The genesis of chaos - Dabash Sekriim

Age: 29
Species: Tortuga
Height: 5’9
Skin Color: gray with white stripes
Hair Color: Blackish blue
Eye Color: Pale grim white
Birthplace: Shili

age 18:
A misunderstood shy and quiet teen retreats to an abandoned cave. Hiding from the ruthless teens that bully him. “Why do they pick on me because I am different and accidently displayed unnatural force abilites?” he whipsered to himself crying. " I cant even control it, it is not my fault, why me?!" He feels bitternesss and rage rise up in him. He notices the air gets unusually cold in the cave and he hears a faint soul chilling whisper. “… Dabash …Sekriim …it is you future harbringer of the cacodemon at last…”
He looks around thinking it is one of his bullys playing a joke. “who is there? cut it out I am tired of this!” he yells. He hears many footsteps and giggling then recognizes one that approached, it was a bully of his named Mubri Kem followed by his friends and his sister whom he had a crush on. Mubri hurls a pebble at Dabash and says " what are you doing here weirdo talking to yourself again and daydreaming? who hangs out in a cave for fun?" Dabash reacted slowly to the pebble and it hit him his eyes was fixed on his sister after he saw her again. " Oww!!" Dabash said " I am in here for peace of mind any from you and your crew of bullies. And i wasnt talking to myself" Mubri looks to his friends and starts laughing " we heard you and voices, no doubt your weird self mimicing voices for some odd reason and why is it chilly in this cave rather strange?"
Dabash looks around franticaly and nervously says “I was not doing any voices I can asure you. Much better things to do with my time. and I dont know why it is cold in here it was not like that when I came here.” Mubri looks in disbelief and chuckles with a narcisstic smirk " this is why no one likes you you’re too strange and weird things always happen around you. no wonder you are adopted parents didnt want you! hahahhaa good for nothing, well except one thing…" Mubri signals his friends and tells his sister to go back home, cracks his knuckles and cranks his neck lets get him our favorite training dummy. They lounge towards him. “Nooo stop leave me alone!!” Dabash screams as he turns to run even further into the cave but trips over something a little ways down. They catch up to him and starts to hit him over and over and teasing him more " such a weakling and so beatable they say with delight." He begs them to stop but it makes them do it more.
A sinister growling and eerie misty blue-white cloud of swirling light appears by a nearby cave wall. They notice it and screams " what the heck is that!!! What unnatural powers are you using now!!" dabash looks up, beat and feeling weak " I am not doing anything that is not me stop blaming me for everything I hate you all and wish you disappear!! they point to where it is seemingly they cannot move after that only thier eyes in terror rapidly moving" Dabash sees it his eyes widen with curiousity and some fear. He wonders if he feel asleep it sounded like one of the beings he dreams about sometimes. The soft eerie voice he heard before turned into a loud booming terrifying voice the mist goes towards Mubri and jests " Who is the weakling now? The little mighty brawler who harms the future harbinger of our return… stuck shaking and leaking in my presence!!! Trembling in fear still unable to move most of his body yelps and screams " we were just playing with him they were love taps we are good buddies I swear" The mist laughs hysterically then it quiets in a moment of silence for a couple of secs from the mist forming what appears to be some sort of misty hand. “DO YOU THINK YOU CAN LIE TO ME I SEE THROUGH YOUR PITIFUL LIES!!!” the mist exclaims in a thunderous voice. lightning shoots out from the mist where the hand just formed. “AHHHHHHHHH STOOOOOOOP!!!” Mubri cries out in unimaginable pain. " Yes scream as you were making him scream, These are love zaps I am just playing with you but you are too weak to play back, i think you are done now I will devour you as an example?" Mubri hovers through the air burned by the lightning but still alive in tons of pain gvinig out weak groans and almost inaudible pleading. Dabash looks in shock, fear, and an odd amazement rises within him this feels good he thinks it serves him right but what is this thing is it one of the sorcerers he heard stories off and why he says them often in his dreams or is it something else entirely. Dabash noticies mubri’s friend paralysed in fear as well but not hurt. Why did the mist not attack them as well and have seemed to taken a liking to him all these years when he slept? Two red dots of light formed in the mist looks over to Dabash while still hovering mubri in the air. “Remember seed of the hellloop no matter the events to come to pass in the near future no matter our grim or disheartening they may be, they will only serve to condition you to make you strong and ready, a tear in the veils itself, an agent of the dark side and the primordials those that roamed and ruled the galaxy long long ago before everything.” Dabash looks in confusion and wonder and questions “what do you…” but before he could finish the mist shoots away with mubri hovering with him deeper into the darkest of the cave, the screaming gets quieter and quieter, further and futher away till no sound is heard. his friends seemiingly able to move now but still ripe and shaking with fear as they run away screaming " what has he done he is a monster alert the village, he caused Mubri to be harmed and takened!!" Before he could say anything they were still screaming and leaving. He knew he was in trouble now how can he explain what happened and his innocense against Mubri’s friends who were most popular and more wealthier then him and him being a nobody since as long as he could remember not knowing his real parents. This was it he thought…

