What was, shall be again - Tradana

What was, shall be again

I find myself now in this place again, mentor at my side, in a shuttle to a world once come and gone. She works the ships old mechanisms, functions and uses lost to me.

She calls it rickety this aged thing upon which I ride. With fondness and no small amount of jest, but I cannot help but admire such a thing. It has served long, I can feel like echoes many feet had trod through her hull in the long years of her voyages. Laughter, learning, and sorrow in turn she bore. I touch the bare metal with a gentle hand, a small mote of rust having marked my passage. What shall she bare with this trip. In this world of memory.

Movement of my Master alerts me to a simple fact, one I could already feel as a pit deep in me. We have arrived.

The ship tried and true takes over at my Masters behest as she rises from her seat. The flaps and repulsors flaring to function as the final meters are spent. She stands before me then, hands behind back, rigid and calm, ways of the Echani mixing in harmony with the path of Jedi. She says nothing, no doubt sensing my anxiety and doubt to return here.

A question unasked answered as I rise from where I kneel. ‘Old as with new’, I say to the echoes of my memory. A ritual completed, and past defined. This is what I come to this place for. From this path I shall not waiver. I let out a long breath and she nods, turning towards the bay door. It groans from its toil, and ramp drops, revealing a place well known.

My senses ring with memory, emotion of a life lived, a path followed. Yet even as this rushed over me, I follow my Master. Her calm steps laden with purpose, confidence dispelling my own reluctance.

With a first step upon the long grass and deep soil I feel it now without doubt. The tall trees strong and old, suffused with life and meaning, they shelter from sun and under their strong boughs I relive the last time I had come here.

My Teacher has chosen this world for us, even then I knew it was strong with the flow of the winds, life layered and growing deep. Those I now knew would call it strong with the Force. But it matters not. When I last was here I was excited for a new world, new creatures and plants, new cycles to learn.

My heart ached for the simple joy I had known before crimson bid my path divert. I felt all this, the joy and wonder, innocent curiosity like it was there now. I felt also then the feelings when I departed last, grief deeper than any words can say. A thing taken and wound torn that still lays open. The day I fled this world. Two had come, one did flee.

I take a deep breath and and look aside to my Master, calm yet caring deeply. We come now to find the one left behind. I steady myself as a man fresh from toil approaches.

“We are here Master.”

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My Master knew, she could sense the connection, the realization in me long before I spoke word. Her eyes were forward on her duty, towards the Man as he approached. I emulate in turn standing taller and waiting for him to speak.

He’s a middle aged Mon Calamari, worn with the toil of his work, but not so much as Id seen of those who work the deep earth. This one does lead others. He stops ten paces away and looks us up and down. I prepare for what he may say, not all on worlds so far afield are kind to wanderers.

He opens his mouth with the wet wheeze his people are known for, a thing I hear is quiet melodic under the waves of his home. “Oy,” He says, surprising me by his accent, not unlike a certain woman id first met with a twirling pistol in hand.

I blink once but pull myself together quickly and give a small bow as my Master stands firm behind, watching me intently as I begin to speak.

“Greetings” I respond with as much of the calm grace I can manage, putting swirling thoughts aside as duty is required.

In a gruff tone the man responds tapping at a datapad pulled from a worn belt, “You t’new replacements for the crew? Deliveries or somethin’?”

My Masters calm composure is broke for the first time since boarding. She blinkes a few times, and raises her brow. Her slight shift making the twin sabers upon her belt move and shine with the dim light of the camp beyond. “We’re Jedi, sir.”

I had forgotten, wanderers we are not. I walk as a Jedi now, not vagabond to be scorned or stranger to be kept away. I feel a pat on my shoulder soft and calm, I look back to my Master. She gives me then A comforting smile and then look towards the man. Willing me forward. She is right, this is my trial, this is my task to perform.

The man seemed to loose interest, and talked through our exchange, uncaring of the significance. “Jedi… eh? Haven’t seen one o’em here in… well few years I reckon.”

Jedi he must have thought us then, my mind races for questions, conversation does flow fast, so I must in turn as well, “Why did you think us replacements, and you have had Jedi upon this ground before us?”

He looks at me for a moment. Truly taking me in for the first time, “Yeah… ol’ man… had one of you lot with ‘im.” He paused as if striking on something, “Looked a lot like you actually…”

I frown, this was one then my Teacher had talked too.

“When last had you seen these two? Did they remain on this place?” I have to know, maybe this may could be a clue to questions unanswered. A far hope, as I still felt now the pull to go deeper, along old paths.

He scratches at his face, dry, far from his waters and home, “I only ever saw ‘em come… but not leave… said something about the forests bein’ old… connected… that they hold memories 'n the lot.”

Teacher, he had told me similar, what felt like so long ago, heart ached for woods and things long past to memory.

“I thank you,” I respond, almost on instinct, my mind racing, “we, come to look for this Jedi. To find him now and assist if we can.”

