Sandra Mana: Lightsaber

Sandra sits at her personal assembly set in the storage of her ship. Several little sketches and plans of what look like lightsaber designs riddle the crafting station. She paces around with foam cut outs for testing the grip and the particular way things feel. It’s after a while that she realizes the one she wants.

The design that seems well to her is the shorter one that she could create with more utility than the staff that needs double the output and takes up more space internally. The staff was harder to conceal and carry around unless it was in parts. So the utility of the metals and the internal mechanisms were better designed than her staff in the end. She also opted for the high beam emitter for some serious pain. The beam could be length adjusted a little as well to change up deception tactics. Something about a story of a warrior who defeated another by crafting an ore out of wood, just longer than another’s sword and won. The shorter hilt also let her focus on extreme speed strikes. While she’d have far less of an attack flurry, the blows coming from the single would have to be penetrating and have to matter. And having a single handed lightsaber opened her up to the other Forms of lightsaber artes as well. Along with the usual EMP shielding and a filter for dust, which weren’t too complex for someone like her and her building experience, it was the small comforts that were welcomed.

All in all… The change was more of a decision made to get away from the physical manifestations of the past. While accepting what happened was enough, still being so close to it in representation only left a foot in the door. So with this design, she would be free.

The creation is elegant and lovely to look at. It was elegant and had a feminine feel to it. It was certainly a Master’s Lightsaber. And finally, the gold elements that she saved from her time in the Order. It was all that was left to place and… with a tap of a pressing switch, the Cyan saber came to life. It glow’d so gorgeously as always and so it stood. This will be the way forward.