Sandra Mana: Small Spy Stories

“I returned to my apartment from my trip and I encountered an argument outside. It was rather unpleasant…”

There is a man with spiky green hair with a blaster pointed at an blonde lady in her 30s. Her eyes are wet with tears and fear.

‘If you come knocking on my door again, i’ll fill you with more holes than a ship through an astroid field! GOT IT, WRETCH?’

‘Y-YES! I apologize! Please! I have children!’

‘FINE, get out my face, or your kids will have holes before you. Beat it!’

The woman catches sight of Sandra as she watches from her room and her eyes sparkle. The woman jogs over and introduces herself

‘Miss, MISS! You are the one who gets the occasional visitor with LIGHTSABERS! I have seen them! Are you a Jedi?’

‘No…just a redhead.’ Simply stated.

‘Well, this fellow moved in right after Republic took over and has been trading spices and drugs from this room! Weird threatening people have been coming over to the apartments and they scare a lot of the folk here who just want to make an honest, hard working, living! If you know one of those Jedi, can you ask them to get rid of this person for me? If I get involved, they could kill me!’

‘…I will ask them.’ Stated in her usual near monotone voice.

‘Thank you, THANK YOU!’ The blondie hops in joy.

Sandra returns to her room and sighs lightly before going to the hardware store down the street

“A Jedi might have just asked the dealer to leave or negotiated such. Perhaps even pulled the blaster away immediately when they saw this moment. That would have put the druggy on alert and call for help later. I like to be…persuasive in other ways…”

Sandra picks up some Space-duct tape, a Durasteel PowerDrill, Wall Scanner, and High-Powered Nail Gun. She goes to the Dealer’s door when he is not home and runs the scanner on the side of the wall to avoid partitions and inner frame. Then sets some Tape at around knee level in the shape of a cube.

“While getting rid of your local drug dealer, I prefer the scare method, because then the dealer will leave on their own will. Easier to report a dealer who’s moving out also. Nothing beats being caught red handed as you’re in the moving process.”

“Blasters make you stupid. Better to fight your wars with Space-duct tape, Space-duct tape makes you smart. Despite modern building styles, a lot of buildings are still cheaply made out of frames such as plastics, thin metals, or even stone.”

She goes out back and cuts out the first layer of outer wall behind the room then sets it back in place lightly before leaving for the morning.

The dealer return later and Sandra goes down to the first floor to knock on his door lightly

“Every dealer with a head on his shoulders has a blaster proof door of some sort. But no one tends to reinforce the walls next to the door.”

There is a sound of a blaster clip being inserted and then a response

‘Hello? Who’s there? I thought I said no knocking, wretch!’

Sandra takes out her blaster, calibrates calmly, aims at the mark she set on the door’s side, and fires a shot through the section. There is a screem after


“Now he’s down and expecting you to come through the front door.
So you don’t come through the front door.”

Sandra goes around back and removes the section she removed earlier and just pushes through the soft part of the wall into the dealer’s room. She then walks around the corner and points a Blaster at the downed dealer, who is aiming at the door still

‘Don’t move! Easy, spikey…’ Sandra calls out.

The dealer throws his blaster over his shoulder

‘Sometimes, it comes to a point in your life where it is time to move on, and that day is today. You have 30 minutes to clear out, do you understand…?’

‘YES, YES, AHHH!! MY BLOODY LEG!’ He screams.

‘The wound is not bad. Disinfect it, wrap it in this banding, and get to a hospital and you will likely get to keep the leg. Do not return, yes?’

Hands the dealer the medical supplies

‘OKAY! AHH! OKAY! I’m going! Won’t come back, got it!’

Sandra packs up her things and leaves as quickly as she came…

Sandra then returns to her apartment and sits down to have some tea. The police she called anonymously in a practiced panicked voice should pick him up at the hospital in no time. Meanwhile, Sandra enjoys her quiet time alone and flips some red hair aside as the day ends…


Sandra tries on various skirts in her apartment room, looking at how some of them flow or how they bounced. She had a slight fascination with these things, but eventually she picks a light blue thigh height flowy skirt and light blue shirt with a black belt and black jacked. This was complimented with black thigh high stalkings and her favorite darker boots for getting around the terrain. She smiles at this and does a little twirl infront of the mirror when there is a knock on the door.

