Servitor Vulkus

Vullen Kuss was born [Redacted] to his father Sergeant [Redacted] and his mother Bernette Kuss. On the Urban-World of Taris. Growing up poor but not quite at the level of slum-dwelling. he had little in the way of education and like many in these situations, He became a Ganger while quite young, ferrying information, thanks to early growth-spurts Vullen quickly learned the more violent side of street-life much to his fathers chagrin.

Being pulled from the streets and incarcerated for minor misdemeanors, He was conscripted into the Military of Taris where his prosperity for violence and prior skill in close quarters combat earned him no favours amongst the Brass. After his [Redacted] Years were served they quickly booted out Private Kuss after giving his commanding officer a matching pair of black eyes.

Left an unemployed man with a tendency towards violent yet effective results. Vullen Kuss signed on to the Czerka Corporation as a private defense contractor. Becoming quite proficient in the use of Heavy Vibro-Weapons they became his tools of the trade. Now a Bodyguard for Czerka, He passed from post to post and even enjoyed a bit of Planetary travel. Quickly building a reputation for being effective, if a little brutal and crass.

After working for Czerka for [Redacted] years, he was sent to guard one Alasdaer Quinn on his homeplanet of Taris. After foiling many attempts to harm the Doctor, and scaring most of the surrounding Populace. The Brutish man known as Vullen began to enjoy his time and odd partnership with Dr.Quinn

During the Taris Siege the Laboratory was raided by Mandalorian invaders, Cutting down many of the forces which stormed the lab whilst escorting Dr.Quinn towards the Safehouse, The Mandalorian forces detonated the explosive charges causing the building to collapse. Throwing Quinn into the safehouse and trying to seal the door with his body, he was buried and riddled with shrapnel.

Buried under a mountain of rubble, Limbs crushed and lifesigns failing. Vullen Kuss died in that Mandalorian assault

[Systems Rebooting…]
[Life Signs Optimal…]
[Violence Inhibitors : Activated]
[Servitor Functions Loading]

“Are you awake, Vulkus?”



Hey there! If you’re looking to get this bio approved i’m going to need more information on your character, their likeness, and backstory. Just edit in a ‘do not review’ and i’ll remove this post and leave this thread to your ministrations.

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AFFIRMATIVE. Your biography has been approved! Contact a DM in-game to receive your EXP bonus, SERVITOR.

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