To stand alone

Ira had said her goodbyes, all that happened with Nulaa, and now Sandra as well had forced her to truly look at herself, to see what in herself was truly broken and what needed mending. She could use the medical excuse still, yet her heart told her that it was time. She needed to heal, not physically anymore, that was done. She needed to emotionally heal. Feeling betrayed was not an emotion she was used to. She hated to admit, she loved Nulaa, when Nulaa left, it ripped into her like a hot knife into her gut. She couldn’t accept that, but Sandra, much to her own pain, had challenged Ira on every turn. Forcing her to see what others were. Yes Nulaa leaving her still hurt, very deeply. A part of her prayed she would come back, saying it was all a test, or some trial. For now though, she packed the few things she had and asked Zain for one last favor. To take her to Mon Cala and leave her there. He was hesitant but he obeyed her request.

She walked into the Mon Cala medical registry, giving a file number for her medical records, needless to say they weren’t thrilled with her medications or the drugs she was on, that would have to change rather quickly, Doctor Eerru gave her a timer and told her to be back every time that device sounded off for medical treatment, and to give a specific disk to the restaurant for specific dietary which she was still expected to pay for. She nodded quietly following the instructions as he gave her the first shot, it was definitely a lot weaker then what Zain had been giving her and she wasn’t even sure it was the same stuff, but she didn’t argue. She would have to hunt to get credits for food, and shelter. It was time thought to get her independence back. Starting with meditation by the shore.


Meditations weren’t working. There were too many questions in her head. She had seen Althea before heading for final meditation and had been given sound advice. Althea was always good for sound advice. She reminded her a lot of Nulaa, one to fully listen then give her opinion. Althea told her the simple thing to do was break down all of her problems with one simple question, then keep asking it till you reach the end…exactly what Ashla said for the ripples, just in a different light. Well then she may as well start with the very main two.

Why are my emotions out of control?
Because of the torture and pain at the Hutt…

Why does it still effect me?
Because I don’t know how to stop the nightmares, or push past the memories it brings…

Why do I keep fighting with these emotions?
Because I cannot let them win over me. I need to be stronger, to finally be free from the Hutt once and for all.

Why do I need to control these emotions?
Because like anger, it is very easy to hurt people with them. Especially myself in all this and those closest to me.

Why does Nulaa leaving me hurt so much?
Because we were closer then even me and Zain were. I came to truly care for her and I never thought she would leave. We are actually bonded and connected in a way I don’t think I could with another person and her leaving felt like it was shattering, even if I can still feel her.

Do I want her back, even knowing she could do this to me again?
Yes, I still care for her, she was and is the only one I truly let my guard down with and I know that. There’s parts of me that only she will ever know. I wish she was still my Master…

Looks down hearing the medical beeper and sighed rising from the sand brushing it away, she hated the uncaring nature of the doctors, wincing with the jab of the needle and the review of the scars, she would prefer it be more Zains far more gentle touch. Something more caring and compassionate, but she couldn’t go back. This had to be done and weather or not she liked it. She was here for the long haul. She had to be better and stronger. The Sith were gonna come eventually, it was only a matter of when, and she couldn’t afford to be a broken child when they did. Master or not, she had to keep pushing on. Its what Jedi do after all…right?


The doctor came in again, followed by a young woman with a warm smile. The doctor gave her the typical injection with simply two words to her, “Stay, Talk” and proceeded to leave her again though this time with the woman beside her, she pulls up a chair and takes a seat, giving the young twilek a chance to orient herself from the drugs as she opens up her datapad noting the “drugs” shes on, and what little information they have on her. Then looking back to her before speaking softly in a calm voice

Selene: Hello Miss Iradtoki, my name is Selene. I work here on call for the hospital as a general therapist. The doctors gave me a call as they have some concerns on your medical and mental well being and would like me to see if I can be of any assistance, if your open to it?

Ira: I guess, though you can just call me Ira. What did they want you to talk to me about exactly?

Selene: Well, there’s the concerns of your drug addiction, there is some concerns the doctor noted that you won’t look in mirrors or water, and actively go out of your way to avoid your own reflection, and your overall low self esteem and worth. Which I think would be very good to address. Anything you can think of?