Sandra opens the door, keeping a blaster behind it, just in case. Before her stood the apartment manager who smiles happily

‘Good morning, miss! Which ever Jedi friend you asked really got rid of that drug dealer! Thank who ever you asked for me!’

Sandra just nods and replies
‘You are welcome…’

'Well, there is another issue with the locals. A woman has been taking credits from shop owners as ‘protection’ credits. When they don’t pay, they end up in the hospital! Do you think one of your Jedi friends could help again? It would really help the community. Could you ask your cute Jedi guy friends? Please?" The apartment lady pleads

‘Very well…’ Sandra states

‘Oh, thank you! Thank you! The shop owner’s name is Mitchell Miller. You can visit him in his shop a bit later. He is offering credits to anyone who can get rid of this lady. Good luck to your friends!’ She leaves for now

Sandra blows some red hair aside and goes out

The manager of the store Mitchell locks the door to his shop and looks to Sandra

‘These guys come down and make me give em money every few days. At first they said it was for protection, but they don’t even bother to lie anymore. Her name is Lanna Parks, she runs a small crew down a few blocks or so. Pays her taxes and looks nice on paper, but the street knows she is bad news. Pretty soon, I can’t be in business no more.’

‘What exactly are you looking for…?’

‘I have Twenty Thousand credits. I want them out of the neighborhood.’

‘This sounds like an organization. It does sound toug-’

‘This neighborhood is in trouble. People will lose their livelyhoods and families will have no place to go. Please, someone has to help us.’

‘Have you tried the police?’

‘They come, give me paperwork, sometimes patrol and otherwise nothing else. The neighborhood is afraid to fight back. We have families!’

‘…I can help.’ Sandra whispers

‘Ten Grand now, Ten after.’

Sandra takes the bag and nods before leaving as quietly as she came

Sandra sits outside a corner store and watches a particular woman come out of a rather secure looking building with ‘neighbors’ sitting around the area with nice bulging shirts, likely hiding their non-existent blasters. This tall woman of what looks like age 32, gorgeously dressed, 5’9", and very rude.

‘Why are you bothering me?’ Lanna shouts

‘This man has no credits to pay his debt.’

‘See if his wife has life insurrance. I gave you a blaster, right? USE IT.’

The man walks off in a hurry and takes the older fellow away.

“In intelligence work, surveillance is called “coverage”. It is like a game of Hutt Ball. You can run zone defense or man-to-man. Man-to-man’s risky. Follow someone too long, they are going to get suspicious. Zone is usually the way to go. Stay put and let targets come to you. Less obvious, easier on the feet…and you can catch up on your celebrity gossip.”

Sandra peeks around the street at the ‘protection’ money is gathered. Making note of who is who and what is what. A few hours later she returns to the store with a plan…and a disguise.

‘You need to do what?’ The shop owner panics

‘I need to smash up your place a little.’ She swings a baton in the air

‘I paid you to protect us, not cause more damage!’

‘I need to look like the new guy in town and make it look as if doing business here would cost far more than it is worth operating. If they are losing credits, they will have to break down because Lanna looks like she wants to stay clean in government eyes. I need to be that Psycho in her way.’

He sighs and motions. Sandra proceeds to smash some things up, then looks to the owner

‘Spread the rumor some crazy person is in town.’

Sandra walks out and goes to do observations.

Sandra spends the next three days tormenting Lanna’s operatives and making it veeeery hard for them to even collect debt. Finally, Lanna tries to reach out to some masked psycho. Lanna sets up a meeting place near the shipyard and inside one of the large shipping metal crates. Sandra gets there a bit in advanced to Lightsaber some holes in those crates for her very special plan…

“The term, ‘Shock and Awe’ is often misused. It is a popular name for a tactic known as Rapid Dominance. Weither you do it with a bomb, or with some cans of Turpentine and Power Drill…it is all about being Spectacular.”

The group shows up to meet in the shipping container and look around for their mysterious Psycho, unknowing that they walked into their own set trap. Sandra force pulls the door closed on the crate and shouts down into the contained with an altered voice

“GOOD MORNING! I thought I would give you all a parting gift and an option. Hahahaha! Hear me out?” Sandra acts

“I am Lanna! This is my neighborhood, do you understand? Now, let us make nice and you can work for me. I pay quite well and those here are very loyal to me. Come and let us have a nice home on this expanding Colony!”

