Chinon - Psychedelic Monstrosity

/// LOG 067 - Wrong Place Wrong Time

Foolishly, an old “friend” came to the sands of Korriban, insulting Lord Arcadia to her face. Roland used to hold a contract with Acolyte Einya quite some time ago. She hired him after he won the tournament on Viscara if I recall. The best way I can describe that man is as “duracrete brick” and apparently he has sunk to the intelligence of one. Perhaps there was some other reason, who knows.

We were told to take him down and did so. Given that he can compromise my identity on Viscara I emplyed Aspirant Howl’s ability to manipulate the mind and erased my presence from Korriban. There are still uses for Roland, but I will not risk my identity either. Not yet.

/// LOG 068 - Memoirs II, Sith’ari

The following is from my conversation with an aspirant. One who by their own admission feels lost and unbalanced. A good opportunity to enlighten them on the Sith’ari.

"The Sith’ari, translated as The Path, the perfect being. It is an ideal of the ancient Sith, one that is less known in todays age. A tradition of the ancestors if you will … and yet, it is the very thing that makes Sith who they are. It is what defines us.

To walk the Sith’ari, is to bend the very fabric of existence to your will. It comes down to a basic principle … every Sith strives towards that perfect, however they think it should look. Everyone has so far failed even if some have come close. Every time, we push the possibilities a little closer to realization.

The one who will become Sith’ari, will define Sith as a whole, Aspirant. For they will have proven that the path ‘they’ walked is the true path for Sith. It is rather obvious that you hold … ideals, that you are unwilling to let go of easily. Perhaps you shouldn’t, even if other Sith are forcing you. Because what they are actually forcing on you is their chosen Sith’ari.

If you wish for things to be different. Then dedicate yourself to Sith’ari, forge a path so stable and true that none can stand against or disclaim it. Reform the Sith to your grand ambition."

/// LOG 069 - Zyronian Mindslug

One of my research projects while I was away from Korriban became rather useful today. There is a planet called Zyron in Hutt-space where a particular kind of parasite lives. A small, slug-like creature that connects with the brainstem of its host and influences their actions in subtle ways. They prefer force-attuned victims and even channel it in a very minor way.

With the help of Alchemy, they can be attuned entirely to the dark side and receive commands with the appropriate activation phrase. Qâzoi, the Sith word for Suppress. It can only perform subtle manipulation, induce simple emotions or outright bite into the brainstem to cause debilitating pain.

The mandalorian that was captured recently got such implanted into them. The nefarious thing is that the parasite’s own survival instinct means that it will influence the host to avoid detection. It’s not infallible, but it helps staying undetected. If this mandalorian is detained and examined by force then it may be found, again, it depends on the skill of the examination.

Alas, it has been some time since I was this excited to do some proper research. My little one will hopefully prove useful to influence things ahead.

Screenshots from event

/// LOG 070 - Zoryan Mindslug Analysis I

It has been roughly a day since the implantation. Initial examination showed his vital signs were all stable an nominal. After a briefly violent exchange with the captive trying to escape at the first sign of possibility - and summarily being put in their place - I began with the subtle influence. I called forth the link I share with the slug, given it was alchemized with my blood as part of the process. I do not need to speak the code word to activate it thus, which is rather convenient.

The studies so far have shown that works well to pacify or make those who carry it docile. Both negative and positive emotions are within possibility, ranging from subtle to overwhelmingly intense. During today, the key word has also been activated by Warrior Renatus, first when the captive tried escaping. The debilitating pain was enough to cease motor functions.

Other observations suggest that there is a level of attrition in relation to how much dissonance the slug is causing when utilizing a stronger level of emotions. As I explained to Warrior Renatus, it is akin to hotshot loading a blaster and firing continuously. Eventually something will explode or break if done too much. This was observed when the Warrior flooded the captive with extreme sense of anguish and they smashed their head against a rock to make it stop.

Beyond that, when used in a subtle manner, the subject rarely even realizes that they are acting out of the ordinary. Where they might hesitate to divulge personal information, they do so more freely.

Initial analysis indicates a high degree of efficacy when utilized in the intended manner. While also showing promise as a tool for forceful subjugation within exposure limits. Next set of testing should include affecting autonomous biological functions, to test if that is within possibility.

/// LOG 071 - Interrogation Chom’tol Ara’novor

The following is from the first interrogation with the captive. The purpose here is to establish some basic facts and have them let their guard down that subsequent interrogations will be as gentle. Recording provided with the interrogation, the text below is a summary of what was said.

