solve a discussion on which tactics to use through violence, when your tactics are still the worst in the room? Noel tried to use words, and while he found they can hurt just as much as a knife when wielded appropriately, he turned out to be the outlier in that situation - and all that rose afterwards.

Tired of that way of living and thinking, Noel sought to find somewhere else to practice his talents in medicine, where he might debate someone in silly things rather than with knifes. Three hangovers later, he found himself having accidentally signed up on the Republic while he was drunk, and without much of a choice but to serve for at least one tour or being shoved off service for any dumb reason he might’ve come up with, he obliged.

Curiously enough however, Noel actually enjoyed said service. Saving lives in the field, protecting the innocent, his people would’ve called him up for being a pedantic good-dooer, but he did in fact produce a small amount of happiness out of helping people out in the galaxy. It was during an operation in which the Republic and the Jedi teamed together than a young Padawan noticed how Noel was, though unconsciously at the moment, using the Force to a small degree. Quick reactions, sensing danger before it showed its ugly face, unconsciously moving very light objects, small, unremarkable and unnoticeable for people who aren’t already deeply trained on it. And as any believers of science would, Noel denied it all outright, calling that Padawan off for being demented, senile or both.

While the Padawan laughed it off, it took Noel months to get over said denial. Swallowing his pride, he asked for guidance, but the Padawan offered little - said Padawan was also still learning. However, in the eyes of said Padawan, it was confirmed that Noel had the talent, and he was asked if he wished to try his luck with the Jedi - which Noel declined, this time politely. In truth, Noel was terrified. Science and medicine he understood perfectly, he was more than capable to perform surgery in a battlefield and under distress, but nothing on his books explained anything about this mystical garbage the Padawan called the Force.

When the end of his service for the Republic came, Noel was shocked to realize he might actually miss it. He had a good time helping the Republic out, helping the innocent, fighting and bleeding alongside his teammates, but if he ever wanted to make heads or tails about this Force nonsense, he had to seek those out himself. For a while, Noel merely worked as a mercenary, seeking to make enough money so he might purchase equipment of his own and gather enough information to go on, but once he had a goal, he marched forward. Viscara was the lead he found, something experts called a ‘Force Nexus’, the meaning of those words completely lost on him - but the important thing is that the Force is strong there, and he might find answers.

Without thinking it twice, he took the first shuttle travelling there, and for three weeks he has been roaming the place. He’s been helping people out with their business, he’s been getting into one too many fights against Mandalorians, but he feels tougher than ever. Still lacking the proper training, he’s gotten a knack at throwing rocks with the Force and healing minor wounds - just as he has accidentally stumbled upon what looked like some sort of Jedi temple with a bunch of Jedi having a meeting in a courtyard. Now the question remains - seeking to learn from the Jedi, or seeking answers on his own?

He meditates on his next move, while accidentally getting himself into more trouble.

//Left in 2019, decided to give the server another try after seeing that it is even more active than it was back in the day. Glad it is still rocking! Though I decided I should make a new character rather than use the old one. Also, nice work with the new system, works way smoother than the old one!