A holorecording is set up as Silvia looks on it from her room, its not a grand room, really sparse with only a bed and a chest Tara had left for her. Not that she was ungrateful for it
So, its been a very long time since I kept journals…I was six when I kept the last I think. I have been on Viscara now for about a month or two give or take and the people here for the most part are fairly nice. Blows a sigh pushing her long hair out of her face Its hard though, in ways many don’t understand. I think Corbin referred to me as naïve and he’s likely right. I am naïve and don’t suit the others in many ways. No matter how hard I try to fit in.
Today is a great example of how lost I am here. Everyone went to this…“beach party” thing…no idea what that is or why it requires you all sitting in your underwear in the hot sand. Many were there, Althea, Sandra, Callista, Corbin, Tara, Puru…but they were all separated into their own groups, and it just seemed like after yesterday of mostly everyone ignoring me trying to find them, they don’t seem to see me.
Nargul was okay…the chiss the others also left behind, we spoke for a while and he told me about his people. Then he had to go too. I have passed the others about three times, even stopped to watch them each time. No one talks to me, looks to me, I feel invisible to them. Though I don’t know, maybe as a future Temple Guard, I should just get used to being alone. I spend most of my time alone anyways. All my training in forms? Alone, all my combat training? Alone, I don’t blame Callista, shes trying to juggle so much she can only do so much at once. Though I am tired of trying to encourage the Padawans to be more active with us.
I give up fighting to make changes. I will just stick to what I know, and how to take care of myself. Its all that seems to actually work and if I am needed, I am sure the Knights will let me know. I just…I wish I was back home, I was never this alone back home…wipes a tear away as she reaches over and shuts off the recorder
//OOC NOTE: This is ALL IC feelings ONLY, please do NOT take this as OOC!! Thanks!