PSA: My Roleplay Style

Hi everybody,

I just wanted to talk a little bit about my playstyle because it is important to me that you all know where I am coming from, and also know that I don’t mean any ill towards anyone.

First, a little background. I mostly come from playing on a large server. I spent around 10 years playing on Arelith. It is a totally different beast there. In some ways good, and in some ways not. With large servers like that, it is a lot harder to trust the people you play with and feel like you are all there for each others’ enjoyment and not just your own. There was definately a toxic corner of the server which grated very much on me and ultimately lead to why I probably won’t go back.

That said, I also learned a lot about in depth roleplay there and have kept those lessons with me as I’ve moved on. One of these major lessons is that…some if not most of the most meaningful RP you will ever be a part of comes out of confrontation.

This is something I have taken to heart, and so when it comes to being at odds with someone in the game, whether it be an enemy or an ally or even a lover, I often will not shy away from creating or following conflict in the game. It is important to me that you know that I’m not starting stuff with your character because I don’t like you or have some kind of ooc grudge against you, but because I see a real potential for some good RP with your character and want to follow to wherever it leads, whether it turns out good or bad for my character. I just wish to follow the story there, and to me, most any conflict passed over is a missed opportunity.

Now with THAT said, I don’t want you to feel like I am callous or unsensitive to those who may not appreciate intense ongoing conflict.

First, good conflilct almost never involves actual PvP. Sometimes it does, but most the time, PvP just leaves one person or the other feeling treaded on. I am typically slow to resort to PvP, but it has been known to happen if I feel the situation really warrants it. It is a part of the game after all.

Second, I know you can’t have constant conflict all the time, or you just become stressed and desensitized to the impact of it. Good conflict to me comes in short bursts and allows for resolution afterwards (whether that means kissing and making up, or beating the bad-guy).

Third, I know sometimes the conflict can get a little too intense, and sometimes its easy to come on too strong when you’re playing your side of the conflict. So I try to be considerate of the other player if they are feeling attacked personally or overwhelmed, and let me know, I will try to find a way to lighten up if can.

The main points are: I see conflict as good, but also being considerate of the other player. I may not necessarily ignore the conflict for your sake, but I might try to lessen the intensity of how I play it at that moment.

Also, the other big thing to me is inclusion in RP. Sure there are sometimes where it makes sense to deal with something privately between one or two characters, but for the most part, IMO, the more people involved, the better. Stories are best when shared. :slight_smile:

I hope this helps you guys understand me a little better, and I hope it helps make me a little more approachable. Ultimately, we’re all here to have fun, and I have more fun when more people are also having fun.
