Zalea Raji - A Collection of Lessons

A datapad can be found in front of a back area in one of Zalea’s ships. It reads:

When my master was teaching me, we were limited by a lack of resources. Nobody else could have taught me as good as she did, but a lack of holocrons, writing, accounts, and lessons I could draw on from outside of my direct lessons from her sometimes left holes in my knowledge. It has taken me a long time to fill those holes. To that end, I am starting a collection of knowledge my students can pull on.

A long, ornate scroll of hand-drawn Mirialan calligraphy. A note next to it says:

Provided to me by the priest Tothir. He gave me permission to place it here. Please be careful with it.

I. The Force is All Things.

There is One Force

It is Life, it is Death

It is the Storm, and its Eye

It is the Thought, and the Feeling

It is the Body, and the Mind

It is the Self, and the All

And I am the Force

The Force is All Things.

II. And I am the Force

The Force is within, and it is without

It unfurls itself within each chest

It blossoms in each thought

A diamond, a ruby, whose clarity

Can only be seen by my mind’s eye

And whose nature is only revealed

In the moment of its arising

By my own walking of the Way.

III. The Force is Present

It is not Past, nor Future

It is not Here, nor There

It is all these things, and it is a single moment

Once present, the Force flows with me

Once present, the Force does not flow against me

Once present, Time ceases to be

And all that becomes is Being

Once present, I am free.

IIII. Only freed, do I see the ties that bind

Each action to each being

Only freed, do I see that all beings are One

All things arise in dependence

And all things persist in interdependence

The Force binds these things

And is bound to these things

I am responsible for all these things

And they are responsible for me.