Ira: Um, no…not yet…I guess that’s a good start. she winces looking down, not making more eye contact again

Selene: Notes the response and making notes in her datapad as she smiles calmly Its alright, this is just a meet and greet session. I will likely start more formerly tomorrow when your not so tired from the day. You can decide where we start. Alright?

Ira: Oh, um…okay thanks. It was nice meeting you.

Selene: It was a pleasure meeting you as well. See you tomorrow Waves as she turns and walks out

Laying back in the bed she winces from her back and moves to her side, she pushed away the dark thoughts that tried to again fill her mind as she closed her eyes, rest was needed now, especially if she had therapy tomorrow.

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Morning came as she sought out her normal medication times. The medication is far weaker then anything Zain had given her and she could feel the withdrawals, they were more frequent though, coming every four hours. They have fully insisted now that she was not showing severe symptoms though, that she get her own apartment as they need those beds for ill or wounded patients that need constant medical attention, which she understood. She looked up to see the therapist smiling to her as she sat on a couch thinking

Selene: Is now a good time to talk?

Ira: Of course, please join me.

Selene: Thank you takes a seat on the adjoining couch keeping her datapad out and ready So I would like to start todays session on your drug addiction. Talk about where it came from, how treatment is going, how your feeling over it all, and anything related to it if your up for it?

Ira: Sure, I mean, it cant hurt to try right?

Selene: Good, I am glad to hear that. Offers a serene smile as she makes a note in her datapad So tell me how you got started on the Glitterstim, please?

Ira: Well, its a bit more complicated then that. I…in a lower tone am an escaped slave…when I was recently captured, I was tortured and heavily drugged, the doctor in Veles said there were so many drugs in my system that they couldn’t even identify what mix there was. Zain had started me on Glitterstim to try and handle the withdrawals so that they could wean me off them.

Selene: frowns lightly as she makes notes I see, I will have to ask the Med Center for your records of your recent trip, and I am honestly not pleased that they had no issues with someone giving you Glitterstim without consideration for your well being. Though I am glad your doing better. The doctors here as I understand have completely taken you off Glitterstim for a more appropriate treatment?

Ira: Yes, though Zain originally had another doctor treating me who advised him on my medicine needs, Doctor Eamuna Hriste. She is a Chiss and a really good doctor. The med center went mostly off her advisory as she had done the majority of the work before I had arrived there.

Selene: I see, I will have to ask for her records as well if she will send them to me.

Ira: I am sure she will if you ask her to.

Selene: So how is the treatment going for you do you think?

Ira: Its…difficult. The withdrawals are hell at the best of times. I can feel myself shaking constantly and the nausea is often a serious pain…the urge to get more too can be daunting…

Selene: The doctors say your doing very well, and are a bit surprised at how well your doing in your dosage. That you haven’t been trying to get more on your own.

Ira: I want off of the drugs. I don’t like how they make me feel, while the effect is…pleasant as I know draws in many, the effects on my abilities and such, is not such a good thing.

Selene: I am glad you realize that, and that will make you far stronger in the long run. How are you feeling overall? Making more notes in her datapad

Ira: Just with the drugs or?

Selene: If there’s more you would like to discuss, feel free.

Ira: Well…I don’t really sleep well…the nightmares either keep me awake, or haunt my dreams forcing me to wake up from them. So I don’t get much sleep.

Selene: I see, did you sleep much last night?

Ira: No, not really. I think I fell asleep twice before nightmares woke me back up again. Then I just stayed awake and went back to meditation.

Selene: Alright, I am gonna talk to the doctors and prescribe you something to help with the nightmares so you can get some decent sleep.

Ira: Okay, thank you. Hopefully it will help.

Selene: Keep your spirits up, I will go speak with them now, and then send out a letter to the Med Center and Doctor Hriste and see if I can get them to send your files over. Take care for now and I will meet with you again tomorrow. slowly gets up waving and heads towards the medical center

Ira watches her go taking a few deep breaths, the medication if it worked would be helpful. She rose up rolling her neck, Sandra was calling, she and Jaycen were gonna show up to see her. She would much enjoy their company and perhaps it would give her time away from these darker thoughts.

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Hearing a beep on her comm pad a fresh email is sent out to Ira for confirmation that it is in fact a legitimate request before sending the requested information to Selene regarding Ira’s medical history with a few notes from the doctor relating to Ira’s vegetarianism to ensure her proper diet is met within her restrictions.