“Well… if you wanted to start searchin for such a man… it’d be past the minin’ tunnel we don’t use any more. He did like those tree a whol-lot.” he says with a sombre tone, he points behind him with a thumb, past the camp to the low mountain beyond.

He looks back down at his datapad. Seeming to me to wish to end this conversation, “If that’s all?”

I look back then to my Master, a silent question on if it’d done well, if there was yet more needed. A small smile and a nod of her head told me to continue. She stood passively, arms still clasped behind her. Strong and unbowed.

I turn back with a deep breath, I mustn’t disappoint. I try to make her strength my own as I peer into those old woods, to question and memory.

“We should wish to use these paths, follow of winds through forest deep to find what we seek. We shall not bother you further.” I look past the man even as I talk, unfocused upon him. He nods with a grunt and returns to his work.

My Master moves aside me then, looking off to the same shade as I. She takes a breath no doubt gauging what we may find in this journey. “Well, it seems we’ve our path.” She comments softly

I steady myself, glad I need not retread this alone. Had I not her by my side I feel I would be just as lost as before. I let out my breath held and respond, setting foot in front of the other

“We do, walked once more.”

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I move through the camp, winding between tent and machine, around me the life and work of thinking beings swell. Infinitely complex in their thoughts, yet confined to repetition of toil for things they need not. They don’t hold my attention though, for two words echo in my mind, a voice I thought lost to time calling softly and with the calm surety as a great tree swaying in the wind.

My Teacher.

“Come, Tradana.” the voice echoed, bidding me forward at a quick walk, through camp and mine abandoned. Ahead of me I catch a few fleeting glimpses, a figure indistinct, its form shifting and flowing like made of wind itself. Yet with the gait and speed I knew well.

I can feel the confusion of my Master behind me, whether shes tense or trying to glean the meaning of what she too saw I do not know. She simply follows my quickening steps in silence, not breaking the spell befallen us both. Like words may dissipate the mystery of the thing we trail.

We then exited the mine, an old thing, a wound upon the land, the miners taking what they will, as is the needs of things of hands. Old door closes behind at the push of my Masters will and I feel the winds swell afore me. Calm and gentle they pull me on, never had I so strongly felt their will. Another step towards the thick brush steals my breath from me as my musing prove correct.

Materializing before me in a form of wind and fog is my Teacher, looking back at me. His calm broken by a small frown.

Words break my lips unbidden, “T-teacher?” I call out in my shock, emotion rising and clouding me, no thought could explain how this could be he, yet my heart wished it so. I take a step forward as my Master resumes her place beside me.

Quickly are my thoughts and hope laid to rest once more as the figure looks past me, through me. The pensive look remains and the figure sighs, speaking softly as if to himself,

“It will not be long now.”

His voice is echoed by another call, a voice well known but never truly heard, my own.
“Teacher?” my own figure materializes, the Twi’lek that I used to be, thinner and less reserved than I now. She comes up to her counterpart and tilts her head.

“Teacher? What is the matter?”

“This, this is where we came through…” I say softly. Memories, I remember now, over two years past we had just landed, he seemed distracted then. These are memories, held by the forest as my teacher had said.

My Master nods after having considered what she too see’s, memories reflected not her own. She looks down to me as my own mind races, revelations twisting, forming new truths.

“He knew then, that which followed,” blades of crimson flash in my memory, “Even then…”

The memory of my Teacher finally turn and regard the me that was. “It is nothing Tradana. This place is sacred, special… the winds flows freely here… like wind, river, sun to the moon… you must cherish it, your time here.” He then turns to look back through me,

“Yes Teacher…” The me that was nods

“I will be not far behind.” My Teacher affirms as my form turns and walks into the trees, eyes flitting and watching all around. Observing all I could, as was taught, as I do. But now my eyes wander not, transfixed as they are on the figure I thought lost to memory forever, my Teacher, the only person I’d ever known, the only one I’d ever needed.

“It left an impression here, upon the Force itself…” My Master remarked quietly breathing in deeply she looked down to me, care evident in her features and tone,
“Remember, Tradana, you can take this one step at a time. Do not rush.”

I look not aside to her, eyes still fixed upon my Teacher, two decades by my figure worth of memory boil, lessons, kindness. The road walked, always him by my side. I try to fight the swell, the tears barely contained, but I am unable to form the words, form the structure.

“I- I will Master” I choke out, and the figure, my Teacher turn away and dissipates into the trees as my form had. The tug returns, the pull of the winds. Bidding me forward even as my Master starts to speak once more.

“Cry if you must,” She says calmly, squeezing my shoulder slightly, “We will only go as far as you wish.” I take a breath in, focus on her calm, the squeeze reminding me, I am not alone. Even with him gone, I have a Master. I have friends. Not alone, not anymore.

I let out the breath held, “Winds call, the path we must walk.” I say softy, finding my centre and setting off a even pace, laden with the memory carried. My Masters hand falls away and she follows with a nod, letting me lead on the trail once walked.

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