Sandra Mana: Casual Day?

Sandra returns from a run with Lucas through the mountains. Sandra opens her door to the mountain side home and enters with a long exasperated breath. She tugs at her shorts and then uses a small towel to wipe her neck and forehead. It is placed on the table and the tight workout shirt is pulled down a bit as she takes a seat at her table, legs crossing and datapad taken out. She thinks to herself…

“That was a really good run with Lucas this morning. I have been keeping up my exercise as Artemis has asked me. I will need my strength and focus in the events to come. Lucas was really nice company.”

She lets her ponytail down and fans her hair out lightly

“The day before, I did a lot of practice with the electronics Artemis gave me also after our last mission where I saw Seela with Master Hohenfel. The base they blew up as we did our own stealth mission. I was fascinating to see the pair work like one. Anyways, after practice I meditated for a few hours and then went to my mountain side home.”

Sandra leans back in the chair and huffs some red hair aside

Althea let me know of her plan to use special explosives and needed someone stealthy to plant them. I might despise her, but even I know that a functional plan is hard to come by. May well make this one work if it means disposing of Duskhaven and their nonsense. Then Sylia and John came over to speak of feelings and how I would respond to them. It is a bit of an annoyance because I need John to focus on his training and for Sylia to get her mind right on being more balanced. She is prone to emotional outburst in subtle ways, but I cannot fault her for it. She has better control of it now and is rather pleasant to be around. Her playfulness catches me off guard often. Sudden hugs and jokes always catch me off of my balance. But she is very sweet.”

Sandra flicks through the datapad looking for any holonet updates. She giggles softly at one of two and then checks her messages for anything from the Order or Artemis.

"John is a fascinating fellow because he has no prior memories and biases towards anything since he was well…rather just born. He knows some basic things for survival and he is a clone it seems. I wonder how well he is made since clones tend to have a shorter life span. It is unfortunate, but who knows. Anyways, since his mind is so clear and unspoiled, I have taken him as a student. He has studied hard and trained well. I am glad he had a chance to meet Artemis also. I think he was impressed, but he is still on the fringe about joining the Order. I hope he will consider so later. He has great potential. He has also taking a liking to me. This is…tricky. I must manage my ground well if I am to get him to proper training levels in a safe manner, but I am confident for now. Sylia and John have been sleeping over at my home and base since well, I suppose they do not have a proper place of their own. John is my student, so I am well with housing him and such. "

Sandra yawns loudly and stretches up with arms reaching the sky

“I had been up entertaining Sylia before she went to see Lanari who told her later on she sold the people she captured to slavery. Unfortunate. Then I was with John the rest of the evening. He is funny and playful despite being basically a new born. Where he learned to say charming things, I will never know. I stayed up the rest of the night after he slept so that i could work on my own studying and training.”

"But later that same eve I want out and encountered Lucas. We talked for a few hours and it was quite pleasant. We spoke of all sorts of little things and hobbies. We talked about running being something we do quite often, so we decided to run together in some mornings! We ran together this morning and enjoyed conversation about the planet as we did so. He kept up without stopping! Very impressive. He just escorted me home and well…I suppose here I am.

Sandra runs her hands on her leg as she looks to the datapad’s news feed

“Almost a day without sleep, but it is not bad. I will meditate for a few hours to get back some energy and then resume my training and John’s. I should expect to keep rather busy until Artemis finds me again. She went to Coursuant after our mission and I hope she returns soon. I would like to address some combat training in my primary form at the moment. Her blade work is…done so confidently. I am excited to learn more!”

Zain made me some boots to wear also. I think it is as a sort of peace treaty for his behavior demonstrated earlier. I have not had much time to speak with him, but i really hope he is proving to be worthy. I do not have much confidence for his disposition and over eager energy to be a student, but he looks to be doing better compared to when I first saw him. Who knows…”

She reaches her legs to lay on another chair seat close by as she folds her hands neatly on her thighs. Her bright Emerald eyes look at nothing in particular as her gaze falls forward to the light tinted sky blue wall.

“I need to fix up John’s lightsaber a bit also. He made a nice one and he likes the saber he received from Andro, so I have incorporated parts from Andro’s gift into his Staff saber. I do not know any staff styles to properly teach, so maybe I will pick up some form from Artemis. I will see. Anyways, I should get to meditation then force practice when I wake. Busy busy…”

Sandra goes to sit on a mat on the ground, crosses her legs and assumes the meditation position as she falls into meditation