[Suggestion] More hair colors

We know that every race has a defined number of hair colors available to them, although, hair dyes are a thing. A popular thing, even. Can we free up other hair colors for character creation, or include the option to change hair color in our inventory dye tool?

Get me a list of the hair color IDs you want available and for which races. You can start by reviewing these reference files for the IDs: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/tree/master/SWLOR.Game.Server/ServerFiles/Reference

Most of the colors are variations of blonde, brunette, red, green, brown, blue, purple, violet, white, grey, black, and pink. All these colors are either natural or able to be died to. I would leave out the metalic colors, but even 62 and 63 don’t look horrible as hair. Given, by today’s standards we can’t dye a real white color, but there are wigs, and I would guess in the SW day and age, they’ve probably figured a way to dye true white instead of just bleach-blonde.

Truely, any being with hair should have access to 0-55, 62-174. However, I think having neon colored wookies might be a little immersion breaking, so we could probably restrict things, and also to keep ppl from playing white wookies and calling them talz or something jenky like that.

-Humans & cyborgs don’t have a very restrictive culture so can use the full non-metallic palate : 0-55, 62-174

-Bothan fur/hair is typically on the lighter side of more earthy colors. Here is a good guide:


With the palate displayed there, I think a simple answer for this server would just be to give the same color options you have for bothan skin for bothan hair. The hair equivelents would be 6, 7, 12, 13, 117, 118, 119, 130, and 131

-Wookies I think would have a restrictive culture to limit outrageous hair color changes, so I wouldn’t change their hair options. The ones you have for them seem fine.

-Chiss, I’m not super knowledgable about their society, just that they’re pretty isolated, being from the unknown reagons, and can’t assume they’d be open to hair dying in their culture, so I won’t suggest any changes to them

-Zabraks according to the wiki can have black, brown, blonde, and red hair, but like humans and cyborgs, they’re an established part of the galactic republic and would probably not mind dying hair, so I’d give them the same options as humans (0-55, 62-174).

-Cathar are hard for me to talk about because I hate so many things about how they look on the server, but if I can force myself to just focus on the hair, the color choices are mostly okay, though I would also add black (23, 63) as an option as well.

-Twi-leks and Trandoshans don’t have hair, so don’t need to worry about them

Bumping this because I still have no idea of you’ve seen this yet