Ra Zosta - Saving the Galaxy

Ra opened her pad and started typing.

I am Sam’s complete lack of originality.


Welcome to The Anarchic Syndicate.

The first rule of The Anarchic Syndicate is: You can talk about The Anarchic Syndicate if you want to.
The second rule of The Anarchic Syndicate is: You CAN talk about The Anarchic Syndicate IF you want to.
The third rule of The Anarchic Syndicate is: You can follow the rules if you want to.

We are an anti-faction faction.
As individuals we have it within ourselves to achieve a true utopian equilibrium by refraining from separating ourselves into factions. To achieve this goal, the independently minded must paradoxically temporarily coalesce for the ultimate betterment of everyone. This is because those of the erroneously apposed ideologies are by their very nature better motivated to coalesce into factions and achieve change whereas those of the mind-set suited to this faction are not. Anyone who wants to join this faction would thus automatically be unsuitable for membership, which is precisely why they should join. When the rest of the galaxy adopts the principles of the faction, it will then have served its purpose and be disbanded. In such an eventual utopian system the people would be allowed to form factions but would always deem it counterproductive to do so.

We are extreme libertarian.
We oppose centralised, authoritarian factions as they diminish and eradicate individual liberties in favour of a singular ruler. Example being The Sith.

We oppose decentralised, democratic factions as they diminish and eradicate individual liberties in favour of a selected group of rulers. Example being The Republic.

We oppose factions that impose their control via fabricating and exploiting a capitalist system with all its associated flaws and inherent exploits. Example being the Czerka Corporation.

We oppose factions that impose their control via magical mind meddling tricks.

In The Anarchic Syndicate, each individual is a supreme dictator of one, with absolute power and control over his, her or itself and no one else.

We are anti-capitalist.
Asserting control over others must be abolished, be it through threat of violence or any other forms of cohesion except fair, rational debate. Motivating others through the desire to lose and gain capital is a form of cohesion which serves to diminish liberty. The only acceptable form of cohesion should be via intellectual debates wherein all parties are given all information relevant so that they can reach logical conclusions. Thus, we oppose capitalism and must work towards eliminating the obscene practice of trade.

We are charitable.
In order to maintain a system in which individuals can prosper, we must utilize charity with the rule of thumb being for each capable individual to give goods and services in excess of what each individual personally requires, sharing their expertise for the betterment of everyone. This way there will be a surplus of good and services available to all. For example, if an individual requires a gun and possesses the expertise to make one, then they should create multiple guns and give away the excess. If an individual is hungry and hunts for meat then they should make effort to hunt for more than they need and to give the excess away to others.

We are ethical.
True galactic goodness can only be achieved via chaotic means because even when enforcing a good ideology, a lawful system by its very nature must impose and enforce it at the expense of liberty, which is paradoxically evil. This highlights that a lawful system can never be as goodly aligned as a chaotic one. Individuals must be given full liberty to be evil or good, though they must be convinced to do what is good, not through cohesions via threat, slavery or capital but by open debate with others and enlightenment.

Entry Procedure.
Prospective members to The Anarchic Syndicate may pour acid over the back of their hand as a display of loyalty to the concept of libertarianism. This has symbolic meaning since authoritarian systems may reject the practice of self-mutilation and go so far as to deny people the very right to mutilate their own bodies as they see fit. In addition, many authoritarian systems impose mutilation upon others as a form of branding such as to mark slaves. In defiance, a libertarian may choose to brand themselves to express their freedom to do as they please with their own bodies.

Faction Rankings.
Important members of the faction may wear fancy robes, frilly hats and stick shiny medals on their chest if they desire, though anything of this nature will be done ironically since everyone is equally important. Everyone must always be equal and free with absolutely no arbitrary hierarchy within the system.

Fictitious Theocracy.
The faction will revere a fabricated and fictitious religion with an illusory figurehead that will be created and evolved by all faction members as desired and it shall be made clear to everyone that the religion is a complete fabrication. This will simultaneously give a strong sense of identity to the faction while also maintaining the fail safe understanding that it’s all just made up gobbledygook. Having a known fictitious figurehead will prevent any possibility of it being used to enforce any sort of authoritarian rule on its members.

Creation Fable.
The Supreme Ambient Manipulator was an omnipresent being that manipulated all reality. She is the source of perspective, everything we see, hear, touch and taste. A being of light hot like the sun and wet like the rain, beautiful, wrathful, wise and silly. She created the galaxy and saw that it was perfect. She then created life and injected it with self-awareness and all the potential that comes with it. She loved her creations and everything was right.

The Nameless Rival.
Where there is light, there must also be darkness and from the great emptiness that surrounded the Galaxies arose a dark, humourless being of cruelty, domination and greed. The Nameless Rival clashed into the Supreme Ambient Manipulator in a reality bending conflict spanning across time and space, however the Supreme Ambient Manipulators light was far too bright for the Nameless Rival, causing it to shriek back in agony. However, at the moment of the Supreme Ambient Manipulators triumph over darkness, betrayers arose from among her sentient creations and gave themselves willingly to greed. Despite its wounded state, the Nameless Rival laughed and spat at the Supreme Ambient Manipulator for it knew that so long as greed exists within the hearts of her creations then there would always be a place for the Nameless Rival to flourish.

The Choice.
There was but one way that the Supreme Ambient Manipulator could defeat the Nameless Rival forever. To wipe away the sentient lives that had betrayed her would erase the potential for creations corruption and leave the Nameless Rival with nowhere to hide. This was easily within her power, but even knowing this, tears began to well from her beautiful, crystalline eyes and she broke down sobbing, for she could not bring herself to destroy her silly, selfish creations. She loved each and every one of them no matter how vile they had been to her and so she decided to forgive them for their betrayal and granted them custodianship over the rest of her creation. She would fade into obscurity and watch from afar, waiting and assessing to see if her creations were capable of recovering from their sickness.

The Return.
The Supreme Ambient Manipulator waits patiently but confidentially at the edge of creation, for she has faith in her creations. She knows that one day they will cure themselves and on that day she shall return, banish the Nameless Rival and frolic with her creations for the rest of time in paradise as one of them.

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