Name: Pritu’os’exoi
Race: Chiss
Age: Early 20s
Height: 6’0
Weight: 185lbs
Skin: Light Blue
Eyes: Dark Red
Description: Pritu’s gaze has an air of aloofness to the goings on around him. He is lean and broad chested and stands straight, coming off as prideful. He often smiles and laughs when in conversation.
History: Pritu’os’exoi was born while his mother was in Republic captivity on the prison planet of Belsavis. His mother was a suspected Empire agent, as a Chiss woman from Csilla. With no foreseeable timeline for her release, Pritu’os’exoi was named by his mother before being placed for adoption by the authorities. Pritu was placed under guardianship of two human Republic Troopers from the planet of Coruscant who eventually became his adoptive parents. While his parents were on deployment, he would often have his grandparents take care of him during their time away.
As a child, Pritu was originally sent to school on Coruscant with other Republic children, but after a short while his newly adoptive parents were informed that Pritu was being accused of being an Empire sympathizer by the other children in his class due to his Chiss lineage. This lead his parents to resolve this issue by having him home schooled by his grandparents. During his youth, as his parents continued to see the treatment their child would receive in public and fearing that this treatment may lead him to sympathize with his people and the Empire, they slowly began to isolate him from outside influences; such common things as HoloNet news and the goings on around the galaxy and the war were kept from him.
His isolation has made Pritu naïve in many ways and uninformed when it comes to current events around the galaxy at large and the war. However, as he has grown older, Pritu became enamored with the idea of the Jedi. His time spent alone lead him to engrossing himself in many stories about the Jedi and hearing personal accounts from his parents in active war-fronts. Recently this has culminated in him wanting to turn his day dreams in to a reality. With the passing of both his grandparents recently, becoming old enough to leave home, and having heard of the dwindling numbers of Jedi after the war, he has decided to take it upon himself to leave home in an attempt to join a Jedi Enclave.
((OOC: I’m not entirely familiar with the goings on of the server, so this bio is meant as a fun way to explain why my character is so uninformed about the current state of the Galaxy.))