This document is for my (Cril’hor, the author) personal use, meant to be a means of recording my ongoing studies and progress. Part of me loathes the idea of this scientific approach to something esoteric and mysterious. But I believe there is still room for that as I progress.
What I aim to achieve has been described in various texts and holocrons as an aura, or more metaphorically a shadow. I enjoy this latter term for its poetic nature, and thus will be using it during the course of this document.
It is, in essence, a way to tap into one’s connection of the Dark Side to create a space, an area or a barrier of some proportion. Unseen but not unnoticed. The effect of this Shadow can be divided into two parts depending on the nature of the entity entering within its radius.
To begin with, by projecting one’s connection a space is created which resonates with a sense of dread, danger and hostility. From this we come to part one: it is said that animals and creatures naturally shun the practitioner as they sense danger and discomfort. This allows the practitioner to pass through potentially dangerous wildlife without harm. The Shadow preys on that atavistic sense of flight for survival to get out of harm’s way.
The second part involves entities with a higher range of faculties and thought, those being mainly humanoids of all kinds. “People” as you will. The truly frustrating type of nuisance regardless. A competent wielder of the Shadow is said to be able to use it against others to confuse them, primarily within the mind which in most cases also affects the body in turn. A sense of disorientation and unease seems a common effect, and on those with less willpower, a suffocating or drowning sense of doom and despair.
I shall be outlining the procedural method of research in this section. It will gradually progress from a very personal, small environment to include live test subjects and field training as follows:
Personal testing to attempt to manifest the basics of the power.
Practicing on test subjects, caged animals.
Practicing on humanoid subjects, willing or otherwise.
Field testing in actual situations, both against wildlife and humanoids.
There will be success.