Sandra Mana: Peace

Sandra returns to her apartment for tonight and drops her bag on the ground at the side of her bed. Her boots are carefully removed, jacked switched for a long shirt, and jeans switched for some comfortable shorts.

She goes to sit in the living room and crosses her legs lightly as she leans back in the moderately comfy chair. A hand sails through her river of red hair as she begins to think…

A lot has happened and nothing has happened after the Fall of Duskhaven. It has been a rather peaceful period for me. I have had a lot of time to train, study, and mind myself during these few weeks. I have been swimming a lot and it is so refreshing. I read a lot of info from the archives on what Nulaa had me studying, especially in form 1 and form 2 of lightsaber combat. Keyan had a duel with me the other day also and it was quite fun! I am getting better at the force jump and it feels good to see training pay off in such a direct way.

Sandra runs a hand along her leg and looks on the low lit room. Her eyes pass over some plants, a few chairs and calm silence. Wonderful.

Jaycen is someone I took on as a Padawan after hearing of his experiences. It is nice to begin with someone who has his head on right. He is wiser than he seems, pleasant to speak with, understands what is happening around him, and has the makings of a well balanced Guardian. I see such great potential in him and it has been such a pleasure teaching him. He is even fascinating to teach! His fears are something I understand well though. As someone who is training to be a Shadow, he will come to respect his emotions and manage them through darkness.

Sylia left to a college on Telos. She was a bundle of energy and a pain, but she was kind, direct, energetic, and willing to learn. I hope she finds what she needs where she is. I will try and visit some time.*

Rathi or Lanari has been rather pleasant to speak with and spend time with also after she duped Duskhaven and found her own sort of freedom. I am sure she has her own tricky plans in the works, but this is the nature of people like us…people who shift through what is expectation and what is reality. Our deeds are not often seen in the light and if they are, it is for a reason. In this, at the least, I can understand. It is also an aspect I admire of her…the fierce determination to learn. I must keep up also.

Althea has been coming and going as usual. Her return to the Jedi still kind of baffles me after the things she said, but I suppose there is a reason for it all. While we get along and manage well, I do only tolerate her. I wonder how her own training is going.

Seela has been someone I can manage looking at now and our encounters have been well. I am unsure how to feel, but I just know that I am not so angry with her anymore. Maybe I am just the awkward one now…

Lucas has been training hard also to feel of more use. He really took to the fungus project and has learned quite a bit. He flirts with me now and then, and I do not really mind. Aside from Jaycen, he feels like one of the most sane people running about. Anyways, he has been helping Zain with his own issues and distance from Sylia.

Zain…he is always a curious one. I do not know what to really think of him lately. He seems to have gained a lot of ground from day one. Sylia and Zain found an open relationship, I think, before she had to leave. Zain did seem like someone who needed a person to really settle with. He has a lot more cybernetic pats for his body than I really expected. 5 major organs, several limbs, and some systems. I wonder what left of him is really human. I am surprised he can even use the force at this rate. His body is just…gone. I think he is infected with something making him go blind. That is very unfortunate.

Andro has a girlfriend I hear. Some odd lass I spoke with for a short time. He likes to give me these odd stuffed toys on occasion. I do not know what to do with them. They are…rather cute, yet abstract. His paintings were nicer, I feel. It’s the only gift from him that I kept. The odd floating dreamy purple whales picture is so relaxing. Anyways, he is still trying to study the force without any sort of teacher or supervision. Maybe he will find some avenue of lifestyle that is safer than being a force user. I hear he will open a Mandalorian battle circle on a weekly basis. They are curious to watch, but ah…maybe joining is not some thing on my immediate list of things to do.

Iradoki seems to be hounded by the hutts again. I was told to keep an eye on the situation and gather information. This is what I do. I learned that there was some sort of former jedi with a red saber in the group. Jaycen and Lucas were hurt I heard and I did worry. I wonder what she has been doing otherwise…hmm.

Sandra yawns loudly and stretches like a cat in her seat. She plops her hair over her face so she can’t really see anything and just lets out a long sigh

Aside from helping around with an odd favor or task, I have been fairly well. Training is on pace and keeping Jaycen on pace feels pretty good. I think I am ready to try and pursue new avenues of force exploration.
I want to find Artemis again and see what she can show me.
Otherwise, I might look for Keyan. I really get along with him better than I ever expected that we would. Nulaa could be a good way to pursue also for more combat training. It would be nice to push the Makashi basics and Shii-Cho mid tier techniques. I will see what happens.

I am not so used to this lack of supervision I had when I was a Padawan. They trust me to keep up my own training, studies, teaching and to mind myself. It is a kind of freedom that is refreshing and kind of scary in a way. I must do my best though.

Sandra gets out of the chair and meanders to bed. She lays on her back and lets out a long groan from her day of self imposed training. She scratches her arm a little and then lets a long yawn. Her eyes peek at the mirror a moment and she just peeks away. Finally, Sandra pulls the light blanket over herself. Slowly the wash of sleep falls over her as she fades…fades to the peaceful sleep…