Times passed and he was accused of as the cause of this event by the village leaders. They could not find mubri in this cave the other kids showed where it happened they searched for weeks. Search party went very deep into it they found almost seemingly unending caverns but never found mubri. Just strange markings and symbols vague clues of those that came before long ago heard of in stories. As the leaders was discussing what should be done with Dabash, a village guard comes in and says a strange man in robes wants an audience with you. They allow him to come in thinking he is from the republic. The man asks questions about Dabash as he says rumors have spread about what happened here They answer him telling him the side of the story of mubri’s friends and off dabash’s dark past and strange happenings, that he was adopted his parents unknown. The man says he wants to take him under his wing because he believes he has great potential and that this is not his fault. He says he is ready to pay a large sum for his release to him with other resources the village may need. Being a small village not like other settlements on shili and wanting to be rid of dabash they agree. He takes Dabash after he let him take the most important belongings and head off to his ship. As Dabash sees the ship he asks “what are you going to do with me?” as thing seemed a little off. The man looks at him and says “you will undergo training for your abilities taught to hone the force” Dabash as a excited look on his face but a puzzled one he asks “ like at the jedi academy that I have heard a lot about from the other villagers?” The man cackles loudly almost running out of breath. “ you really thought I was going to send you to that pitiful place? Hahahahhaha” “ No you will serve me and the empire A weapon against those dogs. You will toil and train daily on koriban , it will be hard it will be the most challenging of anything you have ever faced, it will be painful at times. But you will train and serve nonetheless or die.” Dabash being alone and like an outcast he thinks nothing he can do now maybe it is a much better fate then whatever would have happened at the village. And at least he will get training to control the force and better education.
Years and years past until the age of when he is 29 years old. For years after the man took him under his wing and made him serve and train privately, He underwent countless trails and dark rituals he was forced to do almost dying multiple times but surviving and managing to be victorious in his training. Still having the dreams at times and hearing the whispers. He asked the man about them many times but he always seemed change the subject saying to focus on the training before. Dabash was different now his draker side more development he was not the crying weak little kid he always perceived himself to be as a kid and throughout his teen years, often being bullyed almost daily. He was stratgistically colder now, ruthless in battles, very good with words and deceiving putting on a calm air around others when he was let out before for smaller missions.
The man sends out Dabash saying that he is ready for his first real assignment. “You are to hunt down a jedi knight and kill her before she can complete her mission. As if she does it can be problematic for the empire and killing her would hurt the republic quite a bit. She has won many battles for them and may be a challenging foe. But I am sure from seeing how far you have come and all that you have accomplished. You can handle this and not fail me or you will die the ultimate test of your training.” He gives him and upgraded vision of his old training saber. “My apprentice go forth and complete this mission if you do a proper sith saber will be waiting for you here engineered specifically for you. I have also prepared a small fighter ship disguised as a republic ship for your travels and info on her last known where abouts through small it is fight so it can take out ships most pilots would think it could not”
Dabash looks calm but thrilled ready to spill blood. He proclaims “ it shall be done my master!!” and bows gracefully. The man says “ May the dark side of the force be with you my apprentice”. Dabash sets out to track down the jedi knight.
After getting information at a cantina in mos eisley using his deceptive words and the force. He sets out again to intercept the jedi knight’s ship. He when catches up he relentlessly attacks her ship. But was ambushed by other republic escort ships he thought she would be alone. Not knowing they had heard word as a strange man asking about her an anonymous tip. Thinking he would be defeated and the power on his ship low and depleting he channels the force remember some of the dark sorceries taught to him in rituals during training. He links with the knight overwhelming her mind and stealing her energy to weaken her and force her to shoot down the escort ships. After she does this she somehow breaks away from the influence of dabash. Seeing this Dabash uses the energy he stole from her and channeled more of the dark side a little too much he tries to explode her ships overwhelming it with energy. knowing she is about to die and the information cannot go to the hands of the empire she launches one more attack quickly deverting all power to weapons that still worked she launched at his ship blasting at him while Dabash is focused on destroying her ship and her. And has he destroyed her ship with the force almost at the same time the blasts from the ion cannons disabled his ship and as his ship floats in space almost completely disable save for the oxygen systems and sealed doors. He says “I have done it” he starts to faint saying “victory” He had channeled too much force. This type of dark force sorcery was very forbbiden and almost unknown but very risky if done recklessly.
In short time a rescue ship comes and recues him and takes in on a ship station thinking he was victim to a large battle fighting for the republic. A couple of days passes and he awakens weakened and suffering amnesia only remembering hints from dreams and his education but not of the force. Not even remembering much of his past in his training with the man that took him under his wing Just very vague memories and he knows he did soem work for the empire and liked it but not exactly what he did. The doctor in the medical bay asked him questions he could not answer and they told him strange things have happened since he was here. His force energy randomly shoots out and odd anomalies they had to sedate him a couple of times. When he got better but still having amnesia the stations guard said he could not leave until someone from the republic came to investigate as they did not know who he was it was like he had no record of him. He knew by instinct he had to leave so he took some jobs from the receptionist to get a ticket to go to the planet below. As he did the tasks and fought the vermin and malfunctioned droids in the maintaince bay combat come to him like muscle memory and instinct. Even some basic force abilities that he could control somewhat but struggled a little. He finally manages to escape to the planet below somehow using some force mind trickery on the transport ship to the planet but not knowing how he did it but it worked. He uses the rest of the credits to rent a small room in the city. He sleeps he is tired from all the work he did. He dreams once again of the mist and small flashes of the past flood him but he cant make them out or understand them yet. He must find myself again, get back in touch with the empire maybe they have answers and can help, and regain whatever he has lost. he knew it was going to be a long long journey to regain whatever power he can and grow more powerful from the hints he saw in his dreams by any means neccessary fueled by the unknown rage, confusion, and lust for power that flows though him……….