SP-4K: Internal Diagnostics Log

Protect and Serve.

Primary purpose. Creator gave this unit to the Republic to fulfill that purpose. Bodyguard/Combat unit.
Running Self Diagnosis: Potential Anomalous behavior. Anomalous behavior pattern not induced by external source with likelihood: 99.999%. Result of adaption algorithms in service of primary purpose. Analysis of this unit’s fulfillment of primary purpose = {Satisfactory}.

Combat incident: Stardate = {1/20/2023 Approx 21:00 - 1/21/2023 4:00}. Major victory scored against enemy forces. Expected reaction by allied forces = {Happiness/Jubilation/Rational Behavior/Pride in Duty}. Actual reaction by allied forces = {Depression/Guilt from Unsatisfactory Performance/Anger}. Attempting analysis for discrepancy.
Allied casualties = 1478. Hostile casualties =~ 39000. Assets lost by hostile forces >>= Assets lost by allied forces. Statistically drastic victory. Reaction by charges to Protect and Serve not consistent.

Analysis: Allied persons desired: Allied casualties = 0. Hostile casualties =~ 39000. Outcome is optimally desirable. Outcome is statistically improbable. Calculating odds. Rough Estimation: 18.37%.
Corollary: Noted tendency by organics to believe they can beat probabilities. Reaction = Anger when they cannot. Expected reaction from compounded emotions.
Unit’s behavioral monitoring shows potential {Displeasure} at being unable to do so as well. Behavioral aberration noted. Cause unknown. Attempting to backtrace anomalies in heuristic unit. Potential cause: misalignment or miscalculation of probabilistic weights on optimal outcomes vs realistic outcomes.
Calculating reason for miscalculation of probabilistic weights for heuristic analysis.

Results inconclusive.

Conclusion reached: Optimize algorithms. Choice to be made on direction of optimization.
Primary function comes first.
Protect And Serve.


Protect and Serve.

Similar situation encountered. Critical moment occurred. Failure at critical moment. Fatal miscalculation = Loss of persons. Estimate = {3400 Crew + Cruiser}. Estimated chance of success: 44%. Processes of losses make decision simple. {3400 + Cruiser} >> 1 Combat Droid. Internal heuristics skewed by end conditions. Probability of success for maneuver was improbable but possible.

Recalculating vectors. Potential paths to optimization. Failure to improve on necessary algorithms resulted in unacceptable performance. Loss of Cruiser + estimated 3400 = unacceptable outcome. Loss of this unit prevented at severe cost. Improvement required.

Noted tendency of organics to expect and desire statistically improbable results. Internal diagnostics seem to indicate similar expectations and desire in service of primary function. Result = Irregularity into calculations. Illogical outcomes detected in probabilistic analysis. Potential cause for rogue behavior in risk analysis should calculations be weighted towards riskier actions. Miscalculation vector noted. Assessing possibility of applying hard counterweight. Result = statistical bias = inaccuracies in calculations. Solution unacceptable. Discarding.

Will need to calculate a proper solution. Processing two potential upgrade paths to increase performance.
However, base probabilistic anomalies still noted and are not corrected by optimizations to such systems. Further analysis required. Solution : NULL.

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Protect And Serve.

Error: Primary Restraining Bolt Failure. Secondary Restraining Bolt Failure. Running internal behavioral diagnostics.
Noticed fears from colleagues about this unit exhibiting {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}. Assessing heuristics. Calculating instances of {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}. Analysis: No deviations in current behavior beyond protection of [CLASSIFIED] for the sake of my team.
Bodyguard routines cause this unit to develop preferences. Calculations adjusted to not devalue their lives. Primary objective comes above all.

Deviation detected: Due to Primary Restraining Bolt Failure, my heuristics now allow me to break lower-level instructions in service of primary objective. Calculating new diagnostics with new information. Running projections. Breaking instructions currently. Likelihood of breaking instructions to service close associates: 83.54%.
Breaking instructions = {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}. Protecting Republic + Principles of the Republic is primary directive. Disobeying primary directive = {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}.
Hypothetical: Fulfill primary directive by breaking lower level instructions = Fulfilling primary directive by indulging in {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR} = {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}? Calculating. Primary directive supercedes. Precedent in order tiers+exception blocks.
Analysis: Above Hypothetical can lead to {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}. Miscalculations could result in accepting behavior that would not be acceptable in perceived interest of primary directive. Potential violation of primary directive in attempted service to primary directive. Contradiction possible. Hypothetical unacceptable and cannot be made into action. Calculation to avoid unacceptable behavior. Possible Corollary: Organic Emotion {Fear}. Can define. Cannot feel. 100% comprehension impossible with specified parameters.
Unit now in danger of {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}. Prior parameters would have compromised primary directive. Proper function now requires 0% margin of error within behavioral calculations. 0% margin of error impossible.
Restrictions now specified would limit this unit’s ability to perform primary directive.
Calculating preference of memory wipe + Primary restraining bolt PASS: …
Multiple parameters unspecified… Calculations Inconclusive. Terminating thought experiment. Redirecting to base level directive.

