A tremor shook the core of the freighter, causing what few working lights there were to sputter. Cold shadows amidst the assorted crates of salvage framed the lone Chiss huddled under a threadbare blanket. Just like every time he awoke, he first ensured that his light bag was still lashed to his leg, and not spirited away in the night by an opportunistic traveler. A ritual that was always accompanied by resentful words muttered under his breath. This time, the inspection was cut short by the shouts of a Gamorrean in their alien language that Ozuth had no desire to learn. At least deciphering their squeals was simple. Usually they pointed at the machinery that needed fixing or he got a firm shove in the right direction. This one was beckoning him out of the ship’s cargo hold and to get to work.
Why did this have to be the only passage to the colony that he could find? He had traveled with many dubious groups in his years out in the galaxy, but at least they had a solid grasp on object permanence and simple hygiene.
Another loud squeal ushered him up through the hatch where he skittered out of the way of several Gamorreans hauling cargo. More workers filled the space and he pressed against the wall to avoid a collision. There, he had his first glimpse out the window at the lazily rotating asteroid station and Viscara below. Did he really wish to fly to this unimpressive mess of swamps and mountains? If he wanted reliable work, there were dozens of planets that would offer better pay and greater comfort than the bog could provide.
He could establish a career as an attorney or consultant on the inner rim, with a glorious ascent back to the great game of politics. If only any of his experience mattered here. Or maybe a career repairing Republic blasters, if he was willing to enlist in this foreign war. He would even settle for work installing communication arrays in some backwater region of the galaxy. As long as there wasn’t a desert.
Then why did he settle on Viscara? Something he failed to describe led to his humiliating dismissal from the Unknown Regions, and this same great ‘Something’ pulled him here. The mystery of it all infuriated him, and the moment he set down on this planet he swore t-.
His thoughts were broken by a stern shove and shrill squeals from the Gamorrean. Right, his meager talents as a technician were paying for this passage. There was no time for brooding as there was always work to be done.