Sandra Mana: Simple Darkness

Sandra wakes up from sleep and points a blaster around the bedroom on her ship. After a moment she lowers the blaster and tugs the blanket around her form a slight higher. It’s another moment before swinging her legs off the bed. Her feet pressed on the cold floor is refreshing in a way that id adds a sort of energy to her. Getting up to throw on a long shirt, she then heads to the table in the main room with some opened datapads and some damaged hard drives plugged to aa small private server that’s running a de-frag on them.

It’s a few moments of getting situated and massaging her legs, she looks on her datapad for any updates from her allies and comrades. There’s a little time to sip some freshly made tea before looking on some local and intergalactic news. Sandra fuddles with some equipment for later that may be needed. The idea of a general being targeted isnt a surprise in itself, but at least they had the positions of where the Sith may hide. At least there’s progress again.

There was no point thinking on it right now anyways. Instead she pondered about the people in her life. She thought of the various people wanting to get through her own ‘walls’ and offer their own ways of dealing with problems that she was used to and managing, but the gesture alone was rather comforting.

Oddly enough, she thought of Beryn. She had noticed his coughs and meds before, but she never really cared to mind such a common notion. For some reason, hearing about his condition made her…sad? She didn’t think she’d end up being somewhat fond of the old Jedi, but there he was… trying to support her in subtle ways. He even got a kind lass to design some new robes for her and it was a comfort.

Rai has been looking for training again, but it would likely be better if she never tried to be a Jedi or Sith or to be involved with the Force again. Not everyone has what it takes to live such a life and Rai certainly will takes years before having what it takes again to undergo such mental rigor. Between two different disorders, a disability, and other issues… it’s best if she gave up and just focused on being a doctor. I suppose one could just teach her medical force artes in the end though and that would be fine.

Ira has an ideal to make small strikes against the Sith in order to find Sasri. As hopeful as i’d like to be, I know the odds are unwell. She’s in Sith space with an unknown amount of enemies, in a non-stable position, with a fleet admiral, with their greater resources, and more. Space is, despite the feeling sometimes, a large place. I’m all for dangerous and suicidal missions, but this takes quite the proverbial ‘cake’. Sandra’s own goal is to wait and see what Ira can muster up.

“…There’s much to do and I hope everyone can overcome in the end.”

With this soft notion, she combs her hair and listens to the computer sounds from her table with contemplation and wonder.