Takeout - Coral

Nicholas Britell - Niamos!

The chaos of the day finally gave way to the calmer thrum of the Veles at night. Bright lights and lit up billboards illuminated the streets of diners and workshops as Coral searched for a suitable perch or balcony. The climb to the rooftop is a practiced one for the athletic girl, as she pulls herself up to dangle her legs off the edge the building, content on the secluded little balcony.

Settling in, she pulls out a small box dinner and her datapad, starting up her usual music that accompanies on such nights. Her foot tapped along with her comm’s lights as they pulse in an alluring beat. Her face lit up by her pad’s scroll of medical texts.

An hour or two passes, her meal is eaten, the night is colder and the music much quieter now as her attention is pulled away from her pad’s medical book to movement in the distance. Fleeting, momentary, movement is seen. A glimpse of a fast, white creature darts towards the gates of Veles. Hopping across to a nearby roof she scans the edge of the wildlands from the perch for a few minutes trying to catch better sight of it to no avail.

She sighs, and descends to her balcony once more, giving her belongings a cursory glance. It doesn’t take long for her to realize her datapad’s screen has been changed, the Coruscanti college application page staring back at her. Coral shakes out her nervousness and begins to collect her things, centering herself once more, before giving another small cursory glance to the gates. Slowly making her way to the balcony’s edge she exhales, and finally hits “Apply.”