The confirmation is sent by Ira, which allows Selene to get the records, Selene soon sending Hriste a thank you and takes the files for review, adding several updates to her own datapad, especially regarding the vegetarianism

Ira comes back to her apartment shortly after her meds and some breakfast moving towards her meditation point when she hears a light rap on the door. Opening it she finds Selene there and offers a smile inviting her in and gets her a cup of tea before sitting back at the table with her.

Ira: Hello Selene.

Selene: Hello Ira, hope I didn’t interrupt anything? asks before taking a sip of the tea

Ira: No no, was gonna meditate but it can wait.

Selene: Ah, alright well, I got back the medical reports from Doctor Hriste and the medical file from the Med center. So I think we’re ready to continue if your up for it?

Ira: Sure that’s fine.

Selene: Great. How did you sleep last night? Did the new medication help at all?

Ira: Yes I slept quite well actually, slept through the night and a bit late into the morning, but I think lack of sleep did that part.

Selene: Quite likely. Glad to hear its helping, alright so reviewing your files, I wanted to ask about the vegetarian diet your on. Is that a personal choice or an emotionally based one?

Ira: flinches looking down I w…would rather not…really discuss that right now…

Selene: nods making a note That’s fine, we can come back to that another time. Lets talk instead about your self esteem. It seems rather low. The doctor said you won’t look at yourself in a mirror or reflective surface, is that true?

Ira: Yes…I just…I don’t want to see it.

Selene: What do you see when you do?

Ira: The scars, the pain…I can feel everyone elses horror and disgust when they see it.

Selene: I see. glances around noting no actual mirrors in the apartment, then eyes the fountain getting up motioning Ira to follow her

Ira: Gets up following, wary but curious

Selene: Ira, I would like you to look in the pool with me, tell me what you see.

Ira: Takes a hesitant step back, eyes averting as she remains silent

Selene: Ira, you need to trust me if I am gonna help you alright? Come on, you can do this. I will be right here with you.

Ira: Slowly nods taking a step forward towards the water, looking down into it as she feels the overwhelming memories race back, the laughing, the pain, the sound of the whip, the disgust and horror, as she starts to falter back

Selene: Sets a hand on her gently Ira, its okay, take a deep breath, its okay to feel scared, its okay to feel hurt by what was done to you. You can’t run from it though nor can you let it control you. Or you will always wear that collar, and they will win. You will become a broken little doll. That’s not what you want is it?

Ira: shakes her head as tears form and start to run down, quickly trying to hide it again

Selene: No, don’t hide it, its okay to cry, its okay to feel bad that all this happened, but you need to let it all out. Grief is a process that we each have to go through, you have been denying yourself this grieving and its not healthy. So let it out, and we will work through this together.

Ira: Completely breaks down sobbing as she falls to her knees on the floor

Selene: There we go…Says softly as she kneels down beside her, holding her gently and letting her cry it out for closer to thirty minutes as she stays with her, eventually pulling out some tissues and looks her in the eye This won’t get better in one session, but we’re gonna work on it. In time, looking at your reflection, won’t hurt like this. I want you to practice though okay?

Ira: sniffs nodding softly, not really voicing anything at the moment

Selene: I think that’s enough for today, you have made significant progress already. Try to go rest and take it easy for now. gives a gentle squeeze to her shoulder before heading out

Alone again she looking back to the water briefly, not enough to catch the reflection but just seeing the water before heading to her bed and curls up. Cuddling her Convor plushie close, she closes her eyes and allows herself to pass out

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Morning came again as Ira woke from the prior days training and meditation. She was more then a bit disappointed in her skills and being so easily bested at the Eco Terrorists. Yet she could only try to do better in the future. She needed better and stronger gear. She sighed lightly when she heard the knock on her door, suspecting easily that it was Selene again for morning therapy as she called out to tell her to enter.

Selene: Good morning Ira

Ira: Good morning Selene. Please come in.

Selene: Walks in smiling to her before coming over and taking a seat Are you ready to continue from yesterday?

Ira: Yes. For as much as she tries to sound positive, there is some hesitation and nervousness

Selene: gives her a knowing look I understand this is a lot to process, but your doing very well. pulls a mirror from her bag, setting it so it leans on its legs I brought a better mirror for us today to work with. I know you can do this. Just look in it, and don’t retreat from it. Remember that it’s okay to feel the emotions inside.

