So Others May Live

As Lucas hit the ground and the sound of blaster fire died out, he struggled to move, he tried to raise his arm to keep firing but it just would not answer him. A burning sensation raced through his body, with heavy breaths he tried again to move, nothing, his body simply would not respond. As he lay there he heard more blaster fire, it sounded distant, his vision getting hazy.

He could hear talking, it was hard to make out at first, and his vision grew dim. Alone and feeling his body start to go numb, he fought to try to live to no avail, once he could no longer feel the pain he started to relax, he saw his life pass before his eyes, the city of Coronet, the brilliant blue oceans, vibrant green forests, his family, would they even know if he died? would they even care if they did? He then saw old friends both alive and dead, some he could not even name any longer, the oath of serving the Corellian Defense Forces, a day he was proud of, getting to leave and travel.

His vision then turned to his friends he met on Viscara, John, Zain, Ira, various other people and acquiescence, flashing by. His body felt light, and weightless, he could still not move it but he could finally make out the words he was hearing, they were the two words that always made him smile “Hello… Lucas” he smiled beneath the mask and wordlessly mouthed “Hello” back to the vision of Sandra before his vision fades and he drifts away, knowing if she is safe, he fulfilled his goal and he can rest.