Special recipes for Crafter Backgrounds

As it stands, there doesn’t seem to be any actual unique benefit to choosing one of the crafter backgrounds over the other ones. The +1 bonus to the skill is factored in similar to gear bonuses which can easily be outdone by the latter. I was wondering if there could be special recipes for those who chose the background related to their preferred crafting skill.

I don’t like the idea of locking away stuff like this behind a character creation choice, but there are multiple ways to do something similar and give crafting backgrounds some love without locking people out. Something like more efficient recipes, a percentile boost to crafting skill bonuses, or perhaps cheaper/earlier recipe unlocks.

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actually a boost to percentile chances would be very welcome cause as it stands the highest percentage of enhancments being succusseful is 90%, perhaps making it so crafting backgrounds could have a couple of 100% chances on some things that they make would encourage more people to take crafting backgrounds.