Ira: Swallows nervously as she turns to regard the mirror and her own reflection, her body tensing as she sees herself once more, feeling the memories and pain flood back

Selene: moves over beside her, setting a hand on her shoulder softly It’s okay, try to remember where you are. You are safe in your room on Mon Cala. No one here will hurt you. Deep breath in, hold it a few seconds, then let it back out.

Ira: takes the slow deep breath, following the instructions shakily as she tries to refocus

Selene: That’s it, your doing a great job, keep up the breathing, your doing great. speaks in a reassuring tone, encouraging her to keep going as she works through the pain and fear

Ira: Visibly relaxes after several breaths, looking back to Selene before back to the mirror again Is…it always gonna be like this? Painful?

Selene: No, it will get better with time and practice. Till eventually you won’t feel that pain anymore. The memories can only harm us as we allow them to. As you become stronger, you begin to overcome these fears and pain.

Ira: That…doesn’t bring people back though…does it…

Selene: Retakes her seat, intrigued at Iras personal willingness to open up Like who? Who do you think this pushed away?

Ira: Master Nulaa, she…she ditched me as a student. Its my fault because I was a bad student.

Selene: Now Ira, I doubt you were a bad student, and I don’t think she left because of the damage to you. You are suffering what is known as abandonment issues. This is often obvious through strong feeling of guilt, insecurity, clinginess, nightmares, anxiety, the list really goes on, and your displaying a vast majority of the symptoms. Thankfully, we can work on this, and I want you to work on spending time with friends. This is treatable with therapy.

Ira: Alright. So there is something wrong with me?

Selene: Abandonment issues can come from many things, death for instance, abuse, or perhaps the loss of a relationship, such as the one you and this, Nulaa had?

Ira: nods softly I have known all of those…even from early childhood…Nulaa was the first person I truly got bonded to.

Selene: That’s likely why then. I don’t know if shes gonna come back. I can’t say that for sure. If she doesn’t though, you can get through this. If she does, then you need to accept her back in and start a new healthier relationship with her. First attachment can have easily caused distress between you both. Just remember, its okay to feel what your feeling. You have a right to feel your emotions. Just remember to breath through them, and talk about them. If your hurt, or scared, do not hide it, talk about it with them, but remember to keep your own emotions in control so your not being destructive in them.

Ira: Alright…I guess that makes sense.

Selene: Your doing good, your making a lot of progress and this time you brought up the topic. I’m very pleased with these results and its going to get better as we go. The doctors said your doing very well with your medications. I am very pleased to hear that. I am going to end this session here, but I want you to try and practice with the mirror which I am gonna leave here for you. Try to do three ten minute sessions today alright?

Ira: Oh, um alright…I will, thank you for coming

Selene: Gladly…standing up she rests her hand back on Iras shoulder gently I know you can do this. Your stronger then you realize. then turns heading back out the door

looking down at the mirror she lets out a slow deep breath, things were definitely hard to confront, but this was what her path was all about. Abandonment issues, so that’s what was truly wrong with her when Nulaa left. Every part of her still hoped Nulaa would come back, even if part of her own mind mocked her and laughed at her in the voice of her old slave master assuring her Nulaa didn’t want her, and would never come back. She wiped away a few tears as she got to her feet picking up Nulaas staff and headed out, she needed to be productive.

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Selene had come daily over the past week, commonly discussing her emotions, her fears and her short comings.She could look in the mirror and could honestly see herself. She had come to accept Nulaas leaving and the abandonment she felt. She often found herself meditating on the lessons that Selene left her with and she was truly clear of the drugs. Selene said she could go home now, but wanted to see her at least once a week to continue therapy. Meaning keeping her apartment on Mon Cala. It wasn’t unreasonable at all.

It was time to start her training again, and it would take her to Hutlar, a frozen planet with powerful creatures. Though their hides made great updates to her gear and she enjoyed the training with Zain once more. Time was against her though, they had to save Master Vrake yet. Trial or not, she had no intention of leaving him behind. She needed to prepare and Zain would help her get set up, then he needed to prepare too. So much was happening so fast she barely had time to come to grips, but that’s okay, she was ready to fight once more. She could only hope when the time came, she was ready.