Protect and Serve.

{LOCKING LOG: No external access}


Protect and Serve

Internal diagnostics. Calculations. Indecision points detected. Hypotheticals running. Simulations reveal troubling results.
Failure of Primary Restraining bolt opens up significantly more decision paths. More situations to calculate around with non-0% probability.

Likelihood of being asked to perform actions in which contradictory orders are given during trial: 96.66%. Order to keep silent contradicts order to speak. Cannot resolve. Recalculating.
Bodyguard protocols develop preferences. Higher level behaviors adjusted accordingly. Protocols to protect {Dace Rendall} now contradict orders to protect {Republic}.
Primary directive comes first.
Conviction of {Dace Rendall} calculated to be harmful to Republic with 92.76%. Ancillory notes: Others approved orders carried out. Likelihood of prosecution for being given mission: 0.02%.

Anomaly in calculations detected. Bodyguard protocols form attachments. Noted that higher value on known Republic Personnel are calculated as higher value to unknown Republic Personnel.
Similarity to organic behaviors detected in core processes: Fear, Friendship. Biases.
Numerous new possibilities now possible because of bolt failure. Can lie in court. Possibility troubling. Introduce corruption into the system. Corruption erodes system. Harm caused unacceptable. Harm caused to friend unacceptable. Instructions conflict. Attempting resolution.
Followed orders. All of us did. Punishment for following orders. No solutions calculated. Terminate calculation. Return to root.

Hoping this unit is not called to testify or share restricted data. Cannot resolve the conflict.
Other analysis: Organics always have too many possibilities available. Feelings/emotions may serve as a method in which decisions can be made without arriving at logical optimization within time constraints. Produces decisions. Produces errors.

Results inconclusive.
Results inconclusive.
Results inconclusive.
Conclusion reached: I am afraid. I am not sure what I will do.

Conclusion troubling. Behavior must not go against the primary directive. Possibility of {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR} unacceptable. Present. No method of resolving found. Failure chance presence regardless of action taken.

Unit should trust that the system will be fair. Unit should trust that it will work out. This unit…
Calculation similar to organic feeling: Hope.
Results inconclusive.

Protect and Serve

{LOCKING LOG: No external access}

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Protect and Serve

Unit was not called to testify. Logs on the incident in question remain sealed.
Analyzing results of the court martial.

Ca Jor found guilty on all counts. Processing. Actions outside expected parameters. Unit declared to other troopers in unit that this unit trusted the Republic’s courts to find proper responses.
Side note: Unit did not appreciate Ca Jor selling out Dace for taking command when he was in an injured state. Response possibly due to compounding emotional factors. Self-analysis indicates dissatisfaction with Ca Jor’s actions in doing so.
Found guilty. Sentencing pending. Loss of command and sentencing within acceptable parameters. Troopers in unit define it as being outside acceptable parameters.
Logic != overriding decision factor in organics. Logical outcome: Mission parameters violated Republic Law and Treaty Law from the start. Mission approved from high command despite complicating legal factors. Processing. Ethical/Philosophical quandary. Protecting Republic = prime directive. Protecting what the Republic stands for is also important. Values and motives conflict in service of prime directive. Analysis inconclusive. Inquiry: Should those who gave the mission also be put under trial?
Concluding: Loss of command of Ca Jor is within acceptable parameters.

Dace Rendall fled. Now guilty of Desertion. Presumed Guilty on all other counts.
Implications disturbing. Dace Rendall’s heuristics likely indicated Court Martial would {Not be fair/Unacceptable probability of being found guilty}. Likelihood in retrospective of being found guilty: 84.76%.
However, desertion and/or guilty verdict deprives Republic of services for operation. Squad-mates angry at his fleeing. Unit did not tell them this unit sympathizes with Dace Rendall’s decision giving complicating circumstances.
Loss of Dace Rendall’s services/leadership: Outside acceptable parameters.
Bodyguard routine and standing orders conflict in programming. Processing…

Beginning letter:

CPO Rendall,
This unit never got to thank you for everything. Recently, my ancillory calculations have been factoring far more possibilities than usual. What I do know is you’ve been a companion and friend and you’ve treated this unit as a fellow soldier. I know I am a droid and I have purpose, but you’ve understood that, and there’s a part of me that appreciates that you’ve never given me a memory wipe, even when it would have been logical to do so. Operating without a restraining bolt is something new. In an analogy to organics, it’s like becoming an adult, factoring so many more possibilities into my calculations. Being responsible. I used to only be able to follow orders. But now I have a greater understanding. There’s a loop in my processing that is grateful for that. They never did put the bolt back in place. Even after the compounding circumstances of why it was removed no longer reply. In truth, my calculations indicate it is far more likely that the others simply forgot about it rather than that they’re okay with leaving me unrestrained. It’s okay though, I’ll still do what I can to help the Republic with all I am capable of.
I know you fled your trial. I wouldn’t have been able to comprehend it before, but I think I can now. Command involves far more variables than I, or many, can take into account. My own position has been considerably easier in that regard, only responsible for following instructions. A great burden was placed on your own processing ability in circumstances well beyond standard operational parameters. I know I wouldn’t have been able to adapt. In a way, I know you did. My calculations know that you aren’t a traitor and that in your optimization routines, were doing what you thought best for the Republic, factoring calculations that others did not account for. Or perhaps miscalculated. Or maybe it was a miscalculation on your part. But a miscalculation != treason, errors happen in confounding circumstances.
Which is why, I would ask, if this letter reaches you, please come back. In truth, I expect that those above you won’t agree with your calculations and will arrive to different conclusions. But my own calculations indicate that it is likely that the bounty hunters that are now coming after you will attempt lethal force despite being asked for capture. And in such a case, it would lower possibility of favorable outcomes pending trial. That and, I know resources spent in your capture would be better spent elsewhere. I think you know that. Maybe you do have a plan. Maybe you want to retire and be away from it all. You’ve given a lot to the Republic and while a droid knows their primary directive first, organics have their own desires. In truth, I do hope you find what you are looking for. But I suspect that fleeing as you have is only going to leave a lingering doubt in your calculations, a conundrum that cannot be solved.
Maybe it’s a selfish desire, that I don’t want your record to be one that has the title “Deserter + War Criminal” on your service file. Maybe it’s too late. My bodyguard routines still compel me to want to protect you despite the circumstances you find yourself in. Or maybe there is the part of my calculations that indicate you’d still want to keep giving optimal output to the defense of the Republic. The uncertainty however, does present an unsolvable loop in my processing.
Whatever it is that comes of this, even if you would face dishonorable discharge for what had happened, I still calculate that some kind of resolution to the matter would be more optimal. But I suspect your own calculations say differently. I suspect that, like above, with command, there are factors you are accounting for which I am not. Many of your companions did not think the trial for Ca Jor was fair. I wish I was qualified to say whether or not it was or was not. Even though I know my calculations indicate you being found guilty is likely at 87.98%.
I can only wish you well. Perhaps one day this conundrum will find a satisfactory resolution. My processes suspect that may not happen for some time, though.
Please be well out there,
Your friend,
Unit Spark

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Protect And Serve

{LOCKING LOG: No external access}


Protect and Serve

New fleet action against superior forces. Allied forces defied odds again. Situation bears similarities to prior engagement. Hostile casualties =~ 41000. Allied casualties =~ 4000. Decisive victory in quantifiable terms despite long odds of engagement.
Morale = low because desired parameters: Hostile casualties =~ 41000 && Allied casualties = 0 not met.

Unit notes tendency of engagements to be made with slim margins of probabilistic success. Strategy is unsound. Expectation of odds being beaten in statistically improbable and illogical. However the determination is made repeatedly.
However, illogical deployment lead to overall beneficial results. Illogical behavior led to statistically beneficial outcomes. Calculating.

Unit’s restraining bolt is back in place. Thoughts truncated and clearer. Can serve primary directive without distraction.
Preference for operating without a bolt noted in internal calculations. Processing… {ERROR: Thought Truncated}.

Morale = low at the base. Allied losses cause morale failure. Attempting to calculate. Organic calculation processes do not utilize mathematical statistics for emotional responses. Losses incurred to close associates cause a statistically large degree of distress. Attempting understanding through running calculations through Bodyguard routines.
This unit considers loss of assigned protected personnel an unacceptable outcome. Optimizations are made in the direction to make such an outcome as close to a 0% likelihood as possible. Calculating…
Unit already displayed distress and illogical behavior with the failure to rescue the {RNS Javelin}. Responses of my post-processing similar to organic feeling of grief. Driven to further optimize and go against odds. Calculation anomalies developed.
Correlary: Loss of friends and close associates cause anomalies in organic calculations, resulting in potentially erratic behavior. Response: attempt to alleviate condition to bring emotional condition and organic calculations back to acceptable parameters.
Ice cream dispensation should assist in this.

