OOC: I am using the following for reference material: http://swse.wikia.com/wiki/Cathar, http://www.swc-mandalore.com/ranks.htm
Name: Nor Pel
Race: Cathar
Height: 5 foot 7
Weight: 160 lbs
Age: 18 (Born 3977 BBY)
Home World: Cathar
Home Town: Clan Pel Homestead of Mandalorian Settlement Vega on Cathar
Ranks: Evaar`la Verd of the Vega Home Guard [Age 10-12]
Verd`ika of the Vega Home Guard [Age 12-14]
Verd`ika Sol`yc of the Vega Home Guard [Age 14-16]
Alor`uus of Vega Home Guard [Age 16-Current]
Accomplishments: TBD
Current Residence: Apartment in Veles Colony on Viscera
Current Trade Crafts: Armor smith, Engineer
Current Faction: Mandalorian Remnant
History: Nor`s early life was typical of a young Cathar. Yet, then came the
Mandalorian invasion which resulted in the near destruction of his race
during the third year of his life. His clan was almost entirely wiped out
in the fighting. Yet, Nor remained hiding during the battle. In the
aftermath the resourceful child was discovered by a Mandalorian warrior
named Pel. The trooper took Nor in as his own, which at first had the
others in Pel`s unit think that he had taken the child on as a type of joke.
As the Mandalorians set up a settlements on Cathar, Pel and his wife were
among the settlers of what became known as Vega. Nor grew up learning
the ways of the Mandalorians. This included such lessons as history, the
Reslan`ore, Manda, the use of armor, and how to maintain and utilize many
forms of weaponry.
At the age of 10 Nor was give duties as a runner and errand runner for the
Vega Home Guard. For the next two years Nor learned the ways of what it
meant to be part of a Mandalorian military unit. Though most of the time
when he wasnt working or at lessons with his Cathar tutor, Nor could be
seen working in the armory learning how to maintain and make blasters
and armor.
On his 12th birthday Nor officially joined Clan Pel and was allowed to
become to full member of the Vega Home Guard. Nor continued to train and
study while growing into what would be his full height. He learned that he
had a preternatural talent for heavy vibroaxes and so his fighting style
became one that incorporated them and them martial arts abilities he was
taught by his tutor.
As he reached his 16th birthday Nor already had proven himself a capable
warrior and had earned the rank of Corporal. This was also at the time the
Mandalorian Wars ended with the Mandalorian defeat. Clan Pel and the rest
of the Vega settlement were left alone in the aftermath of the defeat.
With the discovery of Viscera and the opportunity for a new frontier Nor
was sent to not only establish a place for himself there but to contact
other Mandalorians to expand the standing of Clan Pel. Thus Nor Pel
had found himself on thi Czerka controlled world looking to carry out
his orders to both clan and people.....
Father: Killed in the War
Mother: Killed in the War
Siblings: Unknown Status [Leaving this open for RP]
Adopted Father: Pel
Adopted Mother: Nari
Adopted Siblings: [leaving this for RP expansion]
[[Will be expanded over time]]