Sandra Mana: Jedi Knight

Sandra lays in bed at her house and looks around at the oddly clean house. She shrugs and goes to undress for the evening. She settles in a long shirt and shorts.

Sandra goes to the mirror and runs both her hands through her hair, fanning it out, looking at the now cut segment where her Padawan braid hidden among her red flowing hair. She does a little twirl and looks on herself in the mirror as the red satin wave settles. Her emerald gaze looks back on herself.

“Jedi Knight Sandra Mana…”

She whispers softly and goes to her bag and takes out the lovely robes that were given to her. Sandra runs a hand over them gently and opens up the sleeves and such. It is given a tuck and wave as the robes stretch out over the bed. She takes the robes and wraps it around herself and stands there staring at herself for a moment. She holds her hair up, perhaps deciding the best hair style for the outfit. Pigtails? Ponytail? Meh. She lets her hair drop and takes a moment to decide how to dress it.

After about 20 mins of this playful thinking, she puts her hands on her hips and makes a playful hero pose, teasing in a gruff voice

“Hail, citizen. I am here to save the day!”

Sandra giggles at this and rolls her eyes at herself in the mirror. She takes off the robe finally and goes to sit in the bed. Her hands run along her thighs back and forward a moment as she recalls the event…

“As a Spy, you are taught to have no physical connections, little emotional ones, and even less desire to have any of the two. But when you need to look in the mirror and wonder who you are, there is no other way that to truly face yourself…or someone who knows you like it.”

Sandra recalls the events of the Trials. How she had passed the Four trials with her deeds, ventures, sound mind, and acceptance of her emotions. Then the final trial…

“There are moments where you will really doubt who you are, but when I saw Verrac, my whole world turned upside down. To see his broken and dark form before me ripped into my heart. We spoke and he tried to make me doubt and question myself, but I could not think of that. I only wanted to save him, and in that, I knew where I stood. I stood against him and showed him my love. I gave him all of my mind and hopes for the future and he slowly came to realize that his way was not the only one again. He saw some light and hope and would be there to welcome me to the force one day when it was my time to pass. I hoped he could be truly with the light force as he returned after my trial.”

“…I was Knighted by the Masters and given robes befitting my station. It was such an honor. I should just enjoy my two days of fun and party, or whatever teenagers do before I resume my training and back to action. I had a party with Teh, and uh…that was a liquor filled day. I wonder what I should do today…hmm. I wonder if I should have a large party, but I would likely leave. Maybe uh…I can go visit the lake or see what Pazzak players are at the bar. Maybe design my outfits? That is fun for me!”

Sandra stops massaging her legs and goes to slide into bed. Her eyes close and she takes a calming breath.