Ozias – The Dark Heart

Name: Ozias Balaskas
Age: Mid thirties
Species: Human
Height: 5’10”
Skin Color: Light
Hair Color: Dusty blonde with strawberry highlights
Theme Song: The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video] - YouTube


Its been years, many blurry years, uncountable years to the point that I can’t recall my age. Thirty something by now, I imagine, my age that is. Nothing but seedy back alley spacer pubs, spending credits on any twi’lek dancer that would smile at me, and then whatever juice or spice I was tossing back that week to numb the pain of existence. And yet it all still haunts me, losing them.

Left a bloody mess with no credits to their name, I found myself on some strange corporate station floating around some rock. Some kindness given to me, they should of just put my pathetic self down, I recovered and came to. Sobriety hit me and those at the medical physically seemed so pleased with themselves, bringing back some drifter to now toss him back onto the streets with the refugees and gangsters. I can’t tell if its cruel of them to do such or not, they called it kindness and goodwill.

I figured I’d try to clean up, why not? What I was doing before wasn’t working out and I kept feeling this tingle in the back of my soul like I could be something more. Then the day hit me where I was about to slip into my old ways, my ways to simmer the pain, but then there was this odd sorcerer who stood preaching his dogma. I never gave much thought to the ways of the force, those religious cultist just seemed to enjoy killing each other and dragging the rest of the world into their mess when they could. But this guy, he spoke of Lord Revan and how to deal with the pain. To embrace. It made sense. Well, it made sense for where I was at that point in my life, that moment.

Its then when it all began, my journey for revenge and power. My wife, my children, all dead now. And it has been the misery I have dwelled on for so long, and shall continue to do so, my passion for them never ending. It is that of love has brought forth the darkness in my heart. I will serve, I will learn, I will embrace the teachings of the Sith.

Approved, seems like a sort of character the server needs more of.

Thank you.

I rerolled the character and added surname Balaskas, deleting the old Ozias.