Sandra begins pouring the Turpentine in the large shipping crate and the people in the crate start screaming. Sandra laughs with insanity and shouts into the crate as she begins jumping on it.

‘THIS IS MY NEIGHBORHOOD. MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE!!! You leave! You all leave or everything and everyone burns! AHAHAHAHA!’

‘This guy’s insane! Insane!’

One of the guys shout inside as they run to push the door open as a group and bail from the container in complete breaking of their relationship with Lanna as they scream franticly to the Colony. Lanna looks around frantically and starts crying.

‘Let me live, please! I don’t want to burn! I want to live! Oh no, oh no, oh no…don’t kill me! Let me go!’

Sandra gets out a lighter and shows it to Lanna

‘When are you leaving? Heh…’

Back at the Shop, Sandra meets with the shop owner who looks quite jovial

‘Thank you! THANK YOU! This small section of neighborhood will be a better place thanks to you. I never got your name, miss?’

‘My name is not important. Just keep the community strong and do your best on this Colony, for everyone. Here…’

Sandra puts the credits she took from him earlier and smiles gently

‘I only took what I needed for expenses, but it is all mostly there.’

The man’s tears begin to fall as he walks up and hugs her. Sandra pats his back awkwardly and looks to the taller fellow as he lets her go

‘We will never forget what you did here.’

‘Actually, you can never tell anyone who I am or what I did. Otherwise, things can get complicated. This is the last time we will ever meet. Understood?’

‘Yes, I understand. Thank you again. And good-bye.’

Sandra leave the shop…

Sandra returns to the apartment where she sits on her Engineering bench, tugging lightly on her Thigh High stalkings. Her Emerald eyes look to the empty and quiet room where the silence is refreshing for once. She runs her hands over her thighs and then peeks at the “Thank Your Jedi Friends” cookies on her table, found earlier from the Apartment Lady. Sandra shakes her head and rolls her eyes with a slight smirk and closes her eyes.

“Explaining the rules of covert ops is always a challenge. It’s a world where good guys look like bad guys and two wrongs do, in fact, make a right.”


Sandra lays in bed, a long shirt is all she wears as her legs are crossed, a foot tapping in the air as she studies a document on Nulaa’s Second Form lessons. Sandra hums lightly as she reads and suddenly there is a knock on her door. She blinks and wonder who knocks as she puts on a quick skirt and a proper shirt.

Sandra walks over to the door and an oddly well dressed fellow holds out flowers for Sandra.

'Miss, I see you walk by every week when I return from work and we share the elevator ride up every time. You stand there so calmly and quietly. And sometimes I look at you and you perk a shoulder ever so gently. You are a goddess walking amongst mere mortals.

“Covert operatives have a hard time dating. Even if you find someone who does mind that you will not talk about your past, or that you carry a concealed weapon…they usually want more than you are able to give.”

‘Um…that is quite sweet of you. You are kind to bring me these. I am not really a good candidate for a girlfriend. But ah…is there anything else I can do for you?’

The man sighs lightly as his romance is gently let down, but then he looks up at her again

‘Actually, well, I saw a fellow with a Lightsaber walk in here a day ago. Do you think you can ask the Jedi for help for me? You do not carry a lightsaber, so I know you may not be able to personally help, but if you see one…can you ask one to help my sister with an issue? She lost credits to a con artist in an insurance scam. The guy’s name is Richard Kim. Blonde fellow with a slick smile.’

‘Well um…where does she live…?’

‘Thank you!!! Here is her address. Send one of the BUFF Jedi you know, alright? Thank you! Oh here…flowers for you, beauty~’

‘…Thank you.’

She blushes a bit and goes to put them in flowers before leaving. The fellow leaves for now. Sandra sighs and wonders what they even think a Jedi looks like. A “buff” jedi…right.

Sandra spends a few moments interviewing the sister…

‘Tell me about your problem, Miss…Casey?’

The mid aged woman wipes her eyes and tends a black eye

‘This fellow offered me some insurance saying that the colony is dangerous right now. I thought, it is a good idea because of how much damage the Duskhaven fellows did when the colony was raised. I was so frightened! Some people lost their houses or property or even their lives! I wanted to be prepared! So, I gave him the credits I had and I never heard from him again. When I went to find him, he punched me in the face and sent me away! They took 4000 credits from me!’

‘I see. Well ah…thank you for telling me your story. I will see the Buff Jedi help you. Sit still and give it a few days…’

‘Thank you, miss! What is your name?’


‘Miss Sandra, I hope you can get their help. I am sure a scam is the least of worries on their list of things.’

Sandra nods and gets up, smiling with some reassuring eyes

“Con artists and spies are both professional liars. Cons do it for the money, and spies do it for the flags, but it’s mostly the same gig. They run operations, they follow security procedures, they recruit support staff and issue orders.”

Sandra goes to Racing Jim’s Bar in a sexy short dress of blue satin. She pulls up the dress line where her chest shows and sighs at the horrible functionality of these kinds of outfits. Regardless, she makes way to the bar and smiles adorably. Sandra scouts the room and notes the single man with women around him with the most expensive wines. He fits every description of the man.

She makes her way over and smiles so brightly. Sandra takes a glass and pours some wine with a smirk to him. He sends the two blondes away and leans back in the couch, looking closely at her legs, up to her emerald green eyes.

‘And what brings a delicious rose like you here this evening? I don’t think i’ve done anything good enough to have a chance to pluck you. Name’s Richard. What is yours, my sweet?’

Sandra giggles and leans closer, her legs just an inch away from his own. She gazes deeply into his eyes.

‘I am Casey Dana. I hear you have a lucrative business that I would just love to be a part of.’

‘I sell water coolers, babe. We’re not hiring right now, but if you need a place to sleep over a few days, I might be able to help with that, sweet rose.’

Sandra smirks and raises a brow. He slides a hand onto her thigh casually as he leans closer. Sandra whispers…

‘Please, do not play coy. I know all about your insurance scamming. I have your biggest score to date. I just need a partner who can help me pull this off. I just got out of prison you escaped from last week and I heard you were the man. I need that kind of man, mm~’

‘I just sell water coolers, little rose. Sorry.’

Two Republic soldier walk in to have a drink. Sandra turns away from the soldiers and leans over closely. She pulls out a blaster from her purse and shoves it into his ribs.

‘I cannot be seen here. But I cannot leave either without a deal. So let’s make one. You let me in the team and I let you live. Or I leave, and make some noise over here, and they take you back to prison. So how about we leave together and laugh like friends, yes?’

He winces, they stand, they put arms around each other and walk out of the building. Outside he stares at the sexy redhead. He sighs and nods.

‘Fine. I have a ship at the docks. Come by tomorrow. Here is my address. No funny business, rosie…’

Sandra winks and waves as she skips away. She fires the blaster in the air and laughs as she vanishes from his sight.

“No matter how good your cover identity is, you’ve gotta sell it, and that’s not always easy. Sometimes you have to decide just how committed you are to pretending you are who you say you are.”

Sandra comes over in a rather sexy short blue dress, looking like she came from a party or something. She knocks on Lucas’ door.

Lucas opens the door and welcome her in with a smile.
“Hello, what is the occasion?”

‘I need…a sniper.’ she says rather straight

‘I see, well why don’t we sit, and you give the me full details of what you need, but I think I can accommodate that.’ He nods.

Sandra tells Lucas she is going to steal some information from Richard the Con Artist’s house tomorrow and needs a sniper at an exact spot at the edge of the colony where she plans to get rid of Richard’s insurance scams and send him packing. Lucas nods along, getting the details of exactly what the intent of the shot is, and and any potential complications. Sandra notes that she needs him to keep the fellow away from her and to give her some time to escape before the Republic comes running to arrest the fellow and his crew.

‘Just camp on top of the North building at exactly 2pm. They will come from the South street. A quick job! I can give you some credits for your time, of course. Shoot out any speeders they come in. That is all! Sound good…?’ Sandra smiles kindly

‘Easy enough and yeah sure, a fair share of whatever you are making sounds fair.’

He shrugs a bit seeming a bit dismissive of the fee.

‘Stopping a speeder shouldn’t be too difficult, and if he stays troublesome, I will make him keep his head down till someone snags him.’ Lucas adds

‘Thank you…! I will see you in a few hours then?’

‘Well, I will see you at least. Not sure how visible I will be if you are running away. Afterwards we can meet.’ He grins.

Sandra smiles and stands, flattening the annoyingly tight dress and sighs as she heads out.

‘Now to get out of this annoying outfit. Who can breathe in these things?’

The next day, Sandra comes to the fellow’s fancy ship dressed in a fairly normal outfit. The ship stands with a grand view of the port and pleasant woods. Sandra looks surprised that a ship could be so fancy. They chat about the potential deal they could make. There is nothing unique about the conversation as they simply sip wine and make notes over documents used for such scams. Setting up everything was easy. But suddenly Richard gets a call on his comm and he motions that he is going outside and leaves her alone with the datapad.

‘He really left me alone with his Datapad? Idiot…’

Sandra jacks in to the Datapad and uploads everything she can from the Datapad. His password was…password. She gets all she needs and resumes looking her part as Richard returns. The talks go on another hour before she leaves to set up the next part of her plan.

Later that evening, Sandra sends a meeting time to his Datapad, with a bit of the information she stole.

‘That lying prick! She stole from me?! I’ll kill her! Then i’ll ship the parts to every corner of the universe! AHHH!!!’

“When something serious is going down, it’s a good idea to show up nice and early so you can see the ground and assess the situation.”

Lucas is set up on the building he says he will be on with a Sniper Rifle. Sandra is just standing in the middle of the street with some shorts on, a simple shirt and sunglasses. Three speeders pull up and four heavily armed fellows point blasters and rifles at Sandra.

‘WHERE IS THAT INFO? I’ll never leave prison again with those on record! Just give it back, i’ll pay you a nice sum, and we can all walk away. How does that sound?’

‘Nah. How about…you give up now. I already transferred the credits you stole back to everyone. Security is on their way in about 40 seconds. Maybe you should all run.’

The crew all try to get on their bikes, but Lucas shoots out the motors of each bike one by one, then moves over their sight. Having turned their backs on Sandra, she was already gone o where ever she took off to. The sounds of the security force pulling up makes Richard shout and throw his blaster on the ground as they surrender.

‘Oh my, oh my! I suddenly saw my account of credits return and I was so excited! Thank your friends for helping me out! I really appreciate it.’

Casey and Sandra’s admirer stand together as they look quite happy now that their credits are returned.

‘Good luck in your lives…and um, make more informed decisions later on. I hope you all have a lovely week.’

Sandra’s admirer comes over and hugs her tightly. She winces a little and pats his back

‘Thank you, Sandra. Tell your friends they are amazing.’

Sandra smirks a little and just nods as she makes her way out

Finally home, Sandra sits on her bed and removes her boots. She sighs lightly and lays back on the bed, her legs just hanging down and waving back and forward.

“Running an operation, you can’t let personal feelings get in the way. It’s about planning and execution. Not about being angry. Dealing with people who make you sick to your stomach for doing what they do is all part of the job. You need to keep a cool head and buckle down your emotions. This was needed for a Jedi to do, but even more so for a spy. As much as I just wanted to beat down the Con artist for ruining lives, it was not the way to go. In the end, it is about the success of people having their lives back.”

Sandra smiles up at the ceiling and sighs pleasantly now and closes her eyes. She did not forget that she would pay Lucas a bit for his help and perhaps a drink for his time. His help was just what she needed as a non-force user. A force user would likely have just gotten in the way. She was sure that he saw enough of the capture of the troublemakers to be satisfied with his own work.

Meanwhile…Sandra slowly falls asleep. Credit going again to “The Buff Jedi”.


Crouched on a rooftop, Lucas observes the road, sighing seeing Sandra getting ready to try to run away from speeders on foot. He thinks to himself the goal is capture, she better be able to outrun them. He takes aim down the scope of the blaster, taking a deep breath, and firing once his lungs are empty, with a slow steady squeeze of the trigger. The report of the weapon barking out causing the group to be disoriented on where the fire came from, he takes the time to line up the next shot, going in rapid succession along the line of the speeders following the same pattern. As they realize what is going on and notice his position, he moves to another. He continues to take out their assets. After finishing the task, he fires off a few more times, to make sure the group keeps their heads down. Before slipping down an emergency escape and onto the streets, finding an alleyway to move through and blend in.


Sandra returns from a morning run for her stamina training and goes to the washroom to splash her face some. She looks in the mirror and frowns a slight.

"I am disappointed…"

Sandra pulls the tie from her ponytail in frustration and throws it at the washroom mirror. The flimsy band bounces off and lands out of her sight. She goes to draw a bath and sits in it as her muscles have been aching severely after intensifying her training. The event on Tatooine left her with some salt in her mouth as she noted her death was staged. It would be easier to operate if most outside the order thought she was legally dead.

Sandra runs a hand through her hair, letting strands of red rivers lavishly emboss the cold water that is risen just above her breast. A long sigh is released as she slaps the water. A strain in her leg causes her to wince in some minor agony. Regardless, she laid in the cold bath for an hour before there was a knock on the door. Sandra sighs heavily again and sits up slowly, her muscles still aching. When out of the bath she gets a long towel and dries up a bit then wraps her hair in a towel. She makes way to the door and peeks outside…so there stands the apartment owner.

The door is opened and the manager looks up on down on Sandra’s slender form covered only in towel. The cold look of the redhead gazes down at the shorter woman

‘Hello, lovely! I asked one of your Jedi friends to help me the other day! A nice fellow who rushed away a fraud seller. Tell him thank you for me! Do you think one of them could help again?’

‘…What is it?’ she asks coldly

‘Well, there is a sort of fellow who has been stealing credits from the account I have set up for everyone to pay to. No one has been able to track the person yet and It is very frightening to imagine what the people’s credits are going to. The account number is on this card! I would love if this could be solved and I will knock some rent off for next month. How does that sound?’

Sandra sighs and nods
‘Very well…I will ask someone to solve this.’

‘Oh thank you, Miss Red! You are an angel! I will make you sooooo many cookies!’

Sandra just nods and goes to close the door. She goes to sit on a chair and crosses her legs and again hears the voice in her mind replay.

"I did not train you to solve medial tasks."

A wince is made, but she throws her head towel against the wall and she goes to get changed in her room. Sandra emerges with a long black skirt and leather jacket with gold trim. She leaves the apartment.

Running an operation, you can’t let personal feelings get in the way. It’s about planning and execution, not about being angry. Although occasionally, you may get a little angry.

She makes her way to plant her bug in the main line for the pay kiosks outside the building in stealth and at night. This only takes an hour to properly set up and she lets the data flow. Sandra sits there another hour and then her datapad blinks…not a good blink.

Sometimes a great plan comes together just a little bit too early.

Her own pad is showing that it is being tapped and she looks around, letting the tap go on as she was too early to extract this information. She let her frustration cloud her mind and she sighs in annoyance, but this meant he was close by, so she got up and walked around. Finally she finds a corner where a man is tapped into an underground line and as soon as he sees her and makes eye contact, he runs.

‘I hate when they run…’

Sandra gives chase, her muscles in great agony. She pulls her blaster and shoots a vent near by, right before the fellow gets to the shouting vapors and this causes him to pause. She then throws a flying knee to the guy’s back and takes him down. He groans as she pulls the datapad to her hand and checks it. Seems he was trying to leech from the terminals right after she decided to begin. No matter. This guy was going to be delivered to the authorities in a few moments with this datapad taped to his face. The guy pleads for mercy, but none is had as he is dropped off anonymously.

When you make a mistake in the field, the key is to focus on solutions, not regrets. Being sorry doesn’t mean much in combat situations.

*Sandra returns home and sits quietly in a chair as she stares blankly at some streams of red hair in her hand. It is difficult to determine what is needed to be done. Between training two students and then having to practically teach herself…it was not the situation she imagined being in. All she can do is to keep training hard.

Push her body to the limit.

Push her mind to all it can bare.

Push her closeness gained with some people away.

Push the limit of her existence.

The redhead goes to lay on the cold floor, its piercing temperature easing her muscles before she resumes in a few moments…