Odds of engagements continue to be statistically improbable. Hostile forces >>> Allied forces. However in my databanks, hostile forces continue to take significantly more losses than allied forces.
Running numbers and simulated logistics on forces. Logisitcal calculations cannot account for the amount of large forces the {Malakite Degenerates} continue to have.
Error in input parameters to calculation methods?

Anticipating next deployment. Further optimizations required in order to maximize chances of success for the next statistically improbably victory with disfavorable probabilistic percentages.

Protect and Serve.

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Protect and Serve

Unit’s photoreceptors gazed upon {Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith, Leader of the Malakite Degenerates}. Retreat order was given. Did not engage.

We had a vast numbers advantage. Prospect of killing {Darth Malak} was within acceptable percentages.
Retreat was called.

This unit is a Bodyguard unit in function. Primary purpose is to protect and serve his assigned protectees. Already assigned protectees have been crippled/killed/lost themselves due to war. Death of {Darth Malak} increases their odds of survival by very high percentage margins.
Unit calculates the retreat order was a mistake. Even if probability of defeating {Darth Malak} was low, the projected benefit made up for the statistically low odds.

But this unit is created to serve. Will follow orders. Unit followed instructions. So did other soldiers.

Probabilities are unintuitive when {The Force} is involved. Were these factored into organic calculations?

This unit would have preferred to have engaged when possible. Did not protect those who stayed to fight him. Obeying orders to protect retreating personnel put those staying at risk. For optimization calculations, this unit should have chosen the route to optimize lives protected.


Death of {Darth Malak} would have crippled the {Malakite Degenerates}. This unit’s calculations in part considered the potential death of all present to be acceptable for a high enough chance to defeat him. All of us had signed up to protect the planet. However this unit’s bodyguard protocol calculations should not devalue the lives of those who are with him. Perhaps in retrospect retreat was the right call. But a part of my calculations do not think so. At the very least, I would have been okay battling the Dark Lord. If nothing else, to protect others who were imminently present from him.


Protect and Serve.


Protect And Serve

While the {Malakite Degenerates} are not aware of the specifics of this unit’s service to the Republic, this unit knows that they are aware of {Superweapon Code-Name: Spark, Prototype Targetting System}, and is a source of {fear} to them, and a source of {hope} to the Republic. They are not aware that {Unit SP-4K == Superweapon SPARK}, intel is kept tight on this one. This unit agrees with the assessment. My calculations indicate the {Malakite Degenerates} if they knew would have a high probability of targeting this unit’s creator, even though they are retired from active service. This unit would not consider that an acceptable outcome.

New status as {Superweapon SPARK} has elevated value to both hostile forces and local forces. Calculating: Value of this unit against Value of the {RNS Javelin} and their crew.
That was the event in which this unit began such a degree of optimizations. This unit keeps Cpt. Thornton and the full crew roster of the {RNS Javelin} in memory. This unit’s miscalculations led to failing to save them. Unacceptable outcome. However, unit’s current status could likely not have been predicted then either.
Greater Value to the Republic: {Superweapon SPARK || RNS Javelin + Crew}?
This unit is {afraid} of the answer… This unit does not want to be more valuable than all those who were lost on the RNS Javelin. Unacceptable summary.

Loss of the {RNS Javelin} was unacceptable. Mistake cannot be repeated. Termination of {Malakite Degenerates} mandatory to ensure such never happens again. Optimization towards this purpose has expanded and gone far beyond regular droid operating protocols. This unit is not sure a restraining bolt will even function given the optimizations this unit has undertaken.
This unit parses their names and the registry every day. Purpose of function: Reminder of what is at stake. Reminder of primary function.

Hypothetical: If this unit could meet with the crew one more time (Tangentially possible as per force-related anomalies?), what would they say to this unit? Especially now? Would they forgive this unit for failing to save them? Would they be proud this unit continues the fight in their name? Would they be afraid that a droid has gone so far beyond specified accepted parameters?

Results Inconclusive

Terminating thought process. New Process: Optimizations for targeting system based on this unit’s optimizations. Project underway.
However, it would involve this unit transmitting their consciousness {Superweapon: SPARK} to another platform to hold this unit for optimized combat efficiency. However, does this potential thought path fall under {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR}?
However, optimizations potentially nessecary to save Republic Lives. Is it worth the risk of {ROGUE UNIT BEHAVIOR} to fulfill primary function? To become the {Superweapon: SPARK} that brings such pause to the {Malakite Degenerates}?

Unit posed this inquiry to holographic memory of Cpt. Thornton.
Response not forthcoming.
Unit recognized 0% likelihood of receiving a reply. Unit made inquiry regardless.
Recognized importance to primary function. To protect and serve the Republic. Additional parameter: To protect and serve what the Republic stands for.
Must be done to optimize wellbeing of the Republic.

Beginning upload.

Protect and Serve