Tales Of The Galaxy's Okayest Pilot - Selmari Belash

Name: Selmari Belash
Age: Late 20s to early 30s
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Height: 165cm
Weight: Average
Hair Color: Dark copper brown
Eye Color: Bright blue


  • Mother: Alive
  • Father: Alive
  • Brothers: Two


  • Republic Navy, Banshee Squadron

Early Life

Selmari was born on Corellia, affording a fairly soft upbringing in Coronet City. She was constantly surrounded by the hum of engines, and the chattering of daring pilots from a young age. Captivated by the allure of the stars, and the thrill of flying, her course was destined at a very early time in her life.

Her family led a moderately comfortable life; her father having worked as a mechanic in one of many shipyards, and her mother running a small repair business in the city. Selmari and her two brothers would often go to the local scrapyards, using discarded parts to build makeshift gadgets and mock ships to play in. Her early education focused on basic academics, with a stronger emphasis later down the line on engineering, and piloting even later. Though she was by no means an academic prodigy, Selmari excelled in her hands-on learning.

Career Beginnings

Selmari’s career as a pilot began modestly, delivering packages in a barely functional freighter ship. The ship in question, a decrepit vessel she nicknamed “Rustbucket”, was so unreliable in flight that space travel was entirely out of the question. For years, she confined her deliveries to planetary routes, navigating the bustling and sometimes dangerous airways of the packed planet of Corellia.

Despite the ship’s tendency to break down and demanding constant repairs, Selmari’s career pressed on. The credits she earned were just enough to get by, with a few extra going towards upgrading and maintaining her beloved freighter. Hard work and determination eventually paid off, allowing her to purchase her first proper starship, the “Junkyard Royalty.” The ship, true to its name, was cobbled together from aftermarket parts, and bore the scars of countless repairs. However, it was a labor of love, and under Selmari’s hands, it eventually became space-worthy.


With Junkyard Royalty finally ready to soar, Selmari ventured out into the wider galaxy. Her first jobs were small, ferrying goods between Corellia and nearby systems. As the Jedi Civil War unfolded, and chaos spread throughout the galaxy, opportunities for smugglers surged. Her knack for evading popular routes and otherwise unremarkable ship afforded her a reputation as someone who was not often searched. Over time, she took on more significant jobs, smuggling valuable contraband across the galaxy.

Recent Challenges

Perhaps pushing her luck a bit, Selmari began to take on debts for valuable cargo that was lost dodging Sith patrols in occupied space that she used to frequent. Her ship was impounded by a local cartel as collateral for her debt. Desperate to reclaim her ship, she worked tirelessly on any job that came her way, but by the time she’d the credits to buy it back, Junkyard Royalty had been stripped down to pay off her debt.

The setback cost Selmari the last of her credits. It was all she could afford to get a shuttle to Viscara to start anew. Whatever contacts she still had were quick to cut ties with a smuggler with no ship, and her usual work dried up fast.

Veles, And Some Luck

Upon setting down on Veles, the work was immediately lacking in the glamour and prestige she’d so become used to-- whcih is to say, she wasn’t fond of hunting Kath Hounds and getting chewed on. As luck would have it, though, a member of the Jal Shey, Kairos, found her struggling in the wilds outside of Veles and offered his help. With his aid, Selmari was able to land on her feet once again, and with the deed to a new ship in hand, she was able to start picking up work once again.

The streak of luck continued, as shortly after getting back onto her feet, Selmari’s nosey nature led her to the Veles slums, where refugees had gone missing. While the overall excursion ended in a few cycles of sleeping in orbit with nightmares of Sithspawn, it gave introduced her to many of the planet’s locals, including some Jedi and Republic representatives.

Being In The Right Place At The Right Time

Curiosity getting the better of her, Selmari followed along with a Jedi named Akshida to a ceremony honouring war heroes who had defeated a Sith Lord. Upon arrival, she found herself overwhelmed, and accidntally entangled in the event. In a surprising turn of events, Selmari was mistakenly awarded a medal of honour for her efforts in the fight-- a battle she had been entirely absent from in all forms.

Though awkward and unearned, this mistake turned into a valuable opportunity. The ceremony introduced her to many a Republic official, and gave her an opportunity to put her name out there, opening new doors and providing valuable contacts.

Personality and Traits

Selmari is above all else, resourceful and fiercely independent. Despite the hardships of the galaxy, she maintains a dry sense of humour, and an impossible never-give-up attitude to crush. Her loyalty is slow to earn, but unwavering when it is. Confident to a fault, which may appear to be bordering on showboating at times. Years of smuggling has also given her a knack for information gathering, and telling people what they want to hear if it means she might get something out of it.

When she’s not working, she’s like to be idling her time in populated areas. Cantinas, public squares and parks, or wherever people tend to congregate. It never hurts to know what people are talking about, and keeping up with the local gossip has always been a valuable past-time.

Despite her perpetually unkempt and messy hair, or the tattered state of her clothes, Selmari can’t stand the feel of grime and dirt. The instances she is seen without gloves on are few and far between. Her overall hygiene borders on obsessive.


Selmari is a human woman with an almost perpetually confident look about her. Whether it is deserved confidence or otherwise remains to be seen.

Her appearance is slightly unkempt. Typically favoring durable clothing that can withstand wear and tear, her gear is always in various states of disrepair as a product of a fairly mobile and active life. A mix of neutral colours, typically accented by a red bandana or other accessory, is her go-to style. Perpetually messy hair betrays her constant fight with her helmet.

She’s about average height, though defining average is a nebulous area in a galaxy with eight foot tall Wookies and three foot tall Jawas. She has an average build that borders on slim, though her arms are evidently used to moving heavier objects.

Her slightly longer face is framed by messy dark copper brown hair, and her bright blue are perpetually on the look out around her.

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