What am I to be?

What are you to be Zain?

image https://pa1.narvii.com/5690/83717d7276a8f5e4746d978bcca485724f7e9665_hq.gif

If I can’t be a Jedi or a Sith…

image https://i.imgur.com/XIJyvMv.gif

I’m a force sensitive cyborg and going to be a good… no a GREAT martial artist.

For the Ascendancy.

The Chiss have been far kinder to me than the Republic and yet… I was born in the Republic. My allegiance will be tested by both sooner than later.

You think this is a game when there are so many lives on the line?
Well no…
You have talents, you may as well use them.
That’s true.

Captain Adush adopted me as his own son. Lanari and Eamuna rebuilt me when my old systems and bodily organs were failing to be better and stronger.

You love Irad… but the Jedi have no love toward you. They only put up with and tolerated you to the degree they had because you are Irad’s friend. And yet, those masters did tell you not to give up and they did say to keep trying.
Others told you if you struggle it means the path is not for you. Reconcile this with the adage that everything worth it in life is difficult and worked hard for.

Rage. Bitterness. Jealousy.
These are my demons.
Being told you are unworthy and unfit stung, did it not? How you would never “deserve” to have official proper teaching. Prove them wrong. Don’t prove them right.