The Circle of Viscara
Perhaps, seeker, you are like me. Perhaps you came to this world seeking answers - followed the call of a summons so subtle that you were only barely conscious of its voice. Perhaps you heard the call for what it was in truth, and found no recourse but to settle here, to learn, to find your truth.
I cannot promise you will find it, but I will aid you regardless - without judgment. Without prejudice or preconceptions barring the way. Without rigid things, like codes, ranks, or class rooms.
Without distractions, like war or hatred.
If what you seek is to discover those answers - of this place, of your meaning - together with like-minded sentients, without the heavy curtain of duty and war hanging over your thoughts, the Circle offers a path to the curious.
What We Seek
Peace: A balanced, peace-focused agenda on our shared Viscara, one divorced from the war that currently engulfs the very countryside, to say nothing of the stars writ large. The Force is a grand question, one better contemplated as a seeker of knowledge, and not as a soldier. We support a neutral, independent Viscara as a bastion of learning and discussion between all parties.
Knowledge: Viscara has drawn us here for a reason - secrets and mysteries alike lie hidden across the surface and below. We shall discern them, and with those answers contemplate their meaning for both ourselves and the Force itself.
Mediation: To live in peace is to be peace’s advocate. The Circle dedicates itself to fostering discussion and resolution of strife through conversation, negotiations, and compromise between interested parties. A war-torn Viscara enables few but blood-craving warriors.
Reflection: At its core, the Circle offers a choice that is not Jedi nor Sith - a path forward in your discovery of the Force and what it means for yourself, how you fit into its cosmic puzzle, what your fate shall be. Together, we will contemplate and discuss our personal interpretations of the Force. We free ourselves of rigid structure and ‘codes’ that dictate what is proper and improper to think. The Circle believes there is no one answer, but never forget that we are advocates of peaceful learning.
Mutual Defense: Though we stand for a neutral Viscara, we will not be mistaken for meek. We shall defend our own against attack, maneuver ourselves accordingly in alliances to guarantee our mission continues. To break your word of neutrality and peace is to forswear such companionship, and we shall not suffer those who spy or seek to manipulate us away from our goals - to facilitate our mutual learning on this strange world.
Training: Related to reflection upon the Force is our dedication to self-improvement. We shall train our bodies and minds, become conduits of free expression within the Force. There are no masters at the Circle, only other students who will work together with you to unlock your potential, and have theirs nurtured in turn. Those more powerful in the Force shall be invited to speak with our seekers from time to time, to share what revelations they have come to - no judgment passed upon how. Both Sith and Jedi alike are invited to do this - as speakers, not masters seeking to manipulate or control. Affiliation and politics shall be left at the door.
What We Deny
Manipulators: Those who would see us as easy marks for luring away to their war will find no home with us - those who are discovered to be trying will be declared publicly as such.
Feuds: Those who seek within the Circle shall be disallowed from lashing out in anger and violence towards one another. The Force is a many-faceted thing, and those who feel it are given to greater passions and feelings. Be prepared to master these, when it comes to inflicting violence upon your fellows - or you will find no home with us.
Power-mongers: Those who blatantly use the haven of the Circle as a means to use the power of the Force for ill-ends, to explicitly harm the innocent, or other obviously foul purposes will find no home with us.
Seek Nivoe Isemio to learn more.
The Circle of Viscara is a player-faction intended to offer a more gray Jedi path on the server, mixing and matching teachings of both major Force factions as needed. It is, however, a fairly explicitly light-side leaning faction in terms of temperament, so don’t be surprised if a blatantly evil Force user doesn’t find a lot of leeway here. Think Jolee Bindo, without the elderliness. Those who dabble in the dark side won’t be turned away, however. As expected, it’s for those seeking a middle ground faction that has a vested interest in Viscara being independent and neutral in the wider conflict. Acting as a go-between with the major factions is encouraged, and makes for great roleplay opportunities. A good faction for those who wish to focus on Force-sensitive training, without the expectation of fighting in a war, and learning about Viscara’s mysteries.
Expect events focused on scholarly pursuits about Viscara (and beyond, probably), mediating conflicts, learning and training in the Force, and probably a lot of philosophical debating. Feel free to contact me (Ostheim#1275) on Discord to discuss joining, questions, expressing interest, or plot ideas.
Though this is a very much Force-focused idea, non-Force sensitives who are interested in Viscara’s neutrality and independence are also encouraged to consider the Circle.
Important: So far this player-faction is mostly in the planning phases! No base or anything yet, and actively recruiting members to get started.