Xaam- Kaleesh Myth

(The following is the creation myth of the Kaleesh people as written by Xaamtaemash Jal Tyl. An Initiate of the Jedi Temple of Viscara,)


No Kaleesh know how we came to be, nor do we know who created the world or the stars. Such knowledge is lost to us. Stolen from us by the Stoko Vol, the demons of the stars. Where these monsters came from or why they tormented us none could say. What is known was that their cruelty knew no end.

It is said that they took much from of us. They took the land, the sea, the sky. They enslaved us. Not only of the body but of the soul as well. We became a broken people, Lost and hopeless, Our past having been torn away from us and forgotten. Forced to work in the darkness of the earth, being preyed upon by the dreaded Sarvaks while the Stoko Vol enjoys the luxuries and pleasures of their sky fortress.

In same ways these poor souls were the lucky ones. For those who were taken to the sky fortress were forced to slay one another for the amusement of the Stoko Vol and their King. It is said that those who die in those forsaken pits did not know of the peace of the World Beyond Worlds. Instead, their souls were devoured by the Stoko Vol who delighted in this most sacrilegious practices as a child might enjoy the comfort of their mother.

However, out of the pits came one who was favoured by the demon’s King. One who was fated to bring about the downfall of the King and his monstrous people and bring the Nameless to a new Dawn.

To the Stoko Vol he was called Slave. To the Kaleesh he would become known as Makkasash Jal Kalee. The First God.