Chom’tol, verd of Ara’novor

ODess and Antrisse, mothers.

Galar and Rhirk hold the stations of Al’ram, leaders and mentors.
Tracinya, Inarin Aelix and Chom’tol are Verd, the warriors.
Viator and Gansola are vod, recruits.

Likely infiltrator:
Inarin, experience and veteran of war.

Relation to Dax Fitzim:
Priorly a friend to Chom’tol’s mother,
Ever present, compassionate and willing to talk.
Called Chom’tol Nephew.

House of Ka’ra.
Aliit’alor killed Cassus Fett and took his fleet.

Imperial operations on Viscara:
No cooperation with the republic or enclaves.
They have been shut out from communications.

Disposition towards Jedi and Revanites:
More inclined to cooperate with the republic than Sith or Revanites.
Holds some relations with Jedi.

Jedi order ties to the Clan:
Vosca Sindal


/// LOG 072 - Zoryan Mindslug Analysis II, Progression

With the subtle coercion that is best suited for the mindslug, I have continued to influence the test subject. They are growing increasingly amicable and trusting of me, though I can not disregard that this may not be them playing along. Time will reveal if this is progress or not.

The best kind of lie, is the one that speaks the truth. I told Chom of my past before the Sith, in a vague but detailed enough manner as to my feelings and why I am in the Sith. It seemed to touch him, again, it could be a deception. It would be too easy to feel pride at the successful manipulation but the test subject is smart.

It would appear that some things I have managed to disarm and unbalance him with. That is the second principle of manipulation. Unbalance your target and control the flow of the interaction. A dinner as a ceasefire if the both of us survive long enough to make it happen.

Admittedly, the idea is so bizarre and ridiculous enough that I would even go along with it.

Furthermore, the test subject has shown less of a resistance to submitting to Warrior Renatus. This will surely please them. Now for some things to fall into place.

/// LOG 073 - Mission, Lord Arcadia, Jedi extermination

As I left the ship to meet with an Aspirant, I stumbled into Lord Arcadia. She sent me, Howl and the aspirant on a priority mission to capture of slay a padawan and their jedi master. They were seeking to uncover something that would hinder Lord Arcadia’s plans.

We set out without issue, though did have some trouble locating the exact position of our quarry. Once we did find them, however, the battle was swift and decisive. Slaying the republic trooper with them and mortally wounding the padawan, the master gave up in exchange for getting to save her.

We brought both to the ship where I proceeded to begin breaking the padawan. It was only a matter of time before she started to give into her anger. I gave her a tempting offer. She will have a tenday to recover from her wounds at the Academy and then we will face each other.

If she bests me, she can go free. If not, she will spend a 100 days more at the Academy and lose her arm. Of course I have no intent of losing and will show her that power and victory does not come from playing fair. Lord Arcadia approved of my methods and my slave-marking her with my alchemical dagger on her cheek.

Then her Master was seemingly let go before Howl got told to bring back their head. This quite upset the padawan and I decided to offer her my old alchemical dagger, only another means through which she will fall to the dark side. Howl returned with the head and was lunged at, even cut, which is quite impressive.

The padawan, Rita, now is seething with anger and loss. There is a near non-existent chance that she won’t fall to the dark side. Perhaps this is my future apprentice in the making?

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/// LOG 074 - Zoryan Mindslug Analysis III

With enough time, the subjects resistance and defiance has been further reduced. He has finally been broken enough to show submission to Warrior Renatus and call him Master. This is something I do not think that the subject is able to simply fake. That is great progress to the experiment.

The subject was then taken outside by Renatus to have his revenge match with Knell, who ended up losing to the subject. It was rather close, but there it is. With this, the subject has also been moved to my ship and lab. Which has been stranded and secured. He is now inside of my kolto tank to make sure he’s not too roughed up.

Affecting autonomous biological functions is next on the list of experiments.

/// LOG 075 - Eldritch Developments

Howl and Olympia have been severely injured during an attempt to capture the padawan Thalia. Apparently upon her subdual, something eldritch and dark erupted from her and she ended up overpowering both. I checked up on Howl’s sorry state and answered Lord Graven as to his condition who subsequently showed up with a Rakghoul to question him and perform a vital transfer. I got to keep the Rakghoul parts.

Howl is now tasked with bringing Thalia in, as his life-mission on the threat of death.

The best part was how Graven crushed the kolto tank, pulled Howl out of it onto the glass and proceeded to question him. Rather amusing. It would seem that Howl still keeps to jedi sentimentalities at that. Something he will learn to adapt from or die.

/// LOG 076 - Traitors, Cowards and Experiments

As I had suspected, Dax the outcast traitor has fled after the mission from Lord Graven. With his love, whoever that is. If he ever shows his face again he will be hunted down like the rat he is. Alas, not a concern for now.

My lovely experiment has come to an end. Chom was broken free by a group of Jedi and Mandalorians working together, imagine something so ironic. Vosca was there and I am certain she was at the very least involved with the undoing of my little one. There’ll be more experiments, surely, with others. Olympia was still promising me new bodies to do my alchemy on.

Almost half the time has passed until I am going to show Rita her place. I can barely wait to see how far she has fallen in this short time. How easy it is to unbalance something if you just know where to apply pressure.

/// LOG 077 - Calm then the Storm

The days since my last update have been largely focused around compiling my initial research for submission while also waiting for the day I would have the duel with the padawan. The day did come and it seems I have inspired a fury in Rita that almost overwhelmed me. Given that I was prepared for such an eventuality, it was handled all the same. She became my new apprentice, Pyre, and with that I was granted the rank of Inquisitor. Quite appropriate.

Arcadia has also ordered us to apprehend several individuals, among those are Kairos. Me and the High Inquisitor are hatching a plan to make an easy capture. He is not the main goal however, but one in the several names we got. It would appear that he partook in destroying a mine important to the Empire and Arcadia’s own work.

On top of this, Arcadia has taken note of my research and wants me to expand it. This will mean additional resources as I scale up the trials to involve several dozen sentients and a few types of beasts. It is important to see how large scale the Zoryan slug can be made in terms of influencing settlements or even whole planets.

I also noticed that V-KO was acting strange, though not in a way I understand. Her diagnostics showed nothing but it is good to be aware. She is not a standard droid after all.

Aside from this I also took the opportunity to taunt the jedi of Viscara, I am sure some of the pseudonyms used in response were they. They tried so hard to be clever but ended up just playing into my rhetoric. The channel has gone dead since but the goal was already achieved. Now to make some more targeted taunts and see what shakes loose.

OOC screenshot

/// LOG 078 - Curiosity Returns

My little curiosity has been summoned back to her. While my grasp on her had weakened some it was no large effort to rekindle her loyalties. She clings to the jedi mentality but is oh so tempted by the dark side and my tender affections. I fully intend to play her out against my apprentice and see which of them comes out on top. Either way, I move a step forward.

We have gotten some new fodder, I want to note more about this but there’s nothing else to note. A kathar and a human.

We had a group of bounty hunters stop on Korriban for a resupply. Their initial tune was rude but changed very swiftly once they realized the situation they are in. I decided to see if they were any useful and gave them a task to find out information on one of the Jal Shay that Lord Arcadia is wanting, injure her gravely or outright capture her. If they manage, I have other ides for them.

/// LOG 079 - Espionage failures

Given the nature of my mission given by Arcadia I could not access my databanks on the risk of making a trace back to them. I am no slicer but I understand that opening doors means that someone can end up using them.

I orchestrated a beautifully executed capture of Kairos and subsequential escape so that I could slip to Viscara and begin a deep infiltration there. The goal was to get close to the Jal Shay or at least find out what location they would hit next. I have failed my task and there is only one contingency left active that may redeem me or Arcadia might just have my head.

I did not expect to come across the venomous yet beautiful blue Viper, however. For a few days I enjoyed relative normalcy, as much as you can in the company of mandalorians. But it was a differently life I got a taste of, a beautiful one. The kind that is based around what ifs as you daydream what if life had panned out differently.

Unfortunately I was unmasked before more could come of it. It was inevitable as much as I did my best to avoid it. A small part of me wanted her to plunge that knife into my heart, to share a last embrace and give in to oblivion. However, there is too much important work to do, too many ambitions unrealized. I can not allow myself to fall, not even for her.

Today Dr. Chisa Nonobu is dead and all that remains is Inquisitor Visas. May the Galaxy tremble as I will no longer hold back. Soon, a new apprentice shall join me. Soon, I will have my revenge on the jedi of Viscara.

No more masks.