Sandra Mana: Torment

Sandra sits on top of the quiet mountain side where she first met with Artemis and looks on the rocky slopes, foggy terrain before her, and does her best to recall the eve

“I felt better after Nulaa’s words later. But then I also felt a little foolish for being the one to allow it to happen in the first place. I needed to show Sylia, show her what one of my life’s works will be. But I could never tell her what i saw…or just say to her face that having people to care about can be used against me, because it is, and was used earlier. I need to do better. This is…what I saw…”

Sandra see as Sylia falls to her knees, but then…the tendrils of darkness wrap around her mind as the artifact does its thing

“Hello…? Why am I…infront of the Czerka Tower?”

Suddenly Verrac’s body slams into the ground next to her and her eyes widen and heart races. She looks up to see Althea and Seela laughing and pointing down at her. Then there is another sound of screams and lightsaber going through flesh and another body falls. John’s fall right next to her and Sandra’s throat swells as her voice cannot bare to scream. Sandra turns to run…and another body, Ira’s falls infront of her. Sandra squeaks and runs another direction in the false colony and then another somehow crashes infront of her, Lucas. Then another…and another!

Sandra stops to look around in frantic panic as suddenly Sylia’s body falls infront of her and the twisted face against the ground whispers…“I love you” and Sandra grips her hair and screams. Another Sylia appears behind her and hugs Sandra as a wretched arm grips her, “I love you!” The decrepit False Sylia whispers. Another Sylia comes out with tears in her eyes, begging for Sandra to run away with her from the Jedi. Then another Sylia comes out with open arms and knives in her hands trying to stab Sandra. She pushes the illusion away and continues running. More bodies of people she is fond of lands before her and she dodges them. Her heart is racing utterly and completely.

Sandra turns a corner and there is a whisper…

“You do not have to let this be. YOU can have the power to never feel this way again. You need only TAKE IT.”

Sandra sees what looks like herself with a red lightsaber standing in the distance against Althea. They rush at each other and with an ornate Dash N Gash, she rips Althea in two. The illusionary Sandra falls to her knees as she laughs and cries at the same time.

Then one last view…Illusion Sandra standing before Seela when she was crying about Verrac and her blaster pointed at her. Real Sandra shouts to stop and cease, but…she only sees a light on curtain scene, and Seela falls over. Sandra screams and suddenly she is standing in the house she first was in…

Sandra does not really hear them speaking and knows this was all an illusion, but the feelings were so real. Some were even real at one point. Sandra just needed to remember her training. This was all an illusion. But now she knew that they could be used against her, just as it was foretold. Sylia came out better than she did, clearly, and confidently.

Sylia was so bold and confident. She stood before her with such reassuring words, but all Sandra could see was only seeing someone that could be used. Someone that can be tortured to torture her self…
Sandra tried to push her away, but it seems Sylia is more determined than ever to remain at her side. So it would have to be. But perhaps…this was not all bad? It was hard to say. Maybe a friend is…useful. Time will tell…

Sandra looks over the mountainside again and takes a calming breath before laying on her back and looking on the gray sky

“…What do I do to keep everyone safe and…keep my own mind safe also. Perhaps I need some distance from them? Or just emotional distance at least. I will think on it. I have what it takes…I just need time.”

Sandra runs her hands